Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Darth Menace-no-more is back!! Thx Tef. :D

Hello all,

Many of you know who I am, alot of the new members I noticed might not.

I would like to state that even tho her writer has returned Isis Fontana will forever remain in a casket and never be played again.

But thanks to the awesomeness of the admin of the site I have returned with one chance to make everyting I have done right by the community,

I will admit, I had an army of alts here.. but only 3 will remain while the others will be forever corpses.

The alts of mine to remain are the ones the site doesn't seem to actually hate due to the fact they never took the same road Isis did and force everyone to hate them.

Trista Nemorra, Haven Pryde, and Tarika Sadow will remain while all others will become a faded memory for me, and hopefully the site.

I gotta say, the last two years (it has been that long, right?) has been hell, roaming from mmo to mmo while being bored out of my mind made me sorta want to begin writing again.

anyway enough rambling, for now I am back.. lets hope I can prove to you all and the staff that I too can change and become a member of this site that doesn't get into trouble the entire time they are here.

Kind Regards.
Two old friends coming back in one day?...
Hell yeah!
[member="renegade solstice"]
It's nice to see you again too! Glad you managed to find a way back here. We'll definitely have to do a thread again sometime<3
Unfortunately, Ven isn't doing much these days. She's reached her peak.
Currently [member="Drapeam Nyx"] is my new Main. You might like her! :)
That's possible, altho I do got alot to do on the 3 I will be keeping. Especially since I am considering on making Haven my actual "good guy" here and seeing if any of the jedi factions would be interesting in taking her in. I mean sorta tired of playing a total villain, or anti hero.

That includes starting up solo training threads for Trista, and Haven to get them more used to their own abilities. :) but thanks for the offer old friend.

[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"]
[member="renegade solstice"], If you are looking to join the Jedi, Look for the Jedi Academy, and the Silver Jedi. I know those two are great places. And currently I believe there is a Mini-Event going on for the Silver Jedi that will be coming up soon. They need more activity anyways.

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