Darth Seryxa
NAME: Darth Seryxa
FACTION: Sith Empire (Post-Great Hyperspace War)
RANK: Darth
SPECIES: Twi'lek
AGE: Physically, 28 years old. Frozen for a few thousand years.
SEX: Female
WEIGHT: Average
EYES: Purple
SKIN: Rutian
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Light and Dark: Seryxa is an oddity amongst the Sith, having dedicated herself to mastering both sides of the force, light and dark, in an effort to achieve full understanding of the force and it's power. Such has made her incredibly formidable with it, and she has developed great emotional control as a result, able to switch from utter calm to furious rage when the situation requires it.
NAME: Darth Seryxa
FACTION: Sith Empire (Post-Great Hyperspace War)
RANK: Darth
SPECIES: Twi'lek
AGE: Physically, 28 years old. Frozen for a few thousand years.
SEX: Female
WEIGHT: Average
EYES: Purple
SKIN: Rutian
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Lightsaber Master: Seryxa also possesses great skill with her lightsabers. While she possesses a firm grasp of all seven lightsaber forms, she primarily relies on Jar'kai, wielding a pair of lightsabers in battle with deadly efficiency.
Out of Time: Due to her sleep through the millennia, Seryxa lacks historical knowledge from between the moment she and her followers were frozen, during the Eternal Empire's invasion of the Galactic Republic and Sith Empire, and when they awoke. As such, she has much to learn about what has transpired in the galaxy during her long slumber.
Not an Endurance Fighter: Seryxa is not one for wearing heavy armor in combat, preferring to eliminate her foes with a mixture of agile bladework and her own force powers. As a result, she may prove to be vulnerable against attacks she can't easily avoid through her agility.
A young Rutian Twi'lek physically in her late twenties, Seryxa possesses a highly feminine, yet athletic physique. Her skin is unblemished and unscarred, and she commonly garbs herself exotically or in a revealing manner, in true Twi'lek fashion. She also tends to wear make up, usually purple eyeliner with lipstick of a matching colour.
Seryxa's path started like many force sensitives taken to Korriban to train as Sith and undergo their trials. She was originally the daughter of an enslaved Twi'lek couple in Sith Space, who, after discovering their daughter's force sensitivity, sent her to the Sith Academy on Korriban hoping she'd get the chance to both improve the status of their family and free them from their chains. Seryxa proved a natural talent, easily dominating her rival acolytes in the trials set forth by the Sith Overseers. Her rise through the ranks of the Sith Order proved meteoric, as she rose from acolyte, apprentice, lord and eventually Darth in rapid succession. This was aided by both her natural power with the force, as well as her cunning, scholarly intellect.
She found herself in the service of the Dark Council, in the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge, where she dedicated herself to uncovering the mysteries of the force, studying both recovered Sith relics and stolen Jedi artifacts in an effort to further her power. She accrued much financial wealth and influence within the Sith Empire and it's military, but something begun to feel off to her. A great crisis was coming that might very well destroy the Empire and all she had worked for. Something she would not allow.
Gathering a legion of faithful Sith and Imperial followers, she had them construct a vast, secret complex beneath the surface of Korriban, disguised as a newly constructed tomb for herself, in which she and her faithful would be frozen in carbonite alongside vast caches of military supplies, ships and other useful resources to pass the centuries by and wait for the opportunity to build a Sith Empire anew. Her forsight paid off, for only a few short weeks after she and her followers had been interred in carbonite, the Eternal Empire of Zakuul launched it's surprise invasion into Sith and Republic space.
Now, several thousand years later, the now ancient computer systems within the complex have been stirred by the recent invasion of Korriban, and have commenced the process of revival for Seryxa and her followers. After all this time, finally, she has awoken...