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Character Daughter of God | Lunaria Talon


NameLunaria Vail Talon [Luna]
AliasArtemis Dreadmoor
Force AlignmentDark Side
EducationHRD Nannies (3-9)
Srina Talon Srina Talon (3-13)
Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex (9-13)
Jutrand Academy (13-Now)
Family Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean [Father]
Srina Talon Srina Talon [Mother]
Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex [G.Father]
Raihane Talon [G.Father-NPC]
Aeris Talon [G.Mother-NPC]
Tellu Talon [Deceased Aunt]
Valina Talon [Deceasd Aunt]
Bibiana Talon [Aunt-NPC]
Drazen Lutris Drazen Lutris [Uncle]
Iuuna Talon Iuuna Talon [Cousin]
Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin [Sister]
Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn [Brother]

Lunaria Talon
Daughter of God

"The sister was still rounded along the edges, softer in appearance and demeanor, but nonetheless shining with that silvery glow that her mother likewise possessed. Only a fool would discount Lunaria, and Darth Carnifex was far from a fool.."
~ Darth Carnifex, The Twice Emperor
They were often, alone.​
It was by design. Their mother worried for their safety and had been open with them since they were old enough to understand, the dangers, of their birth. They were not like other children their age and would never be able to have the normal upbringing both of their parents longed for. The daughter of Rhysion and Srina Talon Srina Talon , Lunaria is a bright and creative child, most often seen with Soldane, her twin brother. While her true identity is masked for her protection, the world she knows is changing, and no matter her curiosity...She must adapt accordingly. She longs to know what lies beyond her window sill. To see the Empire she can only read about.​
To know her Father as more than a fanciful story from her Mother.​
Trained from a young age by Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex and her Mother in the ways of the Dark Side and the Force, Lunaria Talon seems to follow in the footsteps of her parents rather easily. She has a foot in both worlds of their personality, but, with a form of expression that is all her own. She is almost identical to holophotos of Srina Talon when they were the same age but certain features also belong to Rhysion. Her mother has little doubt that one day, perhaps, one day all too soon—Only their closest friends and family members will be able to tell them apart. Echani genetics are incredibly unoriginal and often offspring appear identical to their parents. Clearly, there is no exception here.​
At present, Lunaria has been enrolled in the Royal Academy of Jutrand under the tutelage of the Order's best. Luna welcomes this new freedom, more than anything, seeking to prove herself to the Father she has never known. She views it as exceedingly unfair that Sith barely worth their mettle are permitted within his sight...Yet, she is denied. Even if it is for her own good. It is her one true bitterness and point of contention.​

Lunaria Talon
Circa 893 ABY

Born during the Winter Fete of 889 ABY, Soldane and Lunaria Talon were gifted to their mother, Srina Talon Srina Talon under the watchful gaze of [REDACTED] on the planet of [REDACTED]. They were quickly masked with void stone infused blankets so that their spirits could not be detected by Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean , in case the sensation would awaken within him the Worm Emperor. This was to begin their life of hiding away from their father's prisoner, so that they might not be harmed by his vengeance.​
Lunaria is descended from two genetically anomalous lineages, first the Talon's, who are regarded as some of the greatest fighters in the Galaxy, and servants to royalty on the planet of Eshan. The paternal lineage comes from the Lutris, who have spent centuries attempting to perfect the genetic code of their offspring to create a 'perfect' Sith. While the Lutris line has made relatively mediocre Sith due to a variety of genetic complications and shortcomings, it was first presented in Rhysion Talon where a success had been made. Rhysion's children have thus inherited his genetic proclivity for the Force, but moreover, their mother's innate strength and aptitude as well.​
Raised on the faraway planet of Cularin, for many years, the twins had none but each other. HRD Nannies kept them occupied with lessons and figures beyond their years, meanwhile their​

Lunaria Talon
Circa 895 ABY

Echani tendencies encouraged their martial practices just as much. By the age of seven, Soldane and Lunaria could fight on equal grounds with the lower settings of an HRD droid, outpacing the peers they never had a chance to see.​
It was at the age of 9 that the children met their Haru, Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex . Soldane was less than enthused with the presence of the Dark Lord but Lunaria was almost instantly taken with him regardless the inherent danger he represents. Her fondness stems from her own experience, coupled, with the faith her Naneth so obviously holds in him. Luna follows the lead of the only parent she's ever known. Darth Carnifex began to assist in their upbringing alongside Srina and it was under his tutelage and resources that the twins fell into their pace all the more. Both children learned exceptionally quickly and absorbed information like a sponge.​
Force Sensitive at an age far younger than others, it had been years of passive telepathy and telekinetic play between the siblings. It was only later on in their training that the Force became more pointed - as Sith teachings from ancient times were brought to them. Alongside them, mythology and history dating back thousands of years. Not just later documentation or interpretations of events, but the first editions of first-hand accounts, laid before them to be read.​

Lunaria Talon
Circa 899 ABY

It was at this age the twins learned the ancient Sith language of ur-Kittat, both in its linguistic tones and its literacy. Their learning became their foundation, passing between this history and that philosophy. Books meant for scholars many times their age were consumed and spat back out as they moved on, all parsed between their practiced combat. Their energy was infinite, and their bond all the stronger.​
In these early years, the Talon Twins were introduced to children of their age and older. Those trusted by the Zambrano Emperor were brought for their socializing, but even at their young age, Soldane was often overbearing or aggressive in their play. He carried with him a darkness, perhaps from birth or his upbringing, that seemed to make him blunt and forward to a tee. Many didn't like him, his personality often contrasting his youthful, androgynous features, but where his personality failed - Lunaria protected him, and in turn, he protected her. Lunaria is more soft-spoken and prone to a sweet smile, but, there is a mischievous streak behind it that no one is sure how it developed.​
She has very little respect for those she deems unworthy and disregards the norms of society over things she wants. Both twins were rather spoiled to make up for their isolation are unused to getting their way. Luna does have more emotional expression than her mother but she is still learning how to be around others.​
In the year 902 ABY, in an effort to further their education, Lunaria and Soldane were enrolled in the Royal Academy of Jutrand. A school for the elite of the elite, they were given a chance to compare their natural gifts against the very best the Order had to offer. With pseudonyms, falsified records, and sponsorship from [REDACTED], a noble from the planet Eriadu and servant of the Butcher King, the children made their way across the galaxy to prove themselves to the Order.​

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