While Veles did not mind teaching Acolytes, he wanted the Acolytes to have a certain level of knowledge and competency. This was not the case. The Sith Master did not want to teach those who did not understand anything. "Hmm," Veles muttered, staring into the distance, thinking of what would his former Master do in this situation. Probably kill the weakling who believed he could become a Sith. Master Volitu, now known as Darth Zarrah, always believed to kill the ones too weak or incompetent to be Sith. An Acolyte who knew nothing, nothing at all, certainly belonged in that category. Even when asked a question that had no good or bad answer in an attempt to reveal what the man thought about the subject of being a Sith so the two could start a conversation, the Wookiee did not know. [member="Chenlacca"] seemed utterly clueless, wanting power of the Sith without having the slightest idea what it actually meant to be one. More likely than not, the large Wookiee only wanted to have some powers to show off and achieve his own goals without devoting himself to the Lord. Unacceptable. Veles could not allow this, to let this man receive any training would be to spit on his Master's training.
Fortunately for the Wookiee, Veles was far more tolerant than his Master. Instead of killing the man or just removing his limbs, the Mon Cal calmly spoke to him. "If you ever request a training and come as unprepared and clueless as now, your throat will be kissed by my blade. Go to the library now and study. Do not waste our time any further." The Voice of the Dark Lord said and moved his webbed hand, motioning towards the door.