Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Darth Mortis The Evil Doer


Name: Darth Mortis
Age: 27
Force Sensitive: Yes
Force Rank: Master

You are mistaken about a great many things: Unpredictable but always with a purpose Mortis is always two steps ahead of his enemies.
Unlimited Power: A powerful force user Mortis is a master of force lightning, while he has other abilities his mastery of force lightning is a source of great pride for him.
You were deceived: Mortis can conceal his darkside presence and force signature when he wants.

A Poor Pilot: Yeah piloting is not his thing

Pure Evil: he dosne't feel normal emotions like others, making people suffer gives him joy

From an early age Mortis had shown a strong connection to the force so much so that he was made a Sith lord at the age 13. His force abilites shocked other Sith who while older couldn't help but admit that a boy half their age was just as powerful as them. Mortis wasn't just powerful he was also wise and cared deeply about his force abilities but also the ability to control others with his plots and schemes. Like many other Sith he saw the force as a tool for his use to bend to his will, the force served him and he used to it to control others.

While growing up on Mustafar he developed a resistance to heat. He didn't have a pleasent childhood his parents were more devoted to their work than to their son, they would pay for that mistake. While his parents were concentrated on other things he became more and more dark and began forming a connection to the darkside. Growing on a hot and miserable he didn't have the opportunity to make many friends his age meaing that he became a cold and distant person who on the inside craved a social connection.

Force lightning - Master
Telekinesis - Master
Force Rage - Master
Mind dominance - Master
Force Heal - Master
Full Force Persuasion - Master
Force Sight - Master
Essence Manipulation - Master
Force Jump - Master
Force Concealment - Master
Hatred - Master
Force Speed - Master
Force Fear - Master
Dark Transfer - Master
Dark Illusion - Master
Dark Aura - Master


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