Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Darth SiRiDio

Social Information
Name: Darth SiRiDio

Rank: N/A
Physical Information
Species: Zabrak

Sex: Male

Height: 6,6 Inches

Weight: 275 Lbs

Age: 45 Years

Eyes: Blue (When not using the Dark Side)

Hair: N/A

Skin: Red & Black

Force Information
Force Sensitive: Yes

Force Abilities
Novice Rookie Proficient Expert Master
|||| |||| |||| |||| ||||
Force Speed ||||
Telekinesis ||||
Force Lightning ||||
Force Push ||||
Force Stasis ||||
Insight ||||
Force Shield ||||
Force Jump ||||
Force Orb ||||
Battle Precognition ||||
Force Choke ||||
Force Drain ||||

Lightsaber Information
Novice Rookie Proficient Expert Master
|||| |||| |||| |||| ||||
Shii Choo ||||
Makashi ||||
Soresu ||||
Ataru ||||
Shiien ||||
Djem So ||||
Niman ||||
Juyo ||||
Rek'dul ||||
Teras Kasi ||||
Jar'kai ||||


Combat with Ataru and Jar'kai

Combat with Juyo and Rek'dul + Teras Kasi

Naturally skilled in farsight allowing him to predict movements


SiRiDio has never learned to swim so any water where he cannot stand he will drown.

Weak against masters of Makashi, the footwork and grace threw off his rhythm and beat.


Hologram projector with full communications device and a communication blocker along with a map of the galaxy.

His new starfighter
His new custom lightsaber


Mostly wears a black cloak with leather gloves also in black often he has the hood up covering his head with combat boots optimal for running and acrobatics


He went his whole life until the age of 13 with great power within the force but did not use it until he found his dads journals and tales of the sith lord explaining how to become like his father so the boy studied and trained in form 7 which his dads journals taught him he also mastered his incrediable abilities to use Force Lightning and Force Suppression he continues training pushing himself to his limits for the next 7 years until he became a bounty hunter his journey was not so great as a bounty hunter he did good it just wasnt his style to kill or rob for money he wanted more he wanted to be more until the age of 45 when he stopped being a bounty hunter he started being an assassin and is now focused on becoming the best he can at what he does he wants to learn all he can about Form 7 Double sided lightsaber combat to be like his father until he was betrayed by the Sith he joined that manipulated him into doing their work and feeding him lies that Jedi killed his father when it was the Sith all along since that day he has sworn to destroy all Sith


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