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Approved Lore Dathomir Force Fracture

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  • Intent: "2024 Force Rupture Contest" Tefka Tefka
  • Image Credit: EA, Jedi: Survivor, Lucas Arts
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
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  • Event Name: Dathomir Force Fracture
  • Event Specific Links: N/A
  • Location: Nightsister Temple, built on the ruins of the Zeffonian Temple, built on the bones of the Kwa Temple.
  • Galactic Standard Year: 98,000BBY, 1,000BBY, 45BBY, 889ABY
  • Participants:
  • Kwa
  • Zeffonian
  • Dathomiri
  • Tel'alith Labs
  • Brief Overview: A temple built long ago and retrofitted by a few cultures over the millennia used as a site for force traditions and tests. These, mostly done by the Kwa lead to the weakening of the force's flow. Leading to the "Spirits" or "Spirit Windows" as described by the Dathomiri Nightsisters. A small group has been studying its effects and properties for centuries. Yet little has been figured out about the Spirit Windows & what happens when one traverses one. Djikra Elnev enlisted Tel'alith Labs to come and study the spirit windows a decade ago based on their reputation of successful force application studies.

    The Spirit Windows still hold most of their secrets, but the Nightsisters did manage one thing. Over the centuries they learned a proper spell way to slow down a Spirit Window so it wouldn't move as fast. This also means that it would stay longer allowing better exploration. One Night Brother wound up spending three years in the time of the Kwa, another in the time of the Zeffo. The potential for learning is very high, but also getting potentially trapped in the distant past is real. Two Night brothers went through and haven't resurfaced yet.

    Tel'alith Labs believes that this site shows the force has far more applications that anyone could have thought possible. The companies Sephi subspecies researchers believe that a few more years of data and they may be able to make a mobile generation unit. Or perhaps a fixed one that can be transported on a ship. Ulizz the Night Brother who spent time with the Kwa talked about power generation & amplification technology. Ulizz volunteered to again go back to the Kwa with the means to bring back data. going through the spirit window and being gone three years has made Ulizz a popular figure and the father of a few new Nightsisters & Night Brothers. So far only a few strange plants have come through & one dying Rataka.

Long ago the Kwa created this space for force technology development. The main purpose was to expand the power of the Kwa's gates. Over the years and into the desperate times as the Ratakan Infinite Empire closed in on Dathomir the site grew in activity. The complex deepened its experiments into the force to try and make weapons, armor, or anything else to slow the Infinite Empire... All for naught as "The Incident" occurred which partly destroyed the complex before the Ratakan arrived a few years later. Anomalies began appearing around the site which took the form of odd shapes with a ichor green to ichor green mixed with red-orange. Within these Anomalies other spaces could be seen, the Kwa only got to study them for a couple years only pinning down that some showed the surrounding area at some other point, possible in time or distance.

The Infinite Empire took little notice into the Anomalies themselves, they were instead interested in all the research the facility still had. Leaving a small team at the site the Ratakan scientists only concluded that the interaction of two different force experiments together had interacted causing the explosion. And that the experiments warranted further exploration but much farther apart than the facility had attempted. With the Infinite Empire civil war the complex was abandoned once more.

The Zeffo came to the planet to learn and experiment on the planets force after sensing it from afar. The Zeffonian scientists rebuilt the site into a Temple of sorts to learn from these Spirit Anomalies. Believing it was tied to the winds of life the mysterious shapes, disappearance, reappearance, and also disappearance & reappearance of flora and fauna greatly intrigued the Zeffonian team. Leading to the loss of "The Six" the Six was a three male & three female team of scientists that stepped through an Anomaly's border. The team was watched by the rest of the facility for seven hours thirty seven minutes as it made it a third of the way around the outside of the facility before disappearing. The decline of the Zeffoian people lead to its abandonment leaving some technology, items, and hieroglyphics detailing important information.

The coming of the Dathomiri Nightsisters to the site began a distinct new era for the site. All the previous time and research teams had seen the amount of anomalies stay relatively steady at less than a dozen spread over the nearly square mile site. The witches didn't know how to read the Zeffonian Glyphs but saw the building as a temple & began to repair what they could of it as they saw the "Spirits" move around the temple. Many sisters tried using different Magick's to control them in anyway... which didn't work. Until about 21BBY when a Nightsister used a spell and caused the amount of the "Spirits" to double... a revelation they didn't want to repeat. So they wrote the spell down for safe keeping.

Early physical experiments consisted of throwing something through and hoping it came out of one of the other quite a few spirits. Every now ands then it would succeed, and quickly followed by making a Night Brother go through it. And to their surprise the Nightbrother came out the same portal as the rock... most of the time. They stopped this practice after the third Nightbrother disappeared into the Spirits. Having the first who disappeared reappear three years later telling tales of the "Kwa". Restarting the practice eventually in the year 889ABY Ulizz returned three years later and told his tale. Djikra then contacted Tel'alith Labs to come and help study the site since they needed experts

Tel'alith Labs came and started to do proper research using equipment they developed centuries prior to study force properties. The first thing they detected was the spikes in energy, force, and temperature swings near what the Nightsisters called "Spirits" or "Spirit Windows". They behave with irregularity but also predictability. When one opens, moves around, and the area it can inhabit are all well set. Where the Spirit Windows led, how strong they are, and size are all a mystery until they appear. Collecting data for the first few years and now at the decade mark the team has outfitted Ulizz to go bak to the Kwa with specific research goals in mind. When it will happen is an unknown. But until then the team believes unraveling these anomalies could lead to an artificial window. And the power signatures may lead to novel forms for various fields such as power production, shields, and metallurgy.
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