Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Darth Metus Watches - Condoms for the CIS

Darth Metus Watches
Condoms for the CIS
  • Intent: To troll [member="Darth Metus"]... IC.
  • Image Source: [member="Gerwald Lechner"] made this.
  • Canon Link: n/a
  • Primary Source: Darth Metus
  • Manufacturer: [member="Scherezade deWinter"]
  • Affiliation: CIS Members only
  • Model: DMW007
  • Modularity: No.

  • Production: Minor
  • Material:
  • That special stuff that isn't latex but serves the same purpose

  • Packaging contains image of [member="Darth Metus"] on the cover.
  • Tip of the condom contains image of [member="Darth Metus"].
  • [member="Darth Metus"] Watches Condoms are properly lubricated thanks to a special blend that accommodates to all types of lubrication requirements.
  • Dark Metus Watches
    With the eye of the Vicelord, you will never get unwanted pregnancies again.

  • Darth Metus Watches
    Most people will not be able to fornicate as once the image of Darth Metus appears in front of their eyes, they will burst into laughter.

Three knocks on the door to your house.
You open the door, and a large basket rests on the floor in front of you.
You peer at its contents, realizing there are a lot of little square plastics in it.
As you bend down to pick one up, you realize with horror


Darth Metus is Watching condoms have been created secretly by Scherezade deWinter, who has decided that the tragic "Tale of Darth Metus & His Too Many Kids" must be learned by all. Don't be like Darth Metus, kids. Don't have 30 kids of your own. Don't almost go bankrupt trying to support them until they are of age (or later).

Darth Metus is Watching condoms are made of state of the art latex rubber that is hypoallergenic, but we have included other materials as well for those who whine about being allergic to hypoallergenic.

Condoms come in 3 main colors; red, green, blue, and glow in the dark, so that the body part that wields them looks like a little lightsaber.

Srini's droids also enjoy them. Don't ask.

Darth Metus is Watching condoms as been sponsored personally by Darth Metus. On his credit bill, the expense is listed as a purchase of 500 tons of chocolate chip cookies.

Dangerous things happen when you let Scherezade deWinter the connections she needs to mastermind slicers.

Let the tale of "Tale of Darth Metus & His Too Many Kids" be a lesson to you all.

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