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Approved NPC Darth Senes

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  • Intent: To serve as the antagonist/villain of an upcoming story arc.
  • Image Credit: Concept art retrieved from an unreleased Battlefront game by Free Radical. [Link]
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Age: 61 Years Old as of 864 ABY
  • Force Sensitivity: Master
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance: Darth Senes is of average height and weight for a human male of the age he appears. Due to the corruption of the dark side within his facial features are disfigured and ugly, appearing to be years older than he actually is. He wears very rough and worn out clothing strewn with furs, teeth, horns, and claws; trophies from his glory days. he has many layers to his clothing, hiding an otherwise frail frame beneath. His hair and beard are unkempt and messy, as well as gray. He features Sith Eyes that seem to glow.
  • Name: Darth Senes (Any real name he had has long since been made irrelevant and forgotten)
  • Loyalties: The Sith Empire
  • Wealth: Moderate, he is largely wealthy from the treasures and loot that he has gathered over the years, much of it from his "glory days".
  • Notable Possessions: Lightsaber, a small Dromund Kaas manor, a company of standard troopers, and 5 loyal NFU assassins.
  • Skills: Battle Meditation, Force Lightning, Force Telekinesis, Force Valor, Form II Makashi.
  • Personality: Darth Senes is an old Sith Lord that has declined in ability since his glory days. Now he is stubborn, spiteful, and cowardly. He relies heavily on deception, manipulation, and his assassins to maintain his position as a Sith Lord. This isn't to say that he isn't capable, he's an extremely capable sorcerer actually, but he's unremarkable in the greater scheme of things and knows it. He's a powerful Lord who's time has long since passed. Now he hides in the jungles of Dromund Kaas, surviving off of the force and the land, since he is too paranoid to live in his own home. He is also vulnerable to bouts of insanity or mental instability.
  • Weapon of Choice: Standard Lightsaber
  • Combat Function: Sorcerer, capable in one-on-one combat against FUs or small groups of NFUs, or supporting a group of allied NFUs or other FUs.
  • Has decades of experience and knowledge in the force.
  • Has a group of loyal assassins who would be difficult to turn against him.
  • Is capable against small groups of enemies or single FU opponents.
  • Is fairly isolated from the broader Sith community, many of his reliable connections having already died off or abandoned him to his decline.
  • Weak against multiple opponents alone.
  • Can be made to make illogical or unwise decisions due to his mental instability.
  • Is stuck in his ways, and the traditions he follows, relying heavily on things he learned during his glory days.
Darth Senes was a human orphan, who was initially picked up and trained by a dark jedi. As Senes learned from this Jedi, he also sought out knowledge of the Sith and their teachings. He would eventually betray and successfully slay his former master, who at the time was considered to be well above his capability. Upon doing this, he claimed the title of Darth Senes. As a Sith, he would gain power through subtlety, deception, and manipulation. He cultivated a significant powerbase, largely without even needing to take direct action himself. At the peak of his power he had an entire regiment at his command, along with dozens of assassins, informants, and political allies. As a Sith, he would largely follow Darth Bain's teachings in practice, choosing to only select a single, exceptional apprentice at a time. He would make it clear that his apprentices were only ready to be Sith Lords if they could defeat him. Darth Senes would have at least 5 apprentices in his time, all of which were slain in their attempts to surpass him. Eventually he stopped, considering it a waste of his time and energy.

Over the years, he would support various Sith organizations, seeing them all rise and fall before him. Each time, he survived by making himself invisible. Gradually becoming irrelevant with each generation, his power waning as he did so. He became stuck in his ways, considering them to be perfect, given that he had lived for so long. It didn't help that as he aged, he developed a degree of mental instability, forcing him to further entrench himself in stubborn traditions and habits, so as to comfort his unsteady mind. While this weakened state has brought him against opportunistic enemies, Darth Senes always manages to barely scrape by, distracting his enemies, or assassinating them before they can execute their own plans.

This doesn't mean he hasn't tried to make himself relevant again, however. A number of times he had attempted to take on new apprentices or find allies among the Sith, offering his experience for their capabilities. However, almost all of these efforts have failed. His most recent attempt was an alliance with Lady Tremiru, Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru 's mother. He offered her a wealth of knowledge and experience in exchange for resources and the occasional favor to maintain his power. Ultimately, however, it did nothing to save Lady Tremiru from her own daughter. Darth Senes has held a grudge over this, as he considered Lady Tremiru to be a key ally for him in his return to relevancy.
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