Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Darth Tuk'ata

Name: Setesh Vu Noi
Species: 1/4 Miraluka, 1/4 Vahla, 1/2 Human
Age: ~Unknown
Height: 6'4
Build: Athletic
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black
Rank: Sith Knight
Faction: One Sith

Strengths and Weaknesses

+ Sith Lords have commented about how Setesh was able to skillfully move with a lightsaber compared to his peers.
+ His Miraluka heritage allows him to perceive the environment around them through Force sight instead of regular vision. This vision was so strong that if a Miraluka looked upon a Jedi or Sith, they could "see" Force radiating off them.
+ Vahla heritage allows him a higher measure of flexibility.

+/ - He has a unique connection to his Sister that goes beyond a Force Bond. Together they are a force to be reckoned with, his sword to her shield. Apart, they face vulnerabilities to attack.

- He is quite vulnerable to mental aspects of the Force, both Jedi and Sith alike, and Setesh becomes more vulnerable to such attacks if his Sister s not fighting alongside him.
- Overly religious in regards to doing their duty for the One - the Goddess.

Force Powers
Setesh understands a collection of Force Powers extending beyond the Core abilities. One is that he is able to use Force Lightning to a moderate amount. His ability with telekinesis is also very strong.


Setesh and his twin Sister arrived at the Sith Force Academy like the rest of the initiates, but choosing to work together to fulfill their trials through deceit, manipulation, and at times brute strength. Setesh is willing to act in the name of his Sister, for he is her "sword" while his Sister is the "shield." He is learning how to control his pain and refocus it into sheer will and determination to hold power in a fight.

When fighting alongside his Sister, they are able to seamlessly fight as one. Their bond goes beyond that of a Force connection - allowing them certain advantages in the Force when within the vicinity of each other that they normally would not be able to utilize if separated.

Setesh excels in handy talents - such as droid and starship repair. One may say he has a proper and dutiful temperament, the perfect example of filial piety in all aspects.


§ Simple no frills lightsaber. Hurrikaine focusing crystal with a Bifurcating cyclical-ignition pulse to prevent shorting out if struck with water.
§ Vonduun Skerr Kyrric armor provided by the One Sith.

All on another site.

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