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Darth Saethus | Josiah Denko






NAME: Darth Saethus | Josiah Denko
RANK: Lord
SPECIES: Near-Human
AGE: Unspecified
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'1"
BUILD: Heavyweight
EYES: Sulfur
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale



Darth Saethus dominates in a single area of the Force: Telekinesis.



Darth Saethus has proven himself a competent practitioner of Form V.

Darth Saethus has learned at the feet of the Galaxy's finest, cultivating an arsenal of exotic skills.



A chink in Darth Saethus' armor is his susceptibility to Mind-Affecting powers.

Concentrated Light can burn away the source of Darth Saethus' might.

Ysalamiri (and similar creatures) can render Darth Saethus' best inert.



Lord of Edge.


Josiah Denko began as the eldest of a trio of siblings, born to a fallen Jedi and his lover. He was reared, not in a lofty Temple, but in a flat overlooking the filth of Nar Shaddaa. For the majority of his upbringing, Josiah was exposed to the self-loathings of a man who had failed the Jedi Order. He learned to fear strong drink. He learned the sting of glass upon flesh. He learned to survive. However, Josiah's sire had a change of heart around the time of his early teenage years. He introduced his children to the Force and, for a brief period, shelved the bottle. This came to a screeching halt on the day a foreign patron got "handsy" with his mother at the local diner. Josiah's father acted as any man would - and quickly found himself staring down the barrel of a Stormtrooper's blaster.

For no man strikes a Sith-Imperial officer and lives to tell the tale.


After an example was set by their execution, Josiah was left bereft of any stability to up to. Therefore, he clung to the meager stories that his father told over the years - of the Order which protected the innocent from atrocities. Of the Jedi who were guardians of all men. Thus did Josiah turn his back on Nar Shaddaa and enter into the Jedi Order. His padawanship was fortunate - for he was blessed with the opportunity to study under the feet of Ben Watts. However, the motivation for Josiah's entrance into the Order wasn't to meditate or to settle petty disputes. He had come in order to put a blade to the neck of the Sith; and his appetite for revenge was not being sated. Upon passing his Trials, he confronted his Master, demanding to know why the Republic did nothing whilst the Sith Empire grew fat.

The answer did not satisfy the young Knight, and so he turned his back. On his Master and on the Order.


Over the next several years, Josiah made his way south - following only the whims of the Force. He soon found himself recruited within the first, modern Confederacy's ranks. As a Templar, he had the opportunity to impart knowledge upon a young soul - his first and only true Apprentice. However, their time together was cut short, for the nature of the Templar Order did not sit well with Josiah. It infuriated him to see any congregation so willing to accept Dark Siders are their own. It enraged him to see former butchers of the Sith Empire now carry the flag of the Confederacy. Josiah soon found himself a zealot, for his worldview simply could not tolerate their existence overtime. He came to believe that the Light existed solely to extinguish the Darkness.

And so, upon the Templars too did he turn his back.


Fortune smiled upon Josiah in the form of the Fel Imperium. They, a budding power to the north, dared to bare their fangs against the Sith Empire. They saw as he: that the Light existed to smite the Dark. But, they also believed in Order through Force. Josiah was drawn to them as a moth to flame - and soon found his talents lauded within their Knighthood. This time, Josiah was home, and nothing would make him turn his back upon his liege and his brothers. It was by their side that he first clashed with the Sith Emperor, Krag, and bested him in single combat. However, although Josiah clung to the ideas of Light and Order, it was torn away from his grasp. The Fel faded almost as quickly as they rose, prompted by the untimely demise of the liege. With nowhere left to turn, Josiah heeded the words of a missive.

The Republic was going to War.


The turning point in Josiah's life came in the months leading up to the Battle of O'reen. When he made his return to the Republic, he was greeted by his former Master, as well as a warrior by the name Darron Wraith. The latter took to Josiah instantly, for the two shared similar ideals regarding the Light's role in existence. In this months, it seemed as though the Republic had finally become what Josiah was looking for - as they now marched boldly againsted a routed Sith Empire. Their Crusade was vicious, and for once in his life Josiah felt as though he was getting what he came for. For once in his life, he felt as though he was avenging his parents. But...when the Empire finally collapsed and victory was the Republic's, Josiah...felt no joy. He thought that this victory would fulfill him, that avenging his parents would do something about the anger that boiled underneath his skin. Nothing.

And then, the Battle of O'reen erupted overnight. The Republic waged war against the Fringe Confederation. It baffled Josiah as to why their Crusade was targeting a...neutral entity. Yet he obeyed, nonetheless. And when the fighting broke out upon the Bridges of O'reen, Josiah felt...satisfied. The excuse that there was Dark Siders among them was enough excuse to motivate his actions. He felt joy in the battle. He felt satisfaction in watching adversaries shatter beneath him. And although the day was not the Republic's, Josiah left the field content. This disturbed him greatly - and in true Jedi fashion he withdrew from the world to meditate upon what this meant.


His self imposed exile took him to a far flung world covered in snow. There he lived among a quiet and peaceful people. He appointed himself the guardian of their peace and lived out his days as the sole warrior among them. But one day, his lightsaber was not enough. One day, the skies blackened as Star Destroyed blacked out the sun. The First Order had arrived. Born were they from the carcass of the Fringe and brutal were they in their methods. Josiah stood against one of their warriors, a so-called Knight of Ren, before striking a deal with his adversary. He was no stranger to the ways of the Empire. He was no stranger to enforcing Order through Force. And so, for the safety of the people he swore to protect would he trade himself.

Herodias Ren was born. And behind that mask did Josiah's addiction grow. With every sortee, he felt it growing within him. The satisfaction that came from twisting an enemy's spine to and fro. The joy that came from watching the air slowly seep from a rebel's lungs. It was intoxicating. Yet direction came not from the almighty Sieger Ren. It came not from their council. It came not from their victories over the Alliance. No. Direction came from a meager pyramid obtained from a routine investigation. It hummed whilst resting in Josiah's palm. It sang in response to the addiction budding within him. And as its crystalline form contorted and changed, wisdom began to unfold before his eyes. Guidance in what he was becoming...nay, what he was.

It named him Saethus.

It made a demand...that he never again turn his back on Himself.


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