Dash Aandek
NAME: Dash Aandek
FACTION: The Galactic Republic
RANK: Pilot
SPECIES: Human (Corellian)
AGE: 24
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5 feet, 8 inches (173 cm)
WEIGHT: 180 Pounds (82 Kg)
EYES: Green
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Pale
+ Ace: Above average reaction time, and an extensive knowledge of star fighters, honed through several years of flying, and maybe one or two crash landings, but who's counting?
+ Gunslinger: Sort of a double-edged sword, quick on the draw and accurate, but past the first few shots Dash's usefulness in combat dwindles; as he doesn't react well to incoming blaster fire.
+ "Strong-Minded" : Dash, having been subject to Jedi mind tricks in the past, has taught himself to counter them, focusing on simple Astronomical calculations in his head to combat the implanting of suggestions through the force. As such, he is immune to a decent portion of Jedi mind tricks, but Jedi who are strong in the force may find ways around this simple defense
- Social Anxiety: Dash suffers from minor Agoraphobia; making him anxious in any location he finds crowded. It doesn't extend far enough to cause panic attacks, but he will seek to leave any location that makes him uncomfortable.
- Out of shape: More time spent in the Pilot's seat than exercising means Dash's cardio has suffered. he is easily winded, and tends to try to avoid physical activity where possible.
- Arrogant: Dash's attitude in person can be seen as off-putting, as he constantly acts as though he knows more than those around him.
- Addiction: Death Sticks
Fairly average in build and pale skinned, Dash looks as one would expect an intergalactic pilot would; out of shape with near florescent skin. Rarely seen out of his Flight suit, it fits loosely, giving him an unkempt look overall. He is decidedly average looking, with light brown hair and a light beard.
Since he was young, Dash was infatuated with the idea of traveling the universe, making a name for himself as a legendary pilot. So far, he's accomplished the former. With a logged 17,520 Flight hours; (Flying roughly 6 hours a day for the past 8 years) He knows the in's and out's of many a star fighter, and can figure out everything about a new ship in under two hours. He makes most of his money as an intergalactic messanger; delivering packages and messages too risky to be sent through conventional means. His personal starfighter; Dubbed The Eagle's Talon, Has cost him almost every credit he's ever earned, and as such, he has lived out of it since he first acquired it. As for his skills out of his ship, many hours alone with nothing but Holo-vids has caused Dash to see himself as a sort of Gun-slinging bounty hunter, and he has spent many a night watching Holo's, and practicing his quickdraw and his aim.
The Eagle's Talon is a Modified RZ-1 A-wing Interceptor, tuned to have maximum maneuverability and speed, at the cost of shield strength. He has reduced weight where applicable, but spared no expense to make his Cockpit comfortable for the long hours he spends there, as well as adding extra seats for passengers. The exterior is painted black, with green accents along the hull.
Standard Communicator
Portable Holo-Vid Display
Barimoq Industries Protector Revolver (Slug Thrower)
Nattov - Old friends, though neither can seem to agree on how they met.
Hasjo Hallu - Recently met through Nattov
None. Yet.
District Oddities - Dash responds to a call from an old friend, and finds himself caught up in a matter of potentially galactic importance.
When Two Padawans Go Missing - With Hasjo M.I.A., Dash helps Nattov investigate his disappearance, along with a heinous murder.