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Dathomir rising: Storm Mother


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[member="Xavka Duquo"]

Nikala had always liked the rain. The heavy rolling clouds that lay like a heavy woolen blanket in the vast Dathomir sky. She had been drawn to the sound of steady rain, the flash of lightning and roll of thunder that could stir the soul of any being. It was amazing. She sat silent among the drops of rain as it drenched the canyon where her clan lived. They were still few but resilient and determined to rise again.

She closed her eyes as the dark of night was split by lightning and began a slow count before the thunder. It was a habit she had. It gauged the closeness of the storm and gave her focus. A scream in the distance spoke of a death of whom or what she could not tell but life was ending...that was nature. One life ends to feed another. A life for a life, even a pregnant woman gave much for a child to be born. Nothing came for free in nature. Even storms were born after taking. She knew and accepted that. Other's thought balance and attunement were the path of nature but Nikala knew it was fight or die. Soon she would show others her view and they would be made into storms in their own right.
Jumping through the trees using the claws found on both hands and feet, was a tanned Zabrak. On every loud roaring of thunder that rolled through the skies, the Zabrak's face would twitch and he would stumble due to a whole body twitch, but he would soon recover himself and continue on his hunt for the woman who had hired him, a Nikala Stormsister of the Nightsisters.

Xavka growled as another roar of thunder was followed by a stumble and recovery of pursuit. Since he had first experienced a thunderstorm, Xavka had had a phobia of the sound of the lightning tearing through the air, the louder the worse he reacted. It was iritanal, he knew that, but he was unable to conquer it and, as such, he fell prey to his instincts on this night.

Jumping out of the tree line and into a canyon, Xavka dug his claws into the soaked mud and used the resistance to slow his decent until he was above a new tree line and he jumped off the rocky sides and back into the canopy. Soon, he would arrive. Soon, he would find the woman he was searching for and could begin his job. And the sooner he began, the sooner he finished and the sooner he was off this world and away from the thunder. Another roar and another stumble later, Xavka dropped down a level of the canopy and growled again. 'Kark this weather!' The growl turned to a whimper as thunder rolled through the lightning lit skies.



[member="Xavka Duquo"]

The elderly nightsister slowly stood as she felt the young one approach. Strong, determined and...impatient, a common mix for the young, or so she believed. She turned to the trees and looked for the being who had answered her call. Nikala was many things and had many skills but flying and mixing with the galaxy at large was not among them.

She took a breath and spoke words of a spell that was common for her clan who lived in the stormy valley canyon. With a soft blue haze she was encircled by a large bubble where the storm could no longer touch her. Safe and dry she stood waiting for the male child as she came closer. Her task for him was of great importance and though she was loath to admit it, she feared that she would be too late. Her daughter, flesh of her flesh and bone of her bone, was captured by off-worlders and Nikala wanted her cub back.

She raised a hand signalling the being as he came into view and gave a mental nudge for him to come to her then calmly ducked into her large tent and sat beside her fire. Smoke danced up through a half covered hole in the tent clothes as she waited for her hirling. Her white and black painted face ghostly in the fire light as she focused on controlling her outer face even though within she raged far worse than the storm above them. She prayed to 'Her' that soon this would be over.
In front of him, Xavka could feel a fluctuation in the Force and altered his course to direct himself towards it. As he did so however, he had to suppress the surge of curiosity that raised its head when he felt a slight anomaly within that fluctuation that altered the flare in such a way that it did not match the usual feel of Force use that he was used to feeling. Regardless of this curiosity that was awakening within him, Xavka continued to jump through the trees.

Emerging into a clearing a short while later, Xavka spotted a tall and thin woman with thick clothing covering her figure standing in the centre of said clearing. Near to her was a roaring fire which cast her painted face, covered in blacks and whites, into a menacing light as it shone eerily. Just as he was about to drop down, he felt a slight push at the edge of his mind, urging him to do the action he was about to do. Cocking his head, he shrugged before deciding to follow the suggestion, he needed to anyway to complete the current stage of his job. Despite the nonchalance way he did so, though, Xavka's senses were prepped in preparation for a hidden attack.

The dry leaves below his feet crunched as he landed, drawing his attention to a fact he had only realised in the back of his mind. Above him rain continued to fall but was stopped a few metres above the ground where it collected on top of an invisible barrier. The result of which was that the clearing was spared from the down pour. However, it was not spared the sound of thunder and as Xavk approached the woman so as to join her at the fire, a slight twitch of his face gave away his suppressed reaction as the roar rang out.

Settling down near the fire, Xavka allowed the fire to soak into him, warming his chilled body while his yellow eyes, one blind one seeing, stayed locked on the woman. "Nikala Stormsister, I take it?" The Zabrak's voice was rough and low as it seemed to hang within the still silence that populated the local area.



[member="Xavka Duquo"]

The woman sat quietly as the man entered and took a seat. His alien visage struck her as reminiscent of stories from the distant past when nightsisters trained alien beings in the arts of Dathomiri magic. That, however, was not what she had called him for. She had need of an off world being, one who could bring back her daughter and apprentice, Daedel. She closed her eyes in a long blink before she fixed him with her cool gaze.

“Correct.” She said simply with a voice tempered by age and difficulties, “Thank you for coming so quickly.”

She turned her shoulders and took up two small clay bowls filled with herbal tea and offered the young Zabrak one. The other lifted from the tray at her verbal utterance of a word of power and softly settled into her cupped hand.

“I need you to find someone for me. Are you prepared to begin?”
Reaching out, Xavka accepted the offered tea, suppressing the raising of a brow as he bore witness to the magic of the Dathomiri magic he had heard and read about. It was only recently that Xavka had become interested in investigating all manners of Force manipulation, and the magic of the nightsisters and nightbrothers was one of the section he had read about.

When the woman before his posed the question of his readiness, the Zabrak did not respond immediately. Instead, he was savouring the taste of the herbal tincture he was drinking. With a sharp click, he replaced the bowl on the tray and bowed slightly to Nikala. "I thank you for the tea. Once we've conducted our business, would you mind me asking for the recipe? My," here he stopped briefly to cast around for the right word, "inner beast is not easily tamed and I find myself having to take breaks to relax and regain control. I think that this tea could be something that could be added to those periods in time."

Without waiting for a reply, he continued to speak, turning serious and address the reason for his visit to the planet, the reason behind him braving the storm. A feint clap of thunder caused another twitch of his left cheek. "You want me to find someone? What information can you provide for me on how they were taken? The where, the when, the how - if you know, the why - again, if you know. Also, who was it that was taken? And do you have anything of theirs? The storm may have washed away the scent, but it is worth a try as it may not have done so enough and I may be able to follow it."


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