Darth Sarez

"What's true of all evils is true of plague as well. It helps men rise above themselves."
NAME: Darth Sarez (Leonthydal Sarez)
RANK: Not confirmed, yet.
SPECIES: Epicanthix
AGE: Biologically; 51
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 231 lbs
EYES: Not seen because of his mask, but sometimes during intense focus you can see a glow of yellow.
HAIR: Grey, but not seen unless he takes his hood down.
SKIN: Not seen.
With Age comes Wisdom: Sarez is going into his "old" years, but he does know and understand a lot about the force and lightsaber construction.
Bladesman: Sarez knows his way around a lightsaber, and he is skilled using it, knowing and skilled in forms of Lightsaber Combat, these forms being Makashi, Soresu, and Djem So.
Pilot who?: Sarez can't pilot anything (sometimes he can fly things, depends on situation), needing to use an escort for everything transportation wise.
Missed!: Sarez also couldn't use a blaster if he tried. Darn these guns and there "triggers"!
Leonthydal wears nothing but his cloak. Nothing else. Its just a black, dark cloak concealing from his neck to his ankles. But neck, there's a change. His mask. His mask is similar to the Plague Doctor's, with usually a top hat or a hood concealing the top of his head. The lens on the mask are darkened to where you cant see his eyes without getting close. But being focused, can lead to a yellow glow in the eyes.
Leonthydal (Lee-on-thi-dal) Sarez was born on Panatha during a time of Sith ruling. Seeing the red excited the young one's heart. Always, his parent's would bicker about what the young boy's future was. He didn't listen to them. So by the age of 15, he left on a cargo cruiser, hidden away with a stash of blaster components and slug rounds were he was taken to Korriban. There, he learned about the path of the Sith, how the force was important to them, and learned to use a lightsaber. When he saw again, the red glow. It compelled him. It made him chose up the life of a Sith warrior.