Darth Tigran
The Steward of the Dark
The Steward of the Dark
NAME: Pesh Granar aka Darth Tigran
FACTION: The Sith Empire
RANK: Sith Lord, Sith Alchemist, Sith Scholar
SPECIES: Zabrak (Dathomirian)
AGE: 57
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6' 4"
WEIGHT: 212 lbs.
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Yellowish Tan
FAMILY: Son, Dash Granar, age 23
RELATIONSHIPS: Wife, Julisa Cranoa, aged 35 deceased
APPRENTICE: Sicarius Hekate
Pesh Granar was born on the planet Dathomir in 807 ABY. He grew up in a small village located on a rigid plateau. He grew up with the Nightsisters and learned some basic witchery and dark magic, increased by his force sensitivity. In 821, at 14 years old, A dark side force user, who happened to be a Zabrak came to Dathomir, he killed Pesh's Nightsister mother figure and took the boy offworld. For years, this dark sider trained the boy in the ways of the dark side and of the Sith. at age 17, he had gained enough power and no longer needed his master, so he killed him. Not with the blade, but with his new force ability he had learned, call Force Drain. He sucked out the life and force of his old master. Pesh began studying in Sith Alchemy and Sorcery, while also perfecting his skills with the saber. By age 37, he began focusing exclusively on his studies in Sith Alchemy, becoming fascinated with his discoveries and successful experiments. He soon bore himself the title of "Darth Tigran", which is a word in Dathomirian which means "Plague or Disease".
Since then he was worked tirelessly to create viruses, Vong adaptations, Sith alchemic discoveries, among much more. He has spent most of his time at his estates or laboratories, but has resurfaced for the first time since 854 ABY to see the galaxy in the open and expand his discoveries as well as speak to fellow scholars and Alchemists, such as The Shaper or Taeli Raaf. (WIP)
- Multiple Data Pads
- Dathomirian Longbow
- 230,560 Credits
- Personal Estate on Ventooine, "The Darkhold".
- Personal Alchemist Lab on Rhen Var
- Penthouse on Nar Shaddaa
- Luxury Apartment on Dromund Kaas
- Lab on Ziost
- Holocron of Darth Ruin
- The Book of Sith Alchemy
- Ancient Scrolls of Ludo Kressh
- Ancient Scrolls of Karness Muur
- Journal of Darth Maladi
- Holocron of Darth Scabrous
- Journal of Darth Ruin (Recovered on Ziost).
- "How Darth Ruin brought about The Republic Dark Age" (Book)
- Alchemist scrolls
- "New Discoveries in Alchemy", currently writing himself (Book)
- "The Alchemy of Darth Maladi" (Book)
- Alchemist Recipes
- Ancient Sith Holocron of Karness Muur, (Specifically about creation of Leviathans)
- Various vials of Alchemy and Viruses
- Formula for creating Leviathans (WIP)
- Experimental & Developmental Rakghoul virus (50 vials) (each 20 mg)
Personal Space Outpost/Space Lab:
- Single blade Red
Personal Capital Ship:
Personal Corvette/Freighter: Tammar-class Corvette, converted into Lab ship
Personal Starfighter:
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