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Approved Tech Dathomiri Snacks

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Type: Consumable
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Very Light
Size: Very Small

image made by bing image creator with input from me. Link to Bing image creator
  • A light snack that has a amazing blend of crunch & flavors.
  • Dor'jekes - Triangles of flavor made from various grains
  • Nadra - Puffs of rice grain flour (think Cheetos)
  • Chego - Round chips, most popular flavor: Blue milk cheddar
  • Uuro - Round chips rolled up of various grains & flavors
  • Zagol - Waffle chips. Come in a variety of flavors & what they are made from, potatoes etc.
  • Sahuteh - Mixed bag of the other kinds of snacks
  • Light Crispy: A bag of the snacks are light and very portable. They are easy to use with a variety of other foods.
  • Can't Stop: Whether it is the crunchy triangles, circles, puffs, cylinders, or waffle pattern they have a delightful mouth feel and flavor profile. Once one has a chip they want another... and another...

Created by Djikra Elnev as she was sitting in a diner on a back water planet. The food was lacking a component, a crunch one would say. So when she returned home to The Great Desert Clan Djikra began experimenting in the kitchen with the help of the regular cooks to figure it out. After numerous trial and error attempts the various snacks were born. Out of the plethora of snacks form the test kitchen trials came the Dor'jekes, Nadra, Chego, Uuro, and Zagol that made it to test production. From limited runs it was determined that they would go to full production and distribution. It was not long before the idea was planted to mix them all into on bag which lead to the birth of the Sahuteh mixed snack bag.

Dathomiri Foods contracted Werr Shipping & Security as the official distributor to the target markets from the production site(s). The company has a small fleet of small cargo vessels at about two ton capacity for distribution on a few ecumenopolis's in the galaxy. In other areas small contractors are given the job of distribution of product over whatever territory they could show they could handle.

But for Djikra it was another cog in her plans. Plans to use what resources she had invested in to grow her power, and by layering more products she could make more profit along the way. Even if the books of the individual pieces didn't show it. One day it would all fall into place.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a snack for the galaxy to use in RP
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: none
Permissions: none

Technical Information

Affiliation: Open market
Modular: Yes
Material: Grains, nuts, flavorings, all based on variety
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