Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Datu Sama - The Search (Clones Only)

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
[member="William Griffin"]

Location - Coruscant

The war is a ever lasting thing. Although most focus on it entirely, Oka and his squad don't. The tragedy that struck Coruscant a couple of days ago was a problem. Datu Sama was the bounty hunter that caused this. If no on stops him, what else will he do. That's why the clones and Oka have placed course for Coruscant in order to eliminate the threat to the whole galaxy.

William Griffin

"Going across Coruscant just to find one bounty hunter, esspesially when its under the control of the sith, thats dangerous!" Griffin said before fixing the sleeve of his normal shirt, he didn't have any of his armor on, at the risk of being caught. He had his blaster pistol at his side.

"This better be worth it" Fox said while doing the exact thing that Griffin was doing.
They followed Oka.

[member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
B7 was rolling behind Oka. He stopped and knelt down. "Hey buddy its better if you keep my sabers." Oka said to his droid as it grabbed them and closed its window. Oka smiled at his droid, he made the droid when he was twenty. Its come a long way.

As Oka saw the clones behind him wearing normal wear, he took of his republic cloak and tossed it in a near ally. "Nice suggestions." Oka said to the troopers as he knew they didn't really suggest anything. They kept on walking until they saw a thief break into a near building. One of his troopers in his squad raised their blaster. But Oka pushed it back down slowly. "We need to stay quiet, toss all unneeded equipment in the next ally we see." He said as they continued to walk.

[member="William Griffin"]

William Griffin

​"sir, if you want to hunt the hunter we need our blasters." Griffin stated
he then followed Oka

{sorry im in class}

[member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka smiled, "that's needed equipment, maybe we can find some imperial gear." He said as they followed behind.

[member="William Griffin"] (Ok, when you get outta school, just post some action. I feel like I'm hogging up the plot :p)

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
They continued walking and walking until an imperial crossed their path. Oka quickly use the force to pull him back into the huddle of clones. "Imperial scum... let's keep moving when you finish." He said but just then, more imperials came
[member="William Griffin"]

William Griffin

William caught the imp. and held him up, the other clones beat him unconscious, Fox took his binder cuffs and put it on him, then the clone brought him to the alleyway and a minute later fox came out dressed as one of them.

"Do I look the part?" Fox said while laughing

[member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka didn't prefer beating up harmless imperials but they had no choice. They were here for a reason and it wasn't to get killed. "You look fine Fox, tell the other imperials we're prisoners. And put your hands on your heads soldiers." Oka said as he put his hands on his head. "Stay close B7" Oka whispered.

[member="William Griffin"]

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