Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Darth Sadus

Darth Sadus

Millennia-old Sith Lord
Name: Darth Sadus

Name: Darth Sadus

Faction: Sith Empire

Rank: Sith Lord

Species: Gen'Dai

Age: 6,000 years +

Sex: Male

Height: 3.5 meters

Weight: 325 lb

Eyes: Yellow and red

Hair: None

Skin: Purple

Force sensitive: is

Strengths and Weaknesses:


Insane regeneration abilities,



Skilled with his lightclub.


Has Psychosis after living 6,000 years,

Helucenates other sith as jedi,

Doesn't care about what happens to others,



Sadus lived Since before Revan, he was a sith during his time. A thousand years later, Darth Bane created the rule of two, and All the other sith either became agents or were killed. He wanted to be Lord. He slayed what agents he could, but went into hiding for another thousand years. During the galactic civil war, Sadus killed Jedi for fun, and fought in the battle of Exogol, and went against the galaxy fleet, but was taken down by Palpatine's lightning. After coming out of the wreckage, the war was over. He decided to rebuild one of the Xyston-class star destroyers. After 700 years he was finished, except there were no superlaser pieces intact and the plans were destroyed by Rey while destroying Palpatine. He finally got off Exogol with final order droids and used up all of the command tower's electricity to get off Exogol. Years later he got a siege cannon from an old First Order Dreadnought and put it in the spot of the superlaser. Many more years later he was recruited into the Sith Empire where he is today.


Rebuilt Xyston-class star destroyer (no superlaser.)







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