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Approved Planet Dashoban

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  • Intent: Create a system and planet that will host a power base for my character.
  • ​Image Credit: [ x ] [ x ]
  • Canon: /
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  • Planet Name: Dashoban
  • Demonym: Dashonians
  • Region: Wild Space
  • System Name: Antlean System
  • System Features: Asisha, K-Type main sequence (orange dwarf). Antlean I; a tidally-locked moon. Antlean II; habitable world. A very thin line around its equator is theoretically viable for habitation. Third planet; a red giant (5G) with 14 moons orbiting it - said red giant protects Antlean II from an asteroid belt farther down the system.
  • Coordinates: [ 8, 29 ]
  • Major Imports: N/A
  • Major Exports: The planet is uninhabited, but possesses rare mineral pockets and geisers deep underwater. None of it is being exported though.
  • Gravity: Standard
  • Climate: Ocean
  • Primary Terrain: Oceans


Doshaban's surface is littered with remnants of the past and reminders of past glory. The majority of its wonders will never be found, at least not in one lifetime, but a few miles from the original landing zone explorers found this. The remnant shell of an ancient something, inside the huge bones and skull are fused to the exterior shell. A small research facility has been build inside, using technology to establish a dry zone for study. Nearby is a rift in the crust of the planet; a deep trench that goes on and on for miles. It is that same rift that leads us to the next major discovery on the world.


Within the rift explorers found an entrance into a large interior space within the crust. Excavated centuries ago the technology seems to be predominately late Core-level and focuses around the generation of power through siphoning off geothermal energy from the depths of the planet. Why this facility was build and what happened to those that did is unknown, but the explorers found that it was relatively trivial to re-purpose the infrastructure to provide power for their needs.


Another discovery done were the remnants of a Black Hex Star Destroyer. Its beyond repair and unsalvagaeble, but its influence is still felt on the world. The immediate locale has been twisted and mutated through proximity. Fauna more aggressive and twisted, flora decaying and dead, the remnants of the alien starship have left its mark. But strangely enough it does not possess the potency to influence more than about three miles, anything outside of that is left untouched for one reason or the other. The reason for this is that the area has become an area scale Darkside nexus. The nexus itself influences those nearby with effects that range from mild anger to uncontrollable rage (depending on how close one finds themselves near the ship), but it's the long term effects that are truly concerning.

While the rage will subside the farther you are from the site, the local fauna find themselves twisted in purpose and body. The longer they stay there, the more their bodies will be mutated. This can range from simple things as blindness to the growing of limbs and more. Their minds also wane, as they begin to experience mild hallucinations (like whispers or visions at the edge of their sight) to deep psychotic break-downs that can make them question reality itself. This could presumably also happen to sentient visitors who decide to stick around for too long.

That being said, the nexus also effects viability of procreation, as far as researchers have been able to determine there are no recorded births from the mutated species. Sterility is a likely effect of prolonged exposure.

Force Nexus

Size: Area

Intent: To explain the strange effects the remnants of the Black Hex crash-site has on the local flora and fauna.


  • Government: N/A
  • Affiliation: Cerbera
  • Wealth: Low.
  • Stability: High.
  • Freedom & Oppression: Minimal freedom.
  • Military: It has no military capabilities to speak of, unless someone starts weaponizing the local fauna and flora...
  • Technology: Most of the planet is completely uncivilized, wild and unpredictable. There are minor pockets with Core-standard technology, which has been imported from off-planet and integrated into the world for the most part.
The system of Antlean was discovered by a clandestine scouting mission during routine exploration. The system in question had quite interesting worlds. One of which was Dashoban, a world covered in oceans, where the scouting mission quickly established several listening installations for research purposes. After weeks of investigations and research the party discovered a hidden geothermal installation deep beneath the ocean, nearby one of the deep trenches littering the planet.

The installation provided computer terminals. Most of them were corrupted, destroyed, but a handful were managed to be scavenged for two reasons: to try and see if the installation could be reengaged and to find out what had happened here.

Partially salvaged data packets were pieced together for that last reason.

It was discovered that Dashoban had been used by the denizens of Antlean II as a secluded experimental site for their more sensitive research into the arcane. It seemed that one of their experiments had gone wrong, at least that is what they extrapolated from the data.

Because the world had not always been one of oceans as far as the eye could reach.

After that all the records were incomprehensible. No logs from the time of the Gulag or any other of the major events raging outside their system, but it can be presumed that they had already disappeared long before then. Maybe it was a different plague, maybe war or another experiment gone wrong, but one thing was for sure: none of the worlds had felt sentient touch for many years.

Until now.
Cerbera said:
Major Exports: The planet is uninhabited, but possesses rare mineral pockets and geisers deep underwater. None of it is being exported though.

Please define what rare minerals entails in this case. Are you meaning to say there are only scarce mineral pockets or that the minerals in themselves are rare such as restricted materials?

Cerbera said:
Another discovery done were the remnants of a Black Hex Star Destroyer. Its beyond repair and unsalvagaeble, but its influence is still felt on the world. The immediate locale has been twisted and mutated through proximity. Fauna more aggressive and twisted, flora decaying and dead, the remnants of the alien starship have left its mark. But strangely enough it does not possess the potency to influence more than about three miles, anything outside of that is left untouched for one reason or the other.

I have my reservations about this. First off the Black Hex Star Destroyer was an event prize. Granted, it is not fixable and it cannot be salvaged, so in that regard I am satisfied. Could items be brought into the corrupted sphere and then brought out to spread contagion or is it really just there for fluff and dedicated entirely to the area?
Kaili Talith said:
Please define what rare minerals entails in this case. Are you meaning to say there are only scarce mineral pockets or that the minerals in themselves are rare such as restricted materials?
The latter, but no restricted materials at all. Just generic rare minerals one could find in areas of high pressure and heat.

Kaili Talith said:
I have my reservations about this. First off the Black Hex Star Destroyer was an event prize. Granted, it is not fixable and it cannot be salvaged, so in that regard I am satisfied. Could items be brought into the corrupted sphere and then brought out to spread contagion or is it really just there for fluff and dedicated entirely to the area?
Not at all. It's simply a fluff background to give that specific area some interesting roleplay opportunities, nothing more and nothing less.

Alright, that sounds very reasonable.

However, I am not sure about the ship with its corrupting and twisting nature. It reminds me of a force nexus, perhaps its worth looking into turning it into one?
[member="Kaili Talith"]

I thought about it for a sec and decided that you were right. I made it a very localized minor force nexus, because the thought of a Darkside nexus deep under the ocean, slowly influencing all around it?

That's pretty badass.

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness

You reference the nexus' effect on flora, but not the fauna. Please add the effects of the nexus on local visitors and occupants, as well as wildlife potentially residing there and I'll give this the stamp.
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