Dash Colton
Dash Colton
FACTION: Neutral
AGE: 31
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6' 1"
WEIGHT: 200 lbs
EYES: Grey
HAIR: Dark Brown
FORCE SENSITIVE: As much as a wet blanket.
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Piloting Skills
Crack Gunner
Skilled Mechanic
Staying Focused
Professionalism (Lack thereof)
Light eyes with dark hair, often unkempt hair. Often can be found sporting stubble or a light beard.
Never coming from a wealthy family or upbringing, Dash has earned most of his possessions, which isn't much to brag about. A pilot, gunner and in a pinch mechanic for much of his twenties, he worked with various crews, picking up jobs that would pay, but never remaining in the same place for very long. All the while he was saving for his own ship to run his own jobs. After a variety of moonlighting gigs and playing second, third and even fourth fiddle to various crews, Dash finally saved enough to purchase his own ship... where it sat for nearly a year, what with it not being exactly space worthy and all.
Along his travels, he "inherited" - or perhaps "Liberated" more aptly - a R1 droid that became Dash's companion, roommate and copilot. Dash refers to his droid sidekick as "Rusty" and removed it's restraining bolt, with the droid being Dash's longest relationship in quite some time. Dash continued to pick up the odd jobs, pouring his time, energy and money into making his ship ready to set to the skies. With numerous hiccups along the way, the currently unnamed ship's launch date quickly approaches, ready to begin his new journey as a ship owner and take any job that will continue to see his ship running.
YT-1250 Freighter - Yet to be Named

FACTION: Neutral
AGE: 31
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6' 1"
WEIGHT: 200 lbs
EYES: Grey
HAIR: Dark Brown
FORCE SENSITIVE: As much as a wet blanket.
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Piloting Skills
Crack Gunner
Skilled Mechanic
Staying Focused
Professionalism (Lack thereof)
Light eyes with dark hair, often unkempt hair. Often can be found sporting stubble or a light beard.
Never coming from a wealthy family or upbringing, Dash has earned most of his possessions, which isn't much to brag about. A pilot, gunner and in a pinch mechanic for much of his twenties, he worked with various crews, picking up jobs that would pay, but never remaining in the same place for very long. All the while he was saving for his own ship to run his own jobs. After a variety of moonlighting gigs and playing second, third and even fourth fiddle to various crews, Dash finally saved enough to purchase his own ship... where it sat for nearly a year, what with it not being exactly space worthy and all.
Along his travels, he "inherited" - or perhaps "Liberated" more aptly - a R1 droid that became Dash's companion, roommate and copilot. Dash refers to his droid sidekick as "Rusty" and removed it's restraining bolt, with the droid being Dash's longest relationship in quite some time. Dash continued to pick up the odd jobs, pouring his time, energy and money into making his ship ready to set to the skies. With numerous hiccups along the way, the currently unnamed ship's launch date quickly approaches, ready to begin his new journey as a ship owner and take any job that will continue to see his ship running.
YT-1250 Freighter - Yet to be Named

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