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Dashiell Incorporated

Dashiell Incorporated, an umbrella corporation for Salacia Consolidated, Aina Holdings, Dashiell Retrofit, and more.

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Dashiell Retrofit Planning

  • Corporation Name: Dashiell Retrofit™.
  • Headquarters:
  • Locations:
  • Operations:
    • Salvage & Trade.
    • Repair & Refurbishment of Technologies.
    • Starship & Planetary Vehicular Manufacturing.
  • Parent Corporation: Dashiell Incorporated.
  • Subsidiaries: None.

Dashiell Retrofit, a subsidiary of Dashiell Incorporated, specializes in acquiring and refurbishing outdated technologies for resale on the Galactic Market. Founded by Balun Dashiell, the venture taps into his entrepreneurial vision, with substantial financial backing from his father, Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell , the owner of Dashiell Incorporated. This commercial enterprise breathes new life into forgotten or obsolete equipment, transforming it into valuable assets ready for use by those across the galaxy who seek both reliability and affordability. Dashiell Retrofit thrives as a bridge between the past and future of technology, offering expertly restored items to meet modern needs.

Dashiell Incorporated is helmed by Judah Dashiell, who serves as the Corporate Executive of Operations, overseeing the entire enterprise. This vast umbrella corporation encompasses a network of companies owned by Judah himself, along with ventures led by Makai Dashiell and Balun Dashiell. Together, they form a powerful family-run conglomerate, each member contributing their expertise to the expansive reach of Dashiell Incorporated.


After uncovering the identities of his biological father and brother, Balun—formerly known by the surname Vale—began a journey to reconnect with his long-lost family. Over time, he grew fascinated by their personal and professional lives. His father, Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell , is a prominent executive of the salvage enterprise Salacia Consolidated, while his brother, Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell , leads as the executive of Aina Holdings™.

Balun's prior experience in salvaging and scrapping became a meaningful bridge to his family's business. One of his early achievements was discovering the wreckage of an S-91x Pegasus on Corellia, the homeworld of his master, Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire . Together, they restored the starfighter to its former glory, now serving as Balun's personal starship. In addition, he crafted his own K-16 Bryar Pistol and Lightsaber, showcasing the skills he acquired from the Artisans of the New Jedi Order during his earlier years. His latest undertaking, the restoration of the derelict The Nomad Commercial Heavy Freighter, marks another milestone, as he plans to use the ship for Dashiell Retrofit™.

As Balun's connection to his family deepened, he became increasingly drawn to the corporate world. Eager to follow in the footsteps of his father and brother, he now aims to learn from them and work alongside them—not only to forge his own path, but also to honor the legacy of the family he has come to admire and embrace.
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  • Shipyards Name: Retrofit Orbital Foundry.
  • Classification: Orbital Shipyard.
  • Location:
  • Affiliation:
  • Population: Heavily Staffed.
  • Accessibility: The Dashiell Orbital Platform floats majestically in orbit around Kesh, its massive silhouette unmistakable to any starship entering or departing the planet's atmosphere. This sprawling starship manufacturing station, a jewel of engineering and corporate power, glimmers against the backdrop of space, its industrial hum palpable even from afar.

    To safeguard its vital operations, the platform is equipped with formidable Heavy Turbolasers, strategically positioned along its exterior, ready to unleash devastating volleys against any who dare challenge its defenses. An advanced deflector shield envelops the entire structure, shimmering faintly as it wards off any threat, from opportunistic pirates to daring saboteurs. These defensive systems are a testament to Dashiell Retrofit's unyielding stance against those seeking to undermine its shipbuilding empire or disrupt its profitable ventures across the galaxy. The platform stands as both a beacon of commerce and a fortress against the lawless elements lurking in the void.
  • Description: Retrofit Orbital Foundry is an immense, ring-shaped space station, its design dominated by a vast central circle that serves as the heart of its operations. This hollow ring allows starships and other vessels to pass directly through the station, providing an open conduit for large-scale construction or repairs. Branching outward in a symmetrical formation from the central hub are several long, fortified extensions, each bristling with advanced structures. These arms are equipped with docking platforms, industrial tools, and defensive turrets, making the station not only a powerhouse of starship manufacturing and retrofitting but also a heavily fortified installation. Its surface is a maze of industrial machinery and weaponry, speaking to its dual purpose as both a shipyard and a defensive stronghold.

    At the heart of the station lies a massive ring-like structure, likely serving as the central hub for ship construction and assembly. This core is encircled by several long, straight extensions that jut outward, resembling shipyard arms or docking bays. These sprawling arms appear designed for handling both the assembly of larger starships and providing docking access for smaller vessels.
    The surface of the station is dotted with an array of turrets and antenna-like structures, hinting at integrated defensive systems, communication arrays, or specialized shipyard equipment. The sleek, industrial design of the station speaks to its advanced technology, emphasizing functionality and production. Every element of its architecture suggests that this high-tech facility is dedicated to large-scale operations, likely tied to both military and commercial starship manufacturing.
  • Production: Retrofit Orbital Foundry is a versatile and expansive shipyard and manufacturing station, equipped to produce a wide range of large-scale spacefaring vessels. Its capabilities extend far beyond shipbuilding, encompassing the production of ground-based vehicles, advanced weapons, and durable armor. In addition, the facility specializes in crafting various high-tech utilities and equipment, making it a crucial hub for technological innovation and large-scale industrial output. Its design and operations reflect a comprehensive approach to manufacturing, serving both military and commercial needs with precision and efficiency.
  • Specialty: Space-faring Vessels and Ground-based Vehicles.
  • Output: Multiple projects can be manufactured at a single time.
  • Market: Dashiell Retrofit operates as a subsidiary of Dashiell Incorporated, maintaining its independence by not aligning with any specific faction in the galaxy. As a privately owned corporate manufacturer, the company caters to a broad range of clients, offering its products to any willing buyers. However, Dashiell Retrofit exercises strict control over its business dealings, carefully vetting clientele. They reserve the right to deny service to individuals or organizations proven to be involved in criminal activities or actions that conflict with Galactic Law and Order, ensuring their business practices align with broader ethical standards.
  • Assembly Yards: The Assembly Yards are the lifeblood of the station, where vast, hangar-like spaces house the construction of starships. In the Ship Construction Bays, massive skeletal frames of ships take shape, from nimble starfighters to towering capital vessels. Around these titanic bays, Modular Docking Rings hum with activity, flexible docking platforms where ships in various stages of production are connected. This allows for simultaneous work on a wide range of ships, ensuring maximum efficiency. Meanwhile, the Fabrication Chambers are a marvel of automated technology, churning out essential components—hull plates, advanced engines, and cutting-edge weaponry—all guided by precision programming and droid labor.
  • Design and Engineering Hub: In the heart of the station, the Research & Development Labs buzz with innovation. Here, scientists and engineers push the boundaries of ship design, rigorously testing new materials, systems, and technologies. The labs hum with the energy of constant experimentation, from shield advancements to breakthrough propulsion systems. Adjacent to this is the HoloCAD Suite, where starship designs come to life in shimmering 3D holograms. Engineers can walk through virtual prototypes, modifying every curve and circuit before the ships are even physically built, with real-time simulations running the ships through potential scenarios.
  • Power and Resource Facilities: A colossal Fusion Reactor sustains the station's core, its immense power output supporting not just the manufacturing effort but also life support for the thousands aboard. Flowing out from the reactor, energy powers the Resource Processing Plant, where raw materials—minerals, gases, and alloys—are refined and transformed into the building blocks of starships. At the nearby Repulsorlift and Hyperdrive Testing Bays, newly developed propulsion systems are put through their paces. Engineers oversee rigorous testing, ensuring these systems can endure the strains of real-space and hyperspace travel.
  • Orbital Dockyards: Beyond the station, the Orbital Dockyards are alive with activity. Ship Refitting Stations dot the perimeter, serving as docks for ships undergoing critical upgrades, whether adding new weapons systems or retrofitting outdated hyperdrives. Further out, the sprawling Orbital Drydocks cradle massive vessels like capital ships and frigates. Suspended in space, these starships undergo major repairs or full-scale construction, with teams of engineers and droids working tirelessly on their massive frames.
  • Command and Operations Center: Overseeing the station's vast operations is the Control Bridge, a hive of strategic activity. From here, ship traffic is regulated, production schedules are maintained, and any threat to the station is monitored. Below the bridge, the Traffic Control Tower directs the constant ebb and flow of ships arriving and departing, ensuring safe landings and takeoffs. Meanwhile, the Security Command keeps a vigilant eye, coordinating defense protocols and guarding against sabotage or external threats, with tight internal security measures in place at all times.
  • Residential and Personnel Areas: The station also houses a large population of engineers, workers, and security personnel, all of whom reside in the Crew Quarters. These accommodations, while functional, offer comfort to those who spend months or even years aboard. Off-duty personnel can be found relaxing in the Mess Halls & Cantinas, enjoying meals, drinks, and camaraderie after long shifts. Should injuries occur, whether from industrial accidents or combat, the Medbay—equipped with Bacta Tanks—provides cutting-edge medical care, ensuring swift recoveries.
  • Defense Systems and Security: The station's defenses are formidable, with Turbolaser Turrets strategically positioned to repel any incoming threats. These powerful weapons stand ready to unleash devastating firepower against enemy ships. Within the station, Starfighter Launch Bays house nimble craft prepared to scramble at a moment's notice for defensive patrols or escort missions. Meanwhile, the Security Droid Armory maintains an array of both organic and droid security forces, their equipment and weapons kept in peak condition to safeguard the station.
  • Cargo and Logistics: The logistical backbone of the station is maintained through well-organized Supply Depots, where raw materials such as Tibanna gas and precious metals are stored before being processed. Cargo Hold Docks serve as loading and unloading points for freighters carrying goods to and from the station, ensuring a constant flow of resources. Additionally, the Hyperfuel Refinery plays a crucial role in starship readiness, producing and storing the precious fuel needed for hyperspace jumps.
  • Observation and Shielding Systems: At the highest points of the station, the Observation Deck provides stunning, panoramic views of the surrounding space. From here, visitors and personnel can watch ship construction in real time or gaze out at the stars beyond. Below the deck, powerful Shield Generators hum with energy, creating a protective barrier around the station to ward off attacks and environmental hazards alike.
  • Communications and Trade Hub: A Holocomm Array sits atop the station, extending its communication reach across the galaxy. This array is essential for coordinating trade routes, communicating with clients, and negotiating contracts. Inside the station, Trading Offices host high-profile meetings where Dashiell Incorporated executives meet with buyers and clients, making deals that influence galactic commerce.
  • Waste Recycling & Environmental Systems: Behind the scenes, vital systems keep the station's environment clean and habitable. The Life Support Systems maintain oxygen, temperature, and humidity levels, ensuring the safety and comfort of all aboard. Meanwhile, the Waste Disposal & Recycling Facility efficiently processes both organic and industrial waste, converting it into reusable resources to minimize waste and support the station's sustainability.
  • VIP Hangars and Negotiation Chambers: For high-profile visitors, the station boasts a luxurious Executive Shuttle Bay—a private and secure docking area where VIPs can arrive discreetly. Nearby, the Negotiation Chambers provide high-security meeting rooms, where deals with governments, factions, and high-ranking officials are brokered. These chambers are fortified, ensuring privacy and safety for delicate negotiations.

The Retrofit Orbital Foundry stands as the central headquarters for Dashiell Retrofit, a new venture founded by Balun Dashiell and financially backed by his father, Judah Dashiell, a successful entrepreneur renowned for his work with Dashiell Incorporated and Salacia Consolidated.

While rumors swirl in the corporate circles about Judah's attempt to make up for his fifteen-year absence from Balun's life, one undeniable fact remains: Judah has placed immense trust and financial investment in his son's ability to steer this new enterprise to success. Judah has provided the substantial credits needed for the creation of the Retrofit Orbital Foundry, from its construction to the employment of its large staff and advanced technological facilities.

In a symbolic gesture of faith, Judah has promised Balun provisional leadership. Upon proving the company's sustainability—no longer dependent on Dashiell Incorporated's financial aid—Balun will be granted full control. This arrangement ensures that Balun learns the art of business self-sufficiency while preventing him from falling into overwhelming debt with no safety net. It is both a test of skill and a pathway to full autonomy, guiding Balun toward becoming the rightful leader of Dashiell Retrofit.
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  • Manufacturer: Dashiell Retrofit™.
  • Affiliation: Closed-Market - Any character can use this craft with permission or market-place purchase from Dashiell Retrofit™.
  • Market Status: Closed-Market.
  • Model: B/N-1138 Light Freighter.
  • Production: Limited.
  • Material: Turadium, Durasteel, Transparisteel, Kiirium, Starship Components.
  • Advanced Multi-Configuration Sensor Array: The custom sensor array on the B/N-1138 Light Freighter has been extensively modified, integrating a diverse range of receptors and advanced sensor transceivers. These enhancements provide the freighter with unparalleled sensor clarity, allowing it to detect other ships at significantly greater distances. It can even pick up on vessels nearing hyperspace exit points, offering the crew an early alert to potential threats. This extended range and precision give the crew crucial time to prepare, evade, or avoid detection altogether, reducing the likelihood of unwanted encounters or conflict.
  • Stygium Cloaking Device: The addition of the Stygium Cloak elevates the B/N-1138 Light Freighter's already exceptional sensor capabilities by enveloping the vessel in a near-impenetrable veil. Unlike lesser cloaking systems, which only disrupt enemy sensor readings, the Stygium Cloaking field renders the freighter completely invisible to the naked eye. This seamless integration ensures that the ship remains hidden not only from electronic detection but also from physical sight, allowing it to glide undetected through even the most hostile environments.
  • Scout Vessel: The B/N-1138 Light Freighter is tailored more for reconnaissance missions than direct space combat, making it an ideal choice for scouts, smugglers, or freight runners who rely on stealth over firepower. Designed with precision sensory technology and advanced cloaking capabilities, this vessel excels at slipping through dangerous territories unnoticed. Its armaments and defensive systems are modest, but this trade-off allows for enhanced speed and maneuverability. In the hands of a skilled pilot, the B/N-1138 can outpace and outmaneuver opponents, ensuring a fighting chance in unavoidable combat situations despite its lighter combat capabilities.

The B/N-1138 Light Freighter is the flagship creation of the Retrofit Orbital Foundry, a renowned facility orbiting Kesh. This inaugural line of starships merges cutting-edge technology with meticulously refurbished, battle-tested systems, producing a limited run of highly specialized vessels. Engineered with precision and reliability in mind, each freighter is perfectly suited for transporting premium cargo across the galaxy, making it a top choice for those who demand both efficiency and superior craftsmanship in their interstellar travels.

The freighter's reinforced hull, crafted from a durable blend of Turadium and Durasteel, is further protected by a Kiirium-coated finish, enhancing its resistance to damage during hostile encounters. Armed with four laser turrets positioned across the forward, aft, and dorsal sections, the B/N-1138 offers a broad range of offensive capabilities. For defense, the ship boasts a point-defense laser turret and an ECM (Electronic Countermeasures) suite to neutralize incoming threats and enhance survivability in combat situations.

Expertly designed to accommodate various types of cargo, the B/N-1138 features a spacious and adaptable cargo hold. Its modular storage system allows for seamless reconfiguration to meet the demands of different freight, from standard goods to valuable items and, for those inclined, contraband. Hidden, shielded compartments provide the perfect solution for discreetly stowing sensitive or illicit cargo, although it should be noted that the use of these "smuggling compartments" is entirely at the crew's discretion. Dashiell Retrofit, the ship's manufacturer, firmly disavows any involvement or endorsement of smuggling activities.

What truly sets the B/N-1138 Light Freighter apart, however, is its advanced multi-configuration sensor array. This state-of-the-art system enables the freighter to detect incoming vessels from a vast distance, giving the crew a significant edge in early threat identification. Capable of scanning a wide range of frequencies, the array provides detailed intelligence on surrounding signals and communications. When traversing a planet's atmosphere, the system maps surface terrain with remarkable accuracy, offering the crew invaluable data for safe and strategic navigation. This exceptional sensor suite solidifies the B/N-1138 as an indispensable tool for reconnaissance, evasion, and exploration, ensuring its place as a standout in the galaxy.
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Crown Dream Lines Commision.



Intent: To create a product line of Starcruisers for the use of Crown Dream Lines.
Image Source: Artstation - Robert Bonchune.
Canon Link: N/A.
Permissions: N/A.
Primary Source: Luxury Liner.


Manufacturer: Dashiell Retrofit™.
Affiliation: Crown Dream Lines.
Market Status: Closed-Market.
Model: N/A.
Production: Limited.


Classification: Civilian Transport, Luxury Liner.
Length: 1000 Meters.
Width: 200 Meters.
Height: 250 Meters.
Armament: Low.

Defenses: Average.
  • ECM Countermeasures.
  • Escape Pods.
Hangar Space: 1.
  • Support Craft: 1x Light Transport/Shuttle Squadron.
Maneuverability Rating: Low.
Speed Rating: High.
Hyperdrive: 1.0.


  • Passenger Capacity: 3,500.
  • Cargo Capacity: 5,000 metric tons.
  • Consumables: 1 Year.
  • Crew:
    • 1 Captain.
    • 15 Officers.
    • 500 Shipboard Crew.
    • 300 Service Droids.
    • 150 Security Personnel.
Staff Service Areas:
  • Bridge and Command Center:
At the ship's heart lies the Bridge and Command Center, the nerve centre of operations. A team of officers and droids monitor the ship's systems, using sophisticated arrays of sensors, navigational tools, and hyperdrive controls to guide the vessel smoothly through the vast expanse of space.
  • Security Stations:
Strategically placed Security Stations ensure the safety of all aboard. Equipped with surveillance systems, guard droids, and weapons lockers, these stations are ready to handle any threats, especially in the face of unpredictable space routes.
  • Medical Bay:
The Medical Bay is a marvel of modern technology, equipped with bacta tanks and advanced medical droids capable of treating even the most severe injuries. From routine check-ups to emergency surgeries, this state-of-the-art facility ensures the well-being of every passenger.
  • Engineering and Hyperdrive Control:
In the Engineering and Hyperdrive Control room, skilled technicians oversee the Starcruiser's power systems, engines, and hyperdrive. Here, the hum of the ship's mighty engines is a constant reminder of the cutting-edge technology propelling the luxury liner through the stars. Droid repair bays and maintenance workstations keep the ship's mechanical workforce in peak condition.
  • Astrogation Room:
The Astrogation Room is where the most skilled navigators plot the starcruiser's course, using advanced computers to calculate hyperspace jumps with precision. This room is a hub of activity, as astrogators ensure smooth, efficient travel across the galaxy.
  • Cargo Bays:
Spacious Cargo Bays store passengers' belongings and any valuable goods being transported. Whether it's luggage or rare artifacts, these secure bays provide ample room and advanced storage options for anything that needs safekeeping during the voyage.
  • Droid Maintenance Bays:
Behind the scenes, the Droid Maintenance Bays hum with activity. Devoted workstations ensure the countless service droids aboard the ship are kept in top condition and ready to assist passengers at a moment's notice.
  • Communications Center:
The Communications Center is a hub for secure long-range transmissions. Encrypted holo-terminals allow passengers to stay connected across the galaxy, while private communication stations offer the utmost discretion.
  • Docking Bays:
In the ship's Docking Bays, sleek shuttles, starfighters, and private luxury vessels await, ready for excursions or defence. These bays are the lifeblood of the ship's interstellar connectivity, offering passengers a seamless way to embark on adventures or return to their home planets.
  • Crew Quarters:
The Crew Quarters may be more functional than lavish, but they are equipped with all the essentials for long-term journeys. These quarters ensure that the hardworking crew can rest and recharge in comfort.
  • VIP Workstations:
VIP Workstations provide private, fully-encrypted holo-terminals for the most influential passengers for secure communications and data operations, ensuring their business dealings remain confidential even in the far reaches of space.

Luxury Facilities:
  • Spas and Wellness Centers:
The Spas and Wellness Centers offer a haven of tranquillity where passengers can unwind in luxurious relaxation pods or rejuvenate in steaming saunas. Rejuvenation tanks provide deep healing, while droid-assisted massage therapy melts away tension. High-end medical droids offer services like cutting-edge bacta treatments, ensuring guests emerge feeling refreshed and revitalized.
  • Entertainment Lounges:
In the Entertainment Lounges, grandeur meets technology with vast, ornate spaces equipped with interactive holo-projectors. These projectors cast stunning holographic concerts, plays, and immersive performances while the lounges resonate with live music from alien bands. Game tables and holographic gambling arenas, like the ever-popular Sabacc, add excitement to the opulent surroundings.
  • Luxury Suites:
The Luxury Suites cater to the galaxy's elite, featuring high-tech furnishings and programmable environmental controls to create the perfect atmosphere. Vast panoramic windows offer breathtaking views of the stars, and private holo screens provide seamless access to communication, entertainment, and galactic news, all at the touch of a button.
  • Gourmet Dining Facilities:
Gourmet Dining Facilities take culinary indulgence to new heights, with multiple high-end restaurants serving galactic cuisine crafted by renowned chefs from across the stars. Cantinas and cocktail lounges provide exotic drinks from distant worlds, while refreshment stations are scattered throughout the ship, ensuring a never-ending supply of tantalizing flavours.
  • Holo-Theaters:
Step into the Holo-Theaters, where passengers are transported into vivid, full-immersion holo-experiences. Whether exploring the jungles of Felucia, reliving ancient battles, or embarking on a galactic tour, these rooms immerse guests in captivating, lifelike environments.
  • Observation Decks:
From the Observation Decks, passengers gaze out through enhanced transparency panels, offering unobstructed views of swirling nebulae, distant star systems, and the mesmerizing streaks of hyperspace. Here, the vastness of the galaxy unfolds in front of their eyes.
  • Shopping Centers:
The Shopping Centers offer boutiques brimming with rare treasures from across the galaxy. Whether it's exotic clothing, shimmering jewellery, or advanced technology, these stores showcase unique and valuable items for the discerning traveller.
  • Swimming Pools and Fitness Areas:
For the fitness-conscious, the ship boasts Swimming Pools and Fitness Areas, complete with zero-gravity pools where passengers can float weightlessly and gravity-adaptable gymnasiums. Duelling simulations and advanced fitness regimes are available for those looking to challenge themselves in a futuristic setting.

Advanced Navigational Systems:

  • Astrogation Computers:
The Astrogation Computers aboard the luxury liner starcruiser are marvels of precision and sophistication, seamlessly working alongside the ship's navigation team. These systems calculate hyperspace routes with pinpoint accuracy, ensuring the vessel glides effortlessly through the galaxy. Drawing on real-time astrography charts and galactic hyperspace beacons, they guide the vessel along the safest and most efficient paths, avoiding dangers and ensuring timely arrivals.
  • Auto-Pilot:
The Auto-Pilot System is equally impressive, managing routine travel routes and hyperspace jumps with flawless execution. Whether cruising between distant stars or navigating complex spaceports, the autopilot ensures a smooth journey without requiring manual intervention, allowing passengers to relax as they travel in style.
  • Luxury Environmental Control Systems:
Thanks to customizable atmosphere controls, each area of the Starcruiser is a marvel of comfort. From private suites to public lounges, passengers can tailor the climate to their preferences, adjusting temperature, humidity, air quality, and even atmospheric composition to recreate the environment of their home planet or craft a new ambience.
  • Artificial Gravity Control:
Complementing this, the Artificial Gravity Control system enables the ship to replicate or alter gravity in specific areas. Passengers can enjoy zero-gravity activities in designated zones or relax in gravity settings that match their homeworld, providing entertainment and medical benefits.
  • Holonet Communications Systems:
Communication on the Starcruiser is not only fast but ultra-secure. Encrypted Holo-Communications terminals allow passengers to conduct private business or personal conversations with peace of mind. Sophisticated encryption protocols shield communications from prying eyes, ensuring that messages and calls remain confidential, even across vast galactic distances.
  • Entertainment Holo-Network:
The Holonet Entertainment Network offers an endless library of immersive entertainment content. Passengers can enjoy full-immersion holo-films, real-time news broadcasts, or even participate in virtual galactic events, all from the comfort of their suite or luxurious lounge.

Defensive Systems:
  • Deflector Shields:
The starcruiser is a space fortress protected by powerful Deflector Shields that ward off potential threats. Whether navigating asteroid fields or fending off pirate attacks, these multi-layered shields safeguard the vessel from everything from debris to concentrated laser fire, ensuring passengers' safety during the most treacherous journeys.
  • Point Defense Systems:
For added protection, Point Defense Systems are strategically placed across the ship. These automatic laser turrets are designed to neutralize incoming missiles, starfighters, or other projectiles, ensuring any threats are intercepted before they reach the ship.

Entertainment and Simulation Systems:
  • Holo-Decks:
High-end, fully immersive holographic environments would allow passengers to engage in lifelike simulations. Whether for recreation, business meetings, or training, these holo-decks could recreate any setting in astonishing detail, from alien worlds to historic events.
  • Holo-Game Rooms:
The ship's Holo-Game Rooms further enhance the experience, providing access to advanced holographic games that range from casual activities to full-blown adventure simulations, offering endless fun for passengers of all ages.

Security and Surveillance Systems:
  • Bio-scanners:
Security aboard the luxury liner is airtight, starting with Bio-Scanners positioned at key entry points. These sophisticated devices scan passengers' biometric data, including DNA and retina patterns, to verify identities, ensuring only authorized individuals access sensitive areas. They also detect weapons and hazardous materials, providing an additional layer of safety.
  • Guard Droid Network:
An advanced Guard Droid Network patrols the ship. These security droids are equipped with various defence mechanisms, from non-lethal deterrents to more robust measures if needed. Linked to a central control room, the droids can respond quickly to incidents, keeping the ship's corridors safe.
  • Emergency Lockdown Protocols:
In the case of an emergency, Lockdown Protocols kick into gear, instantly sealing off critical areas with energy shields and activating additional security measures. These protocols protect passengers and the ship from internal or external threats.

Medical Systems:
  • Autonomous Medical Droids:
The Starcruiser's medical facilities are state-of-the-art, featuring Autonomous Medical Droids capable of diagnosing and treating various ailments. These droids monitor passengers' vitals in real time and respond to emergencies quickly. If necessary, they can administer bacta treatments or even perform surgeries in the ship's dedicated medical bays.
  • Bacta Therapy Tanks:
Including Bacta Therapy Tanks ensures swift recovery for passengers who suffer injuries or illnesses. These tanks, filled with the renowned healing substance, allow passengers to recover rapidly, making medical care onboard as efficient as it is advanced.
  • Personalized Health Monitors:
To enhance safety, passengers are outfitted with Personalized Health Monitors. These wearable devices continuously track their health, feeding data directly to the medical bay. Should an anomaly arise, the medical droids are alerted instantly, providing passengers with the highest standard of health care in the galaxy.

Artificial Intelligence and Droid Integration:
  • Integrated Ship AI:
At the heart of the ship's systems is an Integrated Ship AI, a powerful artificial intelligence that manages all aspects of the starcruiser's operations. From adjusting the climate to monitoring navigation and security, the AI ensures that everything runs smoothly, interfacing seamlessly with crew and passengers to provide personalized services. Responding to voice commands, the AI caters to individual needs, making every passenger feel like the ship focuses on them alone.
  • Service Droid Networks:
Complementing the AI is the Service Droid Network. These droids handle many tasks, from cleaning and maintenance to delivering meals and fulfilling passengers' requests. They are expertly programmed to respond quickly and efficiently, offering personalized concierge services that elevate the onboard experience to a new level of luxury.

Energy and Propulsion Systems:
  • Hypermatter Reactor:
An advanced Hypermatter Reactor, a cutting-edge energy source, powers the starcruiser. It supplies the ship's many systems, including life support, shields, and propulsion. Optimized for long voyages, this reactor ensures continuous, uninterrupted power, allowing the ship to journey across the galaxy without issue.
  • Advanced Sublight Engines:
For in-system travel, Advanced Sublight Engines provide smooth, quiet propulsion, reducing vibrations and noise for passengers. These engines are designed for efficiency, ensuring that even short-distance travel feels as luxurious as the rest of the starcruiser's offerings.
  • Advanced Hyperdrive Systems:
Regarding hyperspace travel, the starcruiser's Advanced Hyperdrive Systems allow it to make precise, fast jumps across the galaxy. These hyperdrives reduce travel time significantly, while backup systems provide redundancy to ensure that the ship remains operational even in the unlikely event of a malfunction.

Life Support and Environmental Sustainability Systems:
  • Self-Sustaining Ecosystems:
Sustainability is vital on long voyages, and the starcruiser's Self-Sustaining Ecosystems play a critical role. Advanced recycling systems and atmospheric scrubbers keep air and water fresh and clean, filtering out contaminants and ensuring passengers breathe easy throughout the journey.
  • Hydroponic Gardens:
The ship also boasts Hydroponic Gardens, which supply fresh, organic food, contribute to air purification and create a serene, green space for passengers to enjoy. These gardens are a vital part of the starcruiser's self-sufficient ecosystem, offering a refreshing connection to nature even in the depths of space.
  • Emergency Oxygen Reserves:
Oxygen Reserves are on hand in emergencies, ready to activate across the ship should an atmospheric failure occur. These reserves ensure that life support remains stable until the issue is resolved.

Luxury Automation Systems:
  • Voice-Activated Suite Controls:
Each luxury suite has voice-activated controls, allowing passengers to adjust their environment easily. Whether altering the lighting, controlling temperature, or selecting entertainment, passengers can make changes without lifting a finger, indulging in the convenience of fully automated luxury.
  • Personalized Concierge Systems:
Additionally, Personalized Concierge Systems are accessible through holographic interfaces. These virtual concierges can book spa treatments, schedule activities, or arrange personalized services to ensure every passenger's stay is as enjoyable and carefree as possible.

Advanced Docking and Boarding Systems:
  • Automated Docking Systems:
For effortless travel, the Starcruiser features Automated Docking Systems, allowing shuttlecraft and personal yachts to dock smoothly. This automation ensures that embarkation and disembarkation are handled with the same elegance and efficiency passengers expect from the Starcruiser.
  • Luxury Boarding Pods:
For VIPs, Luxury Boarding Pods offer a more private, opulent method of boarding and departing the ship. These specialized pods maintain the privacy and comfort of high-profile guests, ensuring that every aspect of their journey is as luxurious as the ship itself.

  • State Of the Art Luxury Liner: The Crown Dream Lines Prestige Class Luxury Liner is a masterpiece of engineering and opulence, crafted for those seeking comfort and indulgence during their voyages among the stars. This state-of-the-art starcruiser, designed with no expense spared, offers a blend of cutting-edge technology and timeless elegance. Each aspect of its design prioritizes its passengers' comfort, leisure, and enjoyment, creating an unparalleled travel experience. With its sleek exterior and lavish interiors, this liner is a bold declaration that Crown Dream Lines is the premier choice for those seeking luxury travel and high-class holiday adventures across the galaxy.
  • Civilian Starcruiser: The Prestige Class Luxury Liner is a civilian vessel meticulously designed for comfort and leisure, not for combat. While it is equipped with ten turbolaser batteries, these are strictly for defensive purposes, activated only in emergencies to protect passengers. Compared to the firepower of military-grade ships, the Prestige Class is significantly underpowered, its defenses serving more as a precaution than a formidable means of battle. The starcruiser's focus remains on civilian use, with safety features in place but no intention of engaging in conflict.

The Prestige Class Luxury Liner is a bespoke commission from Crown Dream Lines, expertly crafted at the Retrofit Orbital Station above Kesh. This commission marks a pivotal moment for Dashiell Retrofit™, signalling its emergence into the Galactic Market after quietly amassing assets behind the scenes. Although the reasons behind Crown Dream Lines' choice of Dashiell Retrofit™ as the manufacturer of these elite vessels remain unclear, the result speaks for itself. The relatively modest company has clearly poured vast financial resources and manpower into the construction of these luxurious cruisers, showcasing their commitment to excellence and attention to detail in their first major business venture.

This line of luxury passenger liners is a masterpiece of spacefaring elegance, crafted to transport its guests across the galaxy in unmatched comfort and refinement. Built with the finest materials and infused with cutting-edge technology, these vessels combine sleek, aerodynamic exteriors with expansive, opulent interiors. Every detail, from the lavishly furnished lounges to the gourmet dining halls and private staterooms, has been meticulously designed to create an atmosphere of tranquility and indulgence. Panoramic viewports offer sweeping, breathtaking views of the stars, while top-tier recreational facilities and personalized, attentive service elevate the journey to an extraordinary experience of elegance. Though equipped with defensive systems to ensure passenger safety, these liners are conceived primarily as luxurious retreats, catering to those who seek a refined, exclusive escape from the hustle of galactic life.
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Dashiell Incorporated Salvage Ship:

  • Intent: (Example: 'To create a pirate vessel for the Skulldagger Brotherhood.')
  • Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
  • Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.)
  • Permissions: (Please link any Marketplace purchase approvals or other permissions to use other Writers' submissions as part of the submission)
  • Primary Source: (Please link and cite the sources which you are modifying for your use in your submission.)
  • Manufacturer: (Kuat Drive Yards, BlasTech Industries, [Character Name], etc. Please ensure you link these accordingly. For Manufacturing limitations on who can make what, please see For more details see the Star Ship rules)
  • Affiliation: (Individual Character Name (an individual PC/NPC who is permitted to use this item), Company Name(s) (Companies authorised to use this submission), Faction Name(s) (Factions authorised to use this submission), other potential options include a submitted NPC unit, or another general organisation/group. For Affiliation limitations on who can field what, please see For more details see the Star Ship rules.)
  • Market Status: (Closed-Market (Any character can use this if they have explicit permission through, for example, a marketplace purchase), Open-Market (May be used by any character without permission from the Manufacturer))
  • Model: (Example: TIE (Twin Ion Engine). For submissions where a model wouldn't be appropriate, such as a custom walking stick, put 'N/A' for 'Not Applicable'.)
  • Production: The scale is Unique (Only One Character), Semi-Unique (A single small unit, squad, or squadron), Limited (Only one small group of characters. IE: A Single Minor Faction, Company, or Group within a faction.), Minor (Large groups of characters. (IE: A Single Major Faction, a few companies, or groups.), Mass-Produced. (Anyone.) Characters refer to NPCs & PCs.)
  • Material: (What is it made out of? Certain materials are more resistant, or vulnerable to certain weapons. Example: 'Durasteel, blaster components.' If this submission uses materials not found on wookieepedia, please link. You may also be asked to link materials that are obscure or difficult to find, e.g. exist as a byline in wikia entry)
  • Classification: (Corvette, Personal Transport, Envoy, Scout, Assault, Freighter, Patrol Ship, Dropship)
  • Length: (Via Metric System. Max: 500 meters. Examples: Lancer-class Frigate: 250 meters, EF76 Nebulon-B Frigate: 300 Meters, Carrack-class Light Cruiser: 350 meters)
  • Width: (Via Metric System. Max: 500 meters. Examples: Lancer-class Frigate: 57 meters, EF76 Nebulon-B Frigate: 72 Meters, Carrack-class Light Cruiser: 72 meters)
  • Height: (Via Metric System. Max: 500 meters. Examples: Lancer-class Frigate: 60 meters, EF76 Nebulon-B Frigate: 166 Meters, Carrack-class Light Cruiser: 75 meters)
  • Armament: (You may provide your armament in list format and must provide your vessel an Armament Rating. (Choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme. Armament Ratings are scaled in relation to the class of ship, meaning a Starfighter will not equate to a Destroyer.Armament Ratings provide only basic weaponry (ex. turbolasers, ion cannons, concussion missiles. laser cannons, etc) unless the ship also has a description of weapons. Please link to all Factory subs used. Links: Starship Weapons, Approved Technology)
  • Defenses: (You may provide your shield and armor systems in list format and must provide your vessel a Defense Rating. (Choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme. Where None is a man in a space suit hanging on to an engine, Average is typical defense, and Extreme is heaviest defense with heavy armor plating and multiple layers of powerful shields. Defensive Ratings are scaled in relation to the type of ship, meaning a Starfighter will not equate to a Destroyer. You should list particular systems under advanced systems. Please link to all Factory Submissions used. Links: Approved Technology)
  • Hangar Space: (Please provide the amount of fighters/support craft this submission can hold in it's hangar by count of Squadrons, which hold 12 average Starfighters. The higher your squadron count, the lower your Armament and number of advanced systems should be. )
200m [Base: 0 | Very Low: 0 | Low: 0 | Average: 1 | High: 2 | Very High: 3 | Extreme: 4 ]
350m [Base: 0 | Very Low: 0 | Low: 1 | Average: 2 | High: 3 | Very High: 4 | Extreme: 5 ]
500m [Base: 0 | Very Low: 1 | Low: 2 | Average: 3 | High: 4 | Very High: 5 | Extreme: 6 ]
  • Hangar Allocations: (This is the allocated amounts of starfighters and support craft (dropships, shuttles,gunships,etc) this submission can hold in its hangar based on the maximum hangar space capacity listed above)
    • Starfighters: x squadrons
    • Support Craft: x squadrons
  • Single Craft Hangar: (Does this ship have a hanger for a single fighter craft to be docked? Please choose either Yes or No. This field does not need to be taken into account when balancing but should be included in the strengths and weaknesses.)
  • Maneuverability Rating: (Choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme. How agile is your ship? Can it take tight turns? This is relative to the size of the vessel (e.g. a Corvette with Low Maneuverability will be more agile than a Star Destroyer with a Low rating.
  • Speed Rating: (Choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme. How fast is your ship in normal space? How fast can it take off, how fast can it speed through a planet's atmosphere? This is relative to the size of the vessel (e.g. a Corvette with Low Speed will be quicker than a Star Destroyer with a Low Speed.)
  • Hyperdrive: (Does this ship have a hyperdrive? If this ship has a hyperdrive how fast is it? The lower the number, the faster the ship is, you may choose decimals. Any speed below 1.0 requires the hyperdrive to be added to the ship's strengths and accordingly balanced with weaknesses. Links: Hyperdrive, Hyperdrive Comparisons)
  • (Provide all of your submission's standard features, including non-combat items, here in a list -or- alternatively simply state 'all standard features'. This includes all features that are common for vessels of this class. Please link to all Factory Submissions used. Links: Starship Weapons, Approved Technology, Shields, Engines)
  • (Provide all of your submission's advanced systems, including non-combat items and special weapons, here in a list. Please link to all Factory Submissions used. Stealth technology and other advanced systems may require other weaknesses or reduced ratings for balance. Ensure significant capabilities from systems are included in the Strengths and Weaknesses lists. Examples include: Stealth systems, Advanced ECM systems, Crystal gravfield traps, HIMS, Molecular shields. Links: Starship Weapons, Approved Technology, Shields, Engines)
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 strength of this submission.)
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 weaknesses of this submission.)
(Describe some of the history behind the submission. Please provide a detailed account or link of each special feature that is listed in this submission. Give us some idea of how it might perform its function, what it excels against and what some limitations of it are. This is where you talk about your idea, flesh it out over at least a good-sized paragraph, and address some of the ways it might be used or abused. All miscellaneous descriptive elements go here, such as Cargo Capacity, Passengers, Consumables, Crew, etc. For especially powerful or ambitious submissions, a very thorough description is recommended.)
Dashiell Incorporated Capital Salvage Ship:



Intent: To create a capital class starship for Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell , Coporate Director of Operations for Salacia Consolidated.
Image Source: Artstation - Martechi Falkberg.
Canon Link: Not Applicable.
Permissions: Not Applicable.
Primary Source:


Manufacturer: Dashiell Retrofit™.
Affiliation: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell , Salacia Consolidated™.
Market Status: Closed-Market.
Model: Not Applicable.
Production: Unique.
Material: Impervium, Glasteel, Alusteel, Kiirium, Duramentium, Duralloy, Larmalstone.


Classification: Cruiser.
Length: 1,000 meters.
Width: 200 meters.
Height: 130 meters.
Armament: Average.
Defences: Very High.
Hangar Space: High: 7.

  • Hangar Allocations: (This is the allocated amounts of starfighters and support craft (dropships, shuttles,gunships,etc) this submission can hold in its hangar based on the maximum hangar space capacity listed above)
  • Starfighters: x squadrons
  • Support Craft: x squadrons
Maneuverability Rating: Low.
Speed Rating: Average.
Hyperdrive: 1.0.


(Provide all of your submission's standard features, including non-combat items, here in a list -or- alternatively simply state 'all standard features'. This includes all features that are common for vessels of this class. Please link to all Factory Submissions used. Links: Starship Weapons, Approved Technology, Shields, Engines)


(Provide all of your submission's advanced systems, including non-combat items and special weapons, here in a list. Please link to all Factory Submissions used. Stealth technology and other advanced systems may require other weaknesses or reduced ratings for balance. Ensure significant capabilities from systems are included in the Strengths and Weaknesses lists. Examples include: Stealth systems, Advanced ECM systems, Crystal gravfield traps, HIMS, Molecular shields. Links: Starship Weapons, Approved Technology, Shields, Engines)


(Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 strength of this submission.)


(Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 weaknesses of this submission.)


(Describe some of the history behind the submission. Please provide a detailed account or link of each special feature that is listed in this submission. Give us some idea of how it might perform its function, what it excels against and what some limitations of it are. This is where you talk about your idea, flesh it out over at least a good-sized paragraph, and address some of the ways it might be used or abused. All miscellaneous descriptive elements go here, such as Cargo Capacity, Passengers, Consumables, Crew, etc. For especially powerful or ambitious submissions, a very thorough description is recommended.)
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