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Darth Veles and Chenlacca

One Sith Academy
Chenlacca used swift and light footsteps to travel through the Academy, heading to a room where a Sith Lord, Darth Veles, was awaiting. The Wookiee wasn't expecting much, but he knew that he'd have to keep his toe in line if he wanted this 'training'.
The Mon Calamari Sith Master known as Darth Veles expected the Acolyte's arrival, having accepted the Wookiee's request for some training. Why the Acolyte picked him, an assassin out of all the Sith was beyond Veles, as the Wookiee wished to be trained as a warrior. While the Sith Master had participated in several battles where he fought in the front lines among his fellow Sith, he never dared to claim to be a better fighter than those who walked the path of a Sith Warrior. Veles considered himself to be more of a duelist if it came to fighting, preferring to combat against one opponent at time instead of charging into the bulk of enemies and slaughtering them. Nevertheless, the young Mon Cal took the opportunity to take part in shaping the man into a Sith. Hopefully the Wookiee understood Basic; Veles never spoke in any other language despite understanding many of them.

When the door opened and the Wookiee came in the training room, the Mon Cal's large amber eyes immediately opened, staring at the man. The amphibian's presence in the Force remained hidden, a simple way to practice the skill. This power may forever stay out of [member="Chenlacca"]'s grasp, as the Mon Cal taught it only to those who meant their dedication to stealth seriously.

"Why have you come here?" Veles asked in a slightly raspy voice, his thick Imperial accent audible. This would be the first of many questions that determined what kind of Sith this Acolyte was.
Chenlacca have a slight bow, then looked up. "Lord Veles, I have come for the training we organized, it is now, isn't it?" he greeted in Shyriiwook, as Wookiees are unable to speak Basic, at all.

This was worrying Chenlacca, as the Sith before him had a strange look on his face, as if he had no clue what he said. To tell the honest truth, this is most likely true, but Chenlacca had learnt a way to combat this. The tightened closed his eyes, and relayed the message through Telekinesis into Darth Veles' mind.
"Why would you like to be trained?" the Mon Calamari asked another question, turning his back to [member="Chenlacca"] and slowly pacind through the room towards the window, looking outside.Would this Acolyte be a better student than Lady Banshee or Lady Naomi? The Mon Cal doubted that, but then again, both women often utilized the arts of stealth and wished to learn his signature abilities, which eventually led to Veles growing fond of the two. "It would be best if you bought one of the small portable translators. Not everyone understands your language." Darth Veles stated as he turned on the heels of his leather boots, his gaze following the large Wookiee again.
Chenlacca pondered on this, finally letting out a reply, which would soon be translated into Basic and provided to Darth Veles through the same method as the moment before. "Because I feel I can obtain great power through it." the Wookiee studied the Mon Cal's face, judging in his mind if it was the right thing to say.
"Oh?" Veles's face remained undisturbed by any expression, "And might that be?" Both large eyes goggled around, studying the room and occasionally peeking out of the window or glancing at [member="Chenlacca"] to study his body language, or at least attempt to. Veles was not an expert at that, though after being a Sith for so many years and growing up among all sorts of species, he had learned to do that with satisfying accuracy. Wookiees werenot one of those species, but he had fought against them on Kashyyk and if his memory served him right, did a mission on the planet to kill an aggressive Wookiee who violently murdered several people. The memory of it almost brought a smile to his face. Almost. Veles greatly valued what he memorized of his time with Darth Zarrah and Ghenna.
Nodding, the amphibian turned back to the window. He was disappointed, the Wookiee had unfortunately proven to be less than his previous students. "That is a sad story, then. You said that if given enough power through training, you would do things many Sith don't, but when I asked you about it, you do not know. That means you have no idea what to do with power. Why did you join the One Sith?" Swiveling one of his eyes back, the amphibious Sith frowned. "Explain to me what it means to be Sith," Veles ordered firmly, listening to what [member="Chenlacca"] had to say.
The Wookiee felt rather disgruntled, and the reply that came was "I don't know, Sir." he uttered in Shyriiwook, then Telekinesis.

This Mon-Cal could probally sense he had no knowledge of the Dark-Side, the Acolyte figured, just as he'd know this clearly wasn't going to plan but, he'd never been told the secrets of the Dark Side, the ways of the Sith. 'That was the main reason I came, but oh well.' was the next thought to cross his mind.
While Veles did not mind teaching Acolytes, he wanted the Acolytes to have a certain level of knowledge and competency. This was not the case. The Sith Master did not want to teach those who did not understand anything. "Hmm," Veles muttered, staring into the distance, thinking of what would his former Master do in this situation. Probably kill the weakling who believed he could become a Sith. Master Volitu, now known as Darth Zarrah, always believed to kill the ones too weak or incompetent to be Sith. An Acolyte who knew nothing, nothing at all, certainly belonged in that category. Even when asked a question that had no good or bad answer in an attempt to reveal what the man thought about the subject of being a Sith so the two could start a conversation, the Wookiee did not know. [member="Chenlacca"] seemed utterly clueless, wanting power of the Sith without having the slightest idea what it actually meant to be one. More likely than not, the large Wookiee only wanted to have some powers to show off and achieve his own goals without devoting himself to the Lord. Unacceptable. Veles could not allow this, to let this man receive any training would be to spit on his Master's training.

Fortunately for the Wookiee, Veles was far more tolerant than his Master. Instead of killing the man or just removing his limbs, the Mon Cal calmly spoke to him. "If you ever request a training and come as unprepared and clueless as now, your throat will be kissed by my blade. Go to the library now and study. Do not waste our time any further." The Voice of the Dark Lord said and moved his webbed hand, motioning towards the door.

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