Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Company Creation Template
  • Image Source: N/A
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Corporation Name: Dathomiri Foods
  • Headquarters: (Where is the corporation based? CEC is based out of Corellia, KDY is from Kuat.) TBD
  • Locations: Yavin 13 for grain processing,
  • Operations: Snack Production & Distribution
  • Parent Corporation: Elnev Holdings
  • Subsidiaries: N/A

Dathomiri Foods is a corporation created by Djikra Elnev when she decided in a random diner that there needed to be better crispy snacks to have. So after looking at what goods Elnev Holdings had access to she quickly realized that it was doable but a location had to be chosen. Yavin 13 was chosen for processing many go the grains needed to create most anything. Testing began on Dathomir to test recipes & to see what would pass the general market's consumption wants. It was drafted that 3% of profits would go to rebuilding devastated planetary environments. Their goal is to create the best tasting snack foods in the galaxy. They don't flout any government but do not hide their Witch created background.

The company also helps to boost Elnev Holdings Revenue through a multi pronged approach. This multi layered plan makes Djikra's future plans more certain & easier to achieve than with just a couple small streams of income. Some day the Dathomiri kingdom will rise from ancient ashes.


Djikra Elnev made Dathomiri Foods after deciding that there needed to be better snacks. To that end she has leveraged some of the food output of Elnev Holdings to be able to produce the snacks. By making a brand both woman owned & Witch made she hopes to gain reputation in the galaxy to her peoples ends. And also come out with limited runs of products that have magick gimmicks e.g. Chips when the bag is opened makes a poof of colored smoke to increase the demand for the product.

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