Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Darth Ultramar

Social Information

  • Full Name: Unknown
  • Homeworld: Panatha
  • Titles:
    • Darth Ultramar
    • High Shaman of the Dragon Guard
  • Factions:
    • Holy Orders of the Emperor's Dragon Guard
    • The Sith Empire
  • Rank: Dark Lord of the Sith
  • Aliases:
    • Red Wake
    • Voice of Darkness
Physical Information
  • Species: Epicanthix, Gold-blooded
  • Age: Unknown
  • Gender: Male
  • Height: 8'4"
  • Body: Muscular
  • Eye Color: Presumed Sith Corrupted
  • Hair Color: Unknown
  • Skin Complexion: Unknown
  • Force Sensitivity: Dark Lord-Level Force User
  • Force Alignment: Dark Side of the Force
  • Swordsmanship
  • Sith Sorcery
  • Engineering
  • Control and Alter powers
  • Force Disrupting techniques and devices
  • Piloting and driving
  • Light side exposure
  • Sense powers
Darth Ultramar prefers the enigmatic and yet decisive appearance of himself. His overall demeanour is calm, collected and objective in its judgement and analysis and there is little detail that escapes his masked but ever watchful gaze. His handling of situations and confrontations is usually dominated by a sense of supreme confidence, arrogance even, as he sees whatever is unfolding from the most opportunistic point of view. Thoroughly devoted to the Code of the Sith, he will stop for nothing to see it reign supreme, especially when it can cover his ulterior motives.

Deception and supreme power are but two tools in the arsenal of a Sith and Ultramar will not hesitate to use whatever is at his disposal. Going from grand strategy planning to slaying his enemies personally, he works in the shadows, casts his own shadow and becomes the shadow.

Clad in an armored, red battlesuit which covers the entirety of his being, Darth Ultramar's actual appearance is unknown, except for what species he belongs to. At all times he offers himself concealed and seemingly ready for battle. His tall and seemingly muscular frame seems at all times just to hold back the strength and person which it plates, amplifying his presence beyond what it appears to be.

His presence in the Dark side is a like an eye of darkness, a vortex of obsidian void, cold and yet burning. A black hole which seems to pull and magnify dread, fear, hate, wrath and anger and create a singularity unique and out of grasp, hinting at something hidden deep within the person that moves him, that is controlled but unrelenting. A portion of infinite and eternal ambition carved into the soul of a carrier of pure Dark side energies.

Basic Skills
  • Languages: Galactic Basic, Epicant, Ancient Zakuulan, Sith, ur'Kittât

Combat Skills
  • Armed Combat
    • Bladed Weapons: Daggers, Shortswords, Longswords, Greatswords
    • Blunt Weapons: Maces, Warhammers
    • Lightsabers:
      • Forms: Strong Style, Fast Style, Medium Style, Form II, Form III, Form V, Form VII
      • Special: Jar'Kai, Trakata
  • Unarmed Combat
    • Teräs Käsi
    • Wrruushi
    • Broken Gate
Force Powers
  • Control
    • Body Augmentation
    • Force Speed
    • Force Body
    • Force Rage
    • Battlemind
  • Alter
    • Telekinesis
      • Pull/Push
      • Choke
      • Burst
      • Crush
      • Repulse
    • Tutaminis
    • Force Lightning
    • Force Barrier
    • Force Fear
    • Force Maelstrom
    • Darkshear
  • Sense
    • Precognition
    • Force Sense
    • Consume Essence
  • Sith Sorcery
    • Aura of Uneasiness
    • Qâzoi Kyantuska
    • Dark energy trap
    • Dark Plague
    • Force Blast
    • Sutta Chwituskak
    • Odojinya
    • Summon Fear
  • Sith Alchemy
    • Force Mask
    • Metallurgy
    • Crystallurgy
    • Inanimate Objects
    • Animate Subjects
    • Rituals: TBD


Roleplay Hooks
  • New Kid - It is notable that Darth Ultramar is a very new addition to the current Sith Order and yet does not seem to be new to being Sith at all, nor to be young and inexperienced. He brings with himself not only an aura of strength, but a powerbase of cultists and soldiers as well as formidable skills.
  • Sith Worlds - Darth Ultramar seems to be less interested in the "new" capital Jutrand and its sphere of influence and is setting up camp in the old Sith worlds of the Stygian Caldera. Seemingly knowing his way around them quite well.
  • Master - A Sith Lord without apprentice is wasted potential. He does not seem to have one and usually is appearing alone.
  • Builder - He seems to have a certain passion for engineering and construction, not only engaged in building his fortress but also developing machines of war.
  • Old School - With little information on the views and actual stance of the Red Wake, he nevertheless appears to adhere to older Sith ideologies, predating the Rule of Two.
  • Cult - He leads a cult known as Apotheosis about which relatively little is known other than that it follows the deification of some unknown being, but it is fiercely devoted and is highly militarised.

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