Vi Grir

- Intent: To bring Darth Rivan's Sith Holocron into Chaos canon
- Image Source: Sith Holocron by David Ley
- Canon Link: Darth Rivan's Holocron
- Primary Source: Almas Sith Fortress, Sith Battlelord, Darkstaff
- Name: Darth Rivan's Holocron
- Manufacturer: Darth Rivan
- Affiliation: Vi Grir
- Modularity: No
- Production: Unique
- Material: Crystal Lattice, Capstone, Frasium, Holocron Components
- Classification: Holocron
- Size: Average
- Weight: Average
- Detailed information on the creation (commentary, not actual how-to) and power of the Darkstaff (incomplete)
- Detailed information on Sith Alchemy and how to practice
- Detailed information on the creation and properties of Kaluthin Grass
- Detailed information on the creation and variants of Sithspawn
- Force-Imbuement teachings
- Force Powers: Hibernation Trance, Force Storm, Force Healing, Force Bond, Sever Force
- Information on Mandalorian Iron
- Information on Almas Sith Fortress
Durable - It was not designed to crack or bust if it accidentally fell.
Dark-Side Dependent - This Sith Holocron requires the reader to be force sensitive, and use the Dark-side of the Force
This Sith Holocron was created by Darth Rivan, the creator of the Darkstaff and the terraformer of Almas. He once erected a great fortress on Almas, where he decided to settle. Within that fortress held most of his secrets, although there was some information that was also put into his holocron. He went so far as to write his auto-biography on the inner walls of the fortress and hold his Apprentices Force Ghost chained to the Fortress, protecting its inner sanctum. The Holocron holds information from the things which he has created, the rituals he has performed, and few more details of other items unique to his history. The Mandalorian Iron comes from the fact that he used it to protect his fortress and his belongings. Although there is no ritual or rite to create the iron, there is information on its use, although limited. Some force powers were included, including the ones imprinted on the Darkstaff, along with the teachings of Force-Imbuing, although it isn't enough for a master to learn from. Kaluthin Grass was also put into the holocron, what of the great scientific findings of the galaxy during its creation, able to terraform planets and give them heat and an atmosphere. Finally, there was information on Sith Alchemy. The much harder teachings were left out or forgotten, leaving usually the most basic, but there are a few alchemy instructions that stand out.
This is a Canon Item