Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Darth Vandin

NAME: Darth Vandin (Real name is Kallik Maern)
FACTION: Sith Empire
RANK: Apprentice
AGE: Specifics Unknown, although presumably in early 40s
EYES: Hazel
HAIR: Light brown
SKIN: Caucasian


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Physical Strengths:
Very strong, tremendously powerful in the Force. Can go / has gone days without food or water, purely sustaining himself on the life forces of plants and animals around him. He dual-wields two lightsabers, a straight crimson blade and a curved silver.

Physical Weaknesses:
Low agility, and he cannot run very far very fast without the Force aiding him.

Mental Strengths:
Exceedingly devious, and isn't afraid to kill his opponents in cold blood, before they have a chance to act against him.

Mental Weaknesses:
He is slightly insane, and has no memory from before he became Darth Vandin. He also has a habit of lying to those he doesn't trust, simply to prevent them from having a chance at betraying him.

Bears a concussion wound from the accident at Bast Castle, although he has no memory of receiving it. The acid rain of Vjun caused his face to scar as well, making him wear his mask almost permanently.

He is very rarely afraid of anything, and eyes almost anything and everyone with cold contempt, though it is difficult to see under his mask.

The Queen of the Night, a Corellian Corvette

Born on Dantooine, Kallik Maern always had a love for discovery. He became an archaeologist at the age of 18, and traveled to many places, like Dxun, Alderaan, Tatooine, and all over the galaxy, searching for any hint of lore about the Jedi or the Sith. His search led him to Bast Castle, on Vjun, the previous home of Darth Vader 800 years hence. His mind full of the lore of Darth Vader, he was on his way out of the castle when a part of it collapsed on him. He suffered a head wound that caused his amnesia, and, already showing signs of insanity, he became a different person. His mind was filled with the life of Darth Vader (Vandin in his native tongue) and not his own memories. His insanity and amnesia convinced him that he was the reincarnation of Darth Vader, brought back to lead the Sith to its days of glory, and destroy the Republic under his banner.


Kaine Zambrano said:
Ah nice picture. New Goblin.
I was wondering how fast it would take people to recognize it. Terrible movie; awesome outfit. One of the coolest masks ever, and yet he never wore it except for that one scene.
I cant because you posted in the Sith fourm. I am not in the faction so I can not. I am of a different faction of Dark Jedi. SO if you want me to train you you will have to put it on the open forums and put a "private" tag on it.
Well you didnt specify who you were talking to. I was the last one who posted so I though you were talking to me, yes. but this thread is about a guys who is a little lonny and thinks hes the rencarnated Darth Vader.

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