Dasheeba Kurjiic Trenika
Age: 285 years
Species: Hutt
Gender: F
Height: 2.1 meters
Weight: 900 lbs
Force Sensitive: No
A hefty Hutt female, almost as wide as she is tall, with skin that secretes mucus to keep herself cool. She likes to decorate her head with pieces of metal to make herself real, real pretty.
Utility belt
WESTAR-34 pistol
Chance cube
Like most Hutts, Dasheeba is ruthless at her core. However, to those she cares about or has a soft spot for, she can be motherly and smotherly. She is a complex Hutt, but her most defining traits are her willingness to face challenges straight on and protect the ones that she cares about. Of course, though….Dasheeba cares about Dasheeba first and foremost.
Mama Sheeba is a big woman. She has thick skin that is impossible to pierce with a metal blade, although she is not impervious to blaster fire. She also has a very, very strong stomach that has helped her survive an assassination attempt by poison, so bring on your poisons. She can handle them. And speaking of handlin’ - you don’t want to get grabbed by Mama Sheeba. She can throw you around a few feet if she’s feeling real frisky.
Mama Sheeba can be real charmin’. She could talk a snake right into slipping its hide into a big ol’ pot for her to enjoy. She also has a motherly air about her that pulls in anyone who needs a little mothering…and maybe a little smotherin’, too. Get on in here and give Mama Sheeba a hug. She’s been waitin’ on ya.
Mama Sheeba is strong, but she sure gets tired, babies. Don’t run so fast! She can’t keep up with ya. And don’t make Mama Sheeba hungry with all that running. You aren’t going to like her when she’s hungry!
-Space Sickness
Mama Sheeba does not travel well, y’all. Please don’t ask her to get on a ship and hit hyperspace. She gets very queasy on ships, and her hearts feel like they are just gonna explode! She likes to keep her tail on flat, level ground so she can feel in control. Long vacations from Coruscant to Geonosis just aren’t going to cut it, babies. When she has to travel - really has to - she has got to find a big bed to lay down in, and you know how hard those are to find, sugar. Please don’t disturb her.
Sit on down here and let Mama Sheeba tell you a story, baby.
A long time ago…in a galaxy far, far away….well, actually my babies, it was in this galaxy….I was married.
Yes, that’s right. Mama Sheeba came from a real powerful family. Real, real powerful. We had lots of money, and lots of food, and lots and lots of servants. Mama Sheeba got to sit on a golden throne, cause that’s what her Daddy wanted. Yep. She was a princess, although Hutts don’t have princesses.
But - she was promised to a man.
This Hutt came from a powerful family, too. Not as powerful as the Trenikas, no. But his Daddy had made some good business deals and had some friends on Tatooine, so they came up in the galaxy. I didn’t like him very much - he was smaller than me, and meaner, and not as smart. But Mama Sheeba is real smart, so…we can’t hold that against him.
So, we got married. Everything was going good at first. Had a few dozen babies, business was okay, we were trading people and ships and making a little mound of credits. Had a few assassination attempts on our lives, but hey, we survived, and it would be insulting if no one ever tried to take us out. Okay, not bad.
But then my husband - what was his name, again? It was Korbo, that’s right. Korbo was a drinker. He was a drinker, he was a gambler, he was a racer…he was an adrenaline junkie, babies. And pretty soon, he started making bad decisions. He made real bad decisions. He was starting to cost us lots of credits, and he was hardly ever at home with us on Tatooine, and me and my babies were no longer safe. Our security forces were always out with him running around the galaxy, and we were left to fend for ourselves. I had to take care of my babies, all by myself. I was mad. I was real mad.
So I started taking over the business. I made all kinds of decisions and signed off on things that he never learned about until months later - months later, babies! He was a real dumb Hutt. And I could have done a lot better than him. And, one night, I told him so.
Korbo got mad. He got real mad. He got so mad that —- oh, babies. Sniffle. Sigh He ate one of our babies. He ATE one of MY babies! He did it just to spite me, to show me that he was really in control. I came home to the palace, and my baby was gone.
So guess what I did, babies? I ATE him. That’s right. I did. I ate him. I didn’t even use the personal chef to do it. He was boiling in that pot in no time at all, and I ate him down. Every last bit. And I grew twice as big that day, lemme tell you, babies.
Well, his family didn’t like that much. Pretty soon they came after me and my family back on Kazarak. They took them out - wiped ‘em all out! And I had to take my babies and scatter them all over, and get out of Tatooine altogether. It was the darkest time in all my years. It was real dark.
And babies, I had to leave with nothing. There went the palace, there went my dresses, there went the personal chefs, there went the neighborhood. I had to get rid of everything and hide for a long, long time before his family moved on and forgot ol’ Mama Sheeba.
Now I’m wandering the galaxy alone, looking for another home, and another family, maybe, too. But I’m not down about it. I’ll build myself another empire, and I’ll make lots of more credits, and I’ll find more babies, possibly. After all, everybody needs a little mothering.
And maybe a little smothering.
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