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Darth Vazela

In Umbris Potestas Est

NAME: Vilox Pazela.
FACTION: The Sith Empire.
RANK: Sith Master.
AGE: Sixty four.
HEIGHT: 6''3.
WEIGHT: 16 stones.
EYES: Yellow, predatory eyes.
HAIR: Thick, greying hair.
SKIN: Degraded, chalk white skin


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Vilox Pazela has a keen affinity to the dark side of the force, having studied it's intricacies for many years. His understanding is so, that he has developed himself into the science of Sith Alchemy, with understand of midi-chlorian manipulation through the Aperion, Anima and Pneumca. He knows the difference between the ability to giving life to inanimate objects to make them strong or the manipulation of life itself, with the understanding that the cells that make up the living bodies of his experiments and/or victims will resist his will, as he knows that Sith Alchemy and its use on other beings is unnatural compared to natural growth over time.

In his affinity to the dark side and his study of the arcane and mysteries that come with the Sith and their development in it, he has also come to the understanding of Sith Sorcery, by extension Sith Magic, in which he has the ability to cast spells such as Suppress Thought, which he has become adapt in. He has also has the ability to manifest Bolts of Hatred by tapping into his large reserve of hatred and anger, which he uses to drive his understanding and affinity to the dark side.

With his understanding of the dark side, Vilox Pazela also has access to the abilities of universal force moves, knowing how to grip, pull, push, choke and guide objects and other beings through the force, via the universal and living force. Alongside his understanding and use of the dark side, he has studied the Lightsaber form Ataru; an Lightsaber technique that fits an aerobatic user who utilizes the force in their combat. However, he is by no means a master of the Lightsaber form and in his latter years as he has aged, he has slowed down and can no longer perform the extensive, difficult aerobatic moves as he once could in his youth.

And although he is rather proficient in the art of utilizing the dark side to create devastation spells and attacks, while augmenting his combative abilities through the science of Sith Alchemy, his understanding of the dark side have left him at an disadvantage. Degradation from years as a Sith Master have left him weaker physically than he was in his youth. As aforementioned, he can no longer perform the aerobatics that he use to be able to do; and the utilization of Sith Spells and even the basic, universal force moves given from the universal and living force takes time to cast. Thus, he mostly keeps himself in the shadows -- never an outright duelist or fight -- and understands the concepts of manipulation, deceit and trickery, utilizing these ideals and principles of the Sith and dark side to orchestrate the down fall of his enemies.

In conclusion then, Vilox Pazela as his title Darth Vazela is a powerful Sith Sorceror, with the understanding of the arcane and mysteries of the dark side, but a weak Lightsaber duelist; utilizing Ataru to evade his enemies as he prepares a devastating spell or unique, unorthodox attack as he manipulates and controls events from the shadows in secret.


The Obscurity is an Attrition-class Star Dreadnought that was developed in 837 ABY at the Prima Shipyards, in the Kalinda system. It's designs are based off of the ancient Harrower-class Dreadnoughts utilized by Emperor Vitiates resurgent Sith Empire during the First Galactic War. As Darth Sidious had done with the Imperial I and Imperial II-class Star Destroyers, the Attrition-class Star Dreadnought's engines are based off of the Harrower-class Dreadnought respectively. It's armament is however brand new, sophisticated technology developed in the Kalinda system by Syn Galactic. It's Annihilator-class technology include new, sophisticated stygium generations that allows the Obscurity to cloak itself from detection, while it's shielding generator and domes from the same Annihilator-class series as well.

It's Octuple barbette DBY 1027 heavy quadruple cannons are a development and advancement on the DBY 927 and it's original DBY 827 megalaser cannons found on the Venator-class Star Destroyer, utilizing the ocutuple barbette mounts developed for the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer. It's Silencer-class AMX Megalaser cannons are a development on the old super weapon developed for the Harrower-class Dreadnought, utilizing the Annihilator-class domes and power plants on board the Obscurity to fire up it's megalaser fleet killing weapon. In the continuation of the Annihilator-class series, it's point defense turrets utilize two cannons on it's head into an automatic firing sequence tied into it's bridge to gun down starfighter and if close enough, enemy war ships with a more potent, faster turret than the normal, outdated point defense lasers found on war vessels of the day. It's missile systems utilize Annihilator-class missiles on it's Annihilator 1.0-class missile systems, with enough ammunition to overwhelm enemy war ships with a constant barrage of missiles to outnumber and overpower anti missile and defensive capabilities on other war ships.

The Obscurity was designed to combat fleets as a fleet killer and is the only ship under the command of the Sith Lord, Darth Vazela. It's weakness then lays in the fact that it is only one ship that can be outnumbered and outgunned, despite it's vast armament and arsenal at it's disposal. It's complementary Vengeance-class X2 starfighter's, Annihilator-class assault shuttle, Delta-class stormtrooper transports, Gamma-class assault shuttle and Hajen-class fleet tender complements mean that they're also susceptible to being outnumbered and outgunned as well. It's only real strength them, in terms of spacial warfare, is it's ability to hide and attack from the shadows, as her master has become skilled at doing.

Darth Vazela, born as Vilox Pazela, was a Sith Master that served the Sith Empire at around 835 ABY at the time of the New Age era, following the dissipation of the Gulag Virus unleashed by the terrorist Zero back in 425 ABY. He was infamous within the Empire for his understanding of the dark side, known among the Sith for his understanding of the science of Sith Alchemy and the mysteries of Sith Magic and sorcery. While never a capable Lightsaber combatant, he was known as an Ataru specialist and possessed a keen understanding of aerobatics, although in his later years he slowed down, no longer able to keep up his former physical attributes as he once could. Intelligent, he understood the intricacies of manipulation and was a skilled liar and trickster, with the ability to read the facial expressions and pick up the slight movements of people he spoke with to see if they were attempting to deceive him as well.

He was born on Almania in 771 ABY in the planets capital city, Stonia. Under the occupation of the Sith Empire, he was recruited as a Force sensitive to join the Sith Order by his Master, Luke Sekine; and was indoctrinated into the Sith by his new Sith Master on the Sith home world of Ziost. At the age of twenty four after the end of the Gulag Virus which had crippled the galaxy for a little under four centuries at the time, he rose to the rank of Sith Knight. As a Sith Knight, he was utilized on the front lines and helped in the expansion of the Sith Empire as it recovered the virus that crippled it. At the age of thirty six, he rose to the rank of Sith Master after defeating his former Master for his position and rank, taking what use to be Luke Sekine's for himself.

In 823 ABY, he conquered Kalinda system by occupying it's only habitual world Kirima. He did this by manipulation the hierarchy into believing he had come to their world to help their recovery from the effects of the Gulag virus, which had left them in a crippled state and made himself the new king of the Monarchy after overthrowing them. After the next decade, he would guide Kirima's economy and recovery away from the Gulag virus and began the construction of the Prima shipyards above the molten rock in the Kalinda system. In 833 ABY, the Prima shipyards were constructed and he began the construction of the Obscurity in secret, away from the knowledge of the Sith Empire and galaxy. His company, Syn Galactic, was ran by the secretive Sith Lord under the alias of Derak Syn; and this played a key part in the recovery of Kirima and his subjugation over the rich, plentiful world as he set up contacts and relations at Naboo and Enarc along the Enarc Run. He even had a hand in the recovery of Balmorra at the Balmorra Run through the Kaliida Nebula, by investing into it's droid manufacturing businesses and factories, as his alter ego Derak Syn.

It is currently unknown what Darth Vazela intends to do after years of preparation and the construction of the Obscurity, but with the understanding of the dark side and a true Sith Lord in a galaxy that is ripe and ready for the taking, nothing good can come for the Galactic Republic and it's friends in the Mid Rim and Deep Core worlds.




http://w11.zetaboard.../intswrp/index/ - This is the character that I am transferring from. Intswrp is a community that comes from the chatroom Habbo hotel, and engages in real time roleplay between characters, from which mine originates from the client. However, it has forum roleplay aspects to it and the majority of my biological history for comes from the forum roleplay that I have engaged on the above website.
This used to be a fun house - Encounter with the Sith Knights Shinju, Lucien Cordel and Dranok Lussk, with the presence of Jorn Kvall and Kära Vi'dreya as their students. He recruits Kära Vi'dreya as his Sith Apprentice.
Emergence on Korriban - Meeting with the Sith Emperor to discuss the current crisis within the Sith Empire, his role in the war with the Mandalorian Empire and his standing within the Sith respectively.

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