Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Darth Reign

Darth Reign

Darth Reign

FACTION: The Diarchy

RANK: Sith Lord


AGE: 30

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6'1"

WEIGHT: 210 lbs

EYES: Green (yellow/red as a Sith)

HAIR: Long dirty blonde hair often pulled in to a ponytail or bun

SKIN: Fair Skin


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :


  • Master of Form V lightsaber combat
  • Fully trained in the dark side from a young age
  • A tactical master


  • Overconfident in his power
  • Unforgiving of failure
  • Obsessed with Order & Control- when events seem out of his control it enrages/frazzles him


A tall, leanly muscular man. He holds himself like an aristocrat, with sharp features, a trimmed beard, and long dirty blonde hair. His once green eyes now the yellow/red of the Sith.


Darth Reign's lightsaber (red)

Elegant black Sith robes

Leather boots and gloves




Obsessed with order and control, and instilled with a great fear of failure from his upbringing at the hands of a Sith Lord Father, Darth Reign set out to bring order to a chaotic galaxy. Somewhat overconfident due to his Sith training, he views none as a challenge to his power.


Born on Taris, Reign was trained in the dark side of the force alongside his younger brother, at the hands of their father. Trained in secret by the renegade Sith Lord, he was reared for one reason.. to bring order to a galaxy in turmoil. As he grew up, he excelled in his teachings. He got married and had two daughters that he took as his own apprentices. Content to sit in the background no longer, Reign and his brother Rellik have taken to the galactic stage.


WIP, creating a resurgent class star destroyer titled "Dominion" as a personal flagship and mobile command base of his minor faction.


N/A yet.


Seeking for knowledge with his brother
Recruiting a necromancer to the Diarchy
Bringing his faction together
Business dealings on New Cov
Fighting a rebel cell aboard his star destroyer
Dealing with a Galactic Alliance Spy
An alliance with the Lilaste Order
Hiring an assassin to eliminate a noncooperative governor
Providing security for the head of NCBC
A friendly duel with the Archon of Life
Assassination of a mining corp CEO
Hunting down an old Sith relic
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