Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Darth Varynx


Name: Darth Varynx
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Rank: Sith Lord
Force Sensitive: Yes


Darth Varynx is a tall and ominous figure standing at 6'4. He has pale skin and piercing yellow eyes. His black hair is rather short, but messy all the time, as though it's never brushed. He wears simple black clothes with a short cloak with a hood. His skin is adorned with markings with no distinct pattern between them; they are simply present over his body. The most noticeable of these markings is the diamond on his forehead.


He wields a crimson lightsaber with a hilt engraved with symbols and patterns. He's proficient in both Form 2 and Form 6.


He is a blend of cunning intelligence and unhinged sadism. He firmly believes that both fear and respect are the cornerstones of true loyalty. To him, inspiring fear ensures obedience, while respect cultivates admiration and devotion. His methods can be brutal, often torturing and/or executing those who fail him as a demonstration of power. However, he is also incredibly strategic, using his intellect to outmanoeuvre his enemies and manipulate those around him.


[S - A - B - C - D - E]

Telekinesis - A
Choke - A
Lightning - S
Sith Alchemy - B
Mechu Deru - D
Mechu-Deru Vitae - E
Force Drain - C
Dark Side Rituals - B
Force Walk - A (knowledge of it), E (not practised it)
Thought Shield - S


Deception - Varynx excels at manipulating others, often pitting his enemies and rivals against each other

Resourceful and adaptive - He can quickly adapt to changing situations, utilising the environment and resources as an advantage

Determination and willpower - His relentless pursuit of knowledge and power drives him overcome limits to get tasks done.


Obsessive - His pursuit of knowledge can sometimes lead to taking unnecessary risks, putting himself at his limits more than he should

Paranoid - Varynx believes in using both fear and respect to achieve loyalty, so when he feels that hasn't worked, he sees betrayal where there is none

Overconfident - His power and skill sometimes leads to him overestimating himself and/or underestimating his opponents.

Personal Ship:

Fury-Class Imperial Interceptor


He was born to a family on Dromund Kaas to a family of minor sith nobility. From a young age, he showed his affinity for the force, alongside his sadistic tendencies; one time choking his caregiver through the force because he was bored. He was soon sent to the Korriban academy where he found himself thriving. His talent and willingness to use any possible means to achieve his goals (even if they were underhanded) set him apart from his peers. He served under several masters, learning the intricacies of Sith politics and warfare. After many years, he was granted the title of Darth Varynx and marked his rise to power through the elimination of a long time rival of his.

Upon his rival's defeat, he spent his time trying to gather as much knowledge of the force as possible as he now had one goal with two potential outcomes: him becoming the most powerful Sith in history, or he passes his knowledge to an apprentice and starts a legacy that will birth history's most powerful Sith. However, his paranoid nature has prevented him from taking on an apprentice, seeing none that has crossed his path as trustworthy enough, nor having the potential he's looking for.
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