Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Darth Rellik

NAME: Darth Rellik

FACTION: The Diarchy

RANK: Sith Lord


AGE: 27

SEX: Male


WEIGHT: 140lbs

EYES: Blue/Green

HAIR: Bald

SKIN: Caucasian/White


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :


- Proficient in form III Soresu.
- Uses a weak form of Sith battle meditation to harrass opponents and influence civilians, uses force speed occasionally.
- Is a relatively poor pilot. Prefering to stay in scout or frieghter vessals to avoid detection.
- Has a small fascination with Medicine and posions.

- Not a great Duelist
- Poor Pilot
- Incredibly Selfish
- Tendency to lash out and be rash when things do not go his way (Childish)
- Always thinks he is a step ahead even when he is not

Bald with a beard, Blue/green eyes, Caucasian, Birth mark on his chest, 5'6, 140lbs, Notable scars are
typical battle markings on chest, arms, back from Sith training - Some burn marks from his insturctors lighting on his
chest/shoulders as well.

- Single Bladed lightsaber with a Red Crystal

- Wears typical sith robing with leather gloves/boots. Has a utility belt with some basic medical items where
he sheaths his saber.
- Comlink
- Datapad
- N-series Assistant and Litigation Droid
- Loves the champions of the sith who rose to power through dominating the shadows. His goals are not to be in holocrons speaking of glory. They are for self gratification, to watch the world spin around him at his wims. HATES incompetence, when something or someone ruins his plans it will drive him into a fury. Regular conversation or moments where he does not feel in control Rellik seems from the outside as disinterested or annoyed.
He will do everything in his power beyond outright foolishness to feel in control.

Born on Taris, Rellik was trained in the dark side of the force alongside his older brother, at the hands of their father.

He listened diligently. Studied his fathers words as if they were gospel. Rellik never grew into a domineering frame. he realized his form of fighting would be Soresu. One day while in a combat trial while waiting for his opponent to make a mistake and underestimate him he felt it build up within him. Anticipation, excitement, the moment of passion, waiting to burst at the seems until finally he had his first kill on an opponent. Yearning for this feeling again he focused on ways to build up to a moment. Rellik would spend most of his alone time learning of how to manipulate others. Watching them slowly work themselves to a goal Rellik was moving towards. A business being taken over by the police due to false claims, an enemy being torn apart by rakgouls after given false information.
These moments left him feeling complete.

- Ship IV-9 RangeMaster Scout Ship


Seeking Knowledge - Learned how to use Illusions
Dominion Under Fire
Cleansing the Dominion
Masking the Past/Unmasking the Future
Ambush on Eos
Next Steps
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