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Darth Nihlus



NAME: Lord Yog-Sothoth
BIRTH NAME: Kuroth Senn
SITH NAME: Darth Nihlus
TITLE: Despoiler of Souls
FACTION: Sith Empire
RANK: Sith Lord/Sith Sorcerer
SPECIES: Miraluka/Zabrak
AGE: 117
SEX: Non-binary (genetically male)
HEIGHT: 6'1"
WEIGHT: 165 lbs.
EYES: White and sunken
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale and tattooed
  • Strong connection to the force
  • Natural connection to the dark side of the force
  • Highly talented in Force Sense abilities
  • Intelligent
  • Physical eyes are blind
  • Prone to outbursts of rage
  • Blinded by anger
  • Paranoid
  • Selfish
  • Narcissistic
  • Sadistic
  • Apathetic
FORCE ABILITIES: Novice -> Apprentice -> Adept -> Expert -> Master
  • Sense: Master
  • Mind Tricks: Expert
  • Telekinesis: Master
  • Physical Enhancement: Adept
  • Healing: Novice
  • Destruction: Master
  • Sith Sorcery: Master
  • Sith Alchemy: Apprentice
LIGHTSABER FORMS: Novice -> Apprentice -> Adept -> Expert -> Master
  • Shii-Cho: Adept
  • Makashi: Novice
  • Soresu: Novice
  • Ataru: Novice
  • Djem So: Expert
  • Shien: Adept
  • Niman: Master
  • Juyo: Novice
  • Vapaad: Novice
  • Trakata: Adept
  • Inflict Pain - Nihlus likes to mentally dominate opponents and cause their bodies to become overwhelmed by sudden and excruciating pain. It takes a good deal of concentration so the ability doesn't have much practical application in combat but it is often used to punish subordinates and torture enemies.
  • Miraluka Force Sight - As a Miraluka, Nihlus' vestigial eyes are blind but his mind's eye sees everything. Though he can't see color, he can see and feel everything around him, going as far as to see through solid objects.
  • Force Stealth - Nihlus is able to mask both his corruption from the dark side as well as his connection to the force entirely. By combining this with a simple ability that masks his tattoos, he is even able to pass off as a Jedi or otherwise average person.
  • Telekinetic Combat - Through the use of precise telekinesis, Nihlus is able to manipulate two additional small sabers during combat. This however limits him from using any other force powers other than the most basic of feats such as minor telekinesis and physical enhancement.
  • Mind Probe - Utilizing the same principles as Inflic Pain, Nihlus is able to probe the minds of others, sometimes forcefully, causing extracting information at the cost of great pain to the target.
  • Force Stasis - Through careful manipulation of telekinetic energy, Nihlus is able to halt unprepared and/or unprotected targets with the force. This power can even be used on blaster bolts with great concentration. Combining with a force push, he can freeze bolts in the air and then shoot them back at his opponents.
  • Force Familiar - Nihlus has bonded with a raven through the force. This bird can telepathically communicate with Nihlus, share the sensations it experiences (sight, sound, touch etc), and even channel weaker force powers. Channeling too much force energy through the familiar can cause it to disintegrate and die.
APPEARANCE: As a Zabrak, Miraluka, and Sith, Nihlus has a very striking appearance. Instead of more traditional Dothamiri tattoos, Nihlus has much more sinister tattoos like some kind of creature. His black hair is buzzed down to the scalp and the typical Zabrak horns are missing. His vestigial eyes are blind and have turned white while corruption from the dark side has made them dark and sunken. Instead of the more traditional Sith attire, his has a few modifications with the under outfit being more fitting and flexible to maintain agility while the robes he wears over are more akin to a long coat than a cloak.


BIOGRAPHY: Nihlus was born on Dathomir. From an early age, he was trained in combat with the Nightbrothers, learning an array of weaponry and combat tactics. He basked in the energy of the Dark Side on the planet and came to understand it as the natural state of the force. But from an early age, things didn't feel right. There was no putting words to it, but something was wrong and his time in the Nightbrothers was less than enjoyable. With a heavy heart, Nihlus took to the stars as he felt unable to find a niche for himself on his home world.

His journey through the galaxy eventually lead them to the Silver Jedi Order. Kuroth was brought under the wing of a Jedi by the name of Jace Shepard. It was a strange adjustment to learn about the way the Jedi viewed the force as all he had known was the dark side energies permeating through Dathomir, but nothing had felt right back then so he was willing to question anything and everything he knew. In the SJO, Nihlus struggled but persevered - for a time. He took to the lightsaber but even more so he took to the force. The more Nihlus opened himself up to it, the more he learned. Soon his dreams were filled with force visions almost nightly and it was these visions that would begin his descent.

As time went on, Nihlus soon found himself at odds with the SJO. His mind only wanted to explore and understand the force. It wasn't a quest for power, it was a quest for knowledge. It was his purpose to be the one to truly understand the force and the Jedi Order's views on the force were only a barrier to prevent this. And so once again he turned to the stars, killing his former master Jace upon attempting to stop him from leaving.

It wasn't long before Yog-Sothoth's quest lead him to the Sith Empire. Through three iterations and some 50 years he studied, using the knowledge and resources the Sith provided him with to absorb everything he could. The task quickly became far too monumental for one life time - as he had expected. Fortunately his studies had provided him with a temporary answer until he could find a more permanent solution; to drain the life essence from other living beings and claim it as his own. And so the Despoiler of Souls was born and the last remnants of Kuroth Senn were destroyed. Since then, Darth Nihlus has earned a name for himself within the Sith Empire, discovering various lost artifacts and holocrons, leading men into battle, and demonstrating time and time again his knowledge and skill with the Force.

  • Yog-Sothoth's Lightsaber - The saber Nihlus wields contains an elongated hilt at about a foot and a half long, allowing for extra room to grip. It emits a standard sized crimson blade. A small and useless metal hand guard is built into the hilt. While it does not actually protect his hands from anything, it use intended to catch his opponents off guard as the guard makes the saber appear to contain only a single blade, allowing Nihlus to ignite the second blade on the opposite end for an element of surprise. The two sabers do not disconnect into two separate sabers.
  • Twin Lightsabers - Nihlus also keeps with him two smaller sabers, the hilts barely having enough room for two hands and the blades being slightly shortened from the average lightsaber, but still longer than a dagger. These sabers also sport crimson blades and can be used as back up weapons but are most commonly wielded telekinetically by Nihlus.
  • Jin'Wodasir - Pins of Protection



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