Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Daughters of the Night

It had been a while since her little tussle with Fiore on Rabaan, and in that time she had plenty to keep her occupied. Now though she was unsure as to where the young woman was, or if she would ever return after the exchange between the two. Standing quietly, she looked down at the case that she carried with her, a soft smirk crossing her lips as she opened it and peered at the vials that lay within the protective shock padding.

The gown she wore was for the most part modest... or rather it covered what it needed to cover whilst still giving the woman a hint of allure that she always carried about her. Having known that her friend would still be likely incapable of travel due to her own condition, she had the forethought to send the woman a message some time ago.

Dear Kay,

We hope this message finds you in high spirits and good health. I find myself in the need for a capable individual versed in the means of cloning technology and accelerated growth of such clones. If anyone comes to mind, please inform them of my inquiry.


Looking back up across the vast horizon over the capital from her hotel suite on Commenor, she closed her eyes for a moment before slowly opening them once more. Her hand gently closing the lid of the case as she pivoted upon her hind foot and set it down on the table in front of her. A small nod was given as the two guards in the room opened the door before stepping outside.

Her golden hues settled upon the young woman, likely the one that was answering to her inquiry. Amelia would offer a smile, her hand motioning for the Cathar to join her.

"Please, sit... Would you care for a drink?"

Amelia offered in a sultry purr of a tone as she stepped forward slightly. Her hand resting on top of the small case before slipping away from it as she moved to the hidden cabinet. She always preferred these rooms, the executive suites ensuring that both business and pleasure could be dealt with in a rather focused and efficient means.

Plucking the long stemmed crystal glass from where it hung, she freed the decanter from its icy bath before setting it on the table. Careful to pour out just enough before the stopper was replaced.

"I understand you've some knowledge on cloning."

[member="Arabi Cordelle"] | [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Fiore de Noir"]
Arabi had studied cloning, as it had been such a large part of Jedi history and it was a fascinating medical subject. Being a Jedi had given her the time for solitary study. While her physical studies were less important to her, such as lightsaber combat training, her mental studies had garnered the better part of her education by choice. Arabi was a healer, a doctor. Her nature was that of her people, slightly wild and aggressive but she had channeled that into her studies and ate voraciously through scores of libraries and teachings in her time before she came to Deneba. Now she stood waiting outside the executive suites of a hotel on Commenor, requested by [member="Lady Kay"] as an intermediary contact for [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]. Of the woman, she knew little save for what Lady Kay conveyed. Admittedly it was not much. Perhaps the Queen of Commenor wished for her Head of Security to stand on her own two feet for this request.

To that point, Arabi had trekked across the galaxy a bit to come in service to the Queen and her husband at the request of this woman who now stood before her. Arabi was tall and lithe like most of her species. Spotted fur covered most of her body and face, except the distinct markings of Cougar type stripes on her face. The ears remained open and unrestrained in any way. Her hair was a dark chocolate with a few waves and obviously well kept, shining and silky like her fur. Her fingers were long with claw-like nails. Her eyes were dark with flecks of tangerine and caramel colors.

The young Jedi's impression of Amelia was that she was sultry by nature in much the same way that Cathar could be and she was intelligent. Arabi was unaffected by Amelia's attire, being used to nudity on many levels at home on Cathar and growing up in an environment where sensuality of one's self was normal and encouraged. At the invitation of the lady, Arabi's ears perked up and she followed her into the suite. Her eyes swept over the space before finally choosing a seat in the obvious sitting area.

"Daro Root beer would be tasssty, but any juice would also be fine." The Cathar's voice was deeper than most females. With it came a deep and almost imperceptible purr and her fangs caused a slight lisp if she wasn't careful.

"Yes, cloning is a bit of a hobby for me in my studies. The process is a fascinating one."
Amelia offered a silent nod, and though it was an unusual drink to her standards, she tried to ensure that she had something on hand that was suitable for any guest. Moving to the cabinet, she took a moment, her golden hues shifting over the various bottles before a soft sigh escaped her lips. Stepping to the side, she pressed on another panel which slipped out of sight to reveal the second bar of drinks. Standing quietly, one arm over her breast while she lightly tapped her chin with her finger, she smiled when she reached forward.

"There it is... I do not have many guests that request this drink."

Gently bringing the bottle from where it rest, she gently grabbed a small glass before turning back. Her golden hues fell upon the Cathar again, and a slight rising of her brow was accompanied by a sly smirk. Moving back to the table, she set the glass down before pouring just the right amount into the container. The bottle of course was left next to the Cathar, and Amelia offered a smile before slipping down into her seat.

"Now then, I thank you for accepting this request to meet me."

Amelia spoke gentle, noticing the purr in her guest's voice as she slowly slipped one leg over the other. Gently grasping her own glass, she took a soft sip before setting it down, leaning forward slightly as she did. There was something about the Cathar woman that caught Amelia's eye, and even though she knew some of the beings kind, there was still always that little chance. Pulling herself back to the reason the woman was here, she carefully brought the case up, setting it between the two of them.

"I requested your presence as I've a request to make on my behalf to you..."

[member="Arabi Cordelle"]
The Cathar Jedi actually raised her eyebrows and then smiled showing fangs in a perfect smile. Arabi always exuded calm and tranquility but here she also had a bit of mischievousness and hedonistic pleasure too. She was pleasantly surprised to find that Amelia had the Daro rootbeer she had requested. It had been a whim to ask for it, having not had it in a few years. Jedi training didn't exactly have life's more affluent pleasures. As the glass of the liquid was placed before her, the Cathar took it. She said, "Thank you very much." and enjoyed a long sip as her ears dipped down in pleasure. Unlike Amelia, the glass remained in her hand after the initial sip. Arabi was going to enjoy the rare treat.

"I assumed as much and it has to do with cloning yes?" Her vibrant eyes fell on the case placed between them before she returned her attention to the woman. While she was reluctant to set aside the glass, she felt it might be necessary for the solemnity of the occasion and took a quick sip before setting it down again to free her hands. Though they were very much like a human's hands, hers also were lightly covered in fur and clawed. The claws were well kept, and did not hinder her in the slightest as she bent forward and gracefully took the case. Arabi opened it to look at the contents.
"Yes, very much so..."

Amelia took a sip from her glass before setting it back onto the table, her golden hues remaining upon the Cathar, both admiring and lustfully imagining of her as she gave the woman a long once over. With a soft sigh, she leaned back in her seat, ensuing that her legs remained crossed one over the other. With one hand resting on her knee, the other gestured towards the box.

"Inside you'll find genetic materials, mainly of myself. There is also a vial of blood of sufficient quantity and quality of another individual..."

For a moment her mind flashed back to Fiore, a soft smile crossing her lips as she thought of the young woman. She was still worried, fearing of the condition she had left her in after their last encounter. Shaking the thought from her mind, her attention returned to the beautiful Cathar before her.

"I would like for you to use the material to clone and accelerate the growth of five daughters... one of which it is expected, to share the genetic material of the other individual..."

Amelia spoke, then a soft smirk crossed her lips...

"Of course were such a beauty as you were to offer, I don't think I could say no to a half-cathar daughter..."

She would chuckle to herself before permitting her tongue to lightly dance upon her fang that shown from her soft smirk.

[member="Arabi Cordelle"]
Arabi examined the contents carefully, confirming the statement Amelia made. Inside were all of the crucial items necessary for the start of the cloning process. At the mention of 5 daughters, Arabi lifted her scrutinizing gaze to the woman before her. Why would she want 5 children and all daughters? Also, the second person's bodily materials made her a little cautious. She wasn't a very trusting individual about non jedi and this woman was ... flirting. The flirtation, though flattering only made her half smile while her thoughts were, "I could". Cathar mated for life. Even in these troubling times where a mate could get killed so easily in the constant wars, it was a part of her as much as her predatory abilities and her feline like grace.

"I have several questions and you must answer truthfully to them or I shall not be obliged to help and you shall have to find help elsewhere." Arabi would await her answer into the affirmative before continuing.

"Why five? Why one of them of a differing genetic makeup? Who is the person you have chosen and why are they not here to give their consent? What is their (the clones) purpose?"
Amelia nodded, knowing full well that anyone in this woman's position would likewise do the same. Lifting her glass, she took another sip, once more setting it down and keeping her focus upon the woman. Bringing her hands together - clasped firmly - as they rest upon her knee, she smirked slightly. A soft sigh escaping her lips as she focused her golden hues upon the Cathar's eyes, and just like that the flirtatious manners and tone were gone... Now she was focused, stern and serious as she cleared her throat.

"There are many whom would find themselves wondering that same question. I had thought a long time on the exact number and my own internal focuses and thoughts have seen a need for five daughters. Does it disturb you that one would request such a great number?"

She leaned back slightly, keeping her focus front and forward as she closed her eyes. It was time to address the second question and in that moment the flashes of [member="Fiore de Noir"] filled her mind. Shaking them away, though there was the scene of the girl coated in blood that remained. Taking another deep breath, Amelia was glad that she was part Epicanthix, making it so that even if this Jedi were capable of such a trick, she wouldn't be able to read Amelia's mind.

With a soft smile, she spoke...

"The DNA of the other individual was an Eldorai Lover of mine who was recently killed due to this Galactic Conflict... She was taken too young, her life cut before she truly could see much of the Galaxy. What better way than to honor her memory than with the daughter she always wanted?"

Her hand reached out, taking hold of her glass before she took another sip...

"As for their purpose, my species has a long life span, so long that if we were to not hibernate from time to time we would eventually go mad... feral... My clones purpose would be to ensure the continued success of my Corporations and the Sorenn-Syrush Dynasty during my period of hibernation."

[member="Arabi Cordelle"]
Arabi watched as the woman before her changed from flirtatious host to presenting the request with all the respect and seriousness that it deserved. This was no light subject. The choice to procreate, even in this slightly odd manner, was a personal one. Arabi had no right to truly judge much beyond making sure that the children brought about by this manner were not ill-treated or used for some nefarious purpose. As a Jedi, she wished to have as light an impact on the world as possible. Only too often she had seen the good intentions of Jedi destroyed by not considering the impact on civilians. Plans that were not thought out fully for the betterment of all usually ended up with death and unintended destruction.

"I am not disturbed by your request Miss Sorenn-Syrush. I merely need to ascertain the impact my own involvement will have should I choose to assist you in this manner. I must endeavor to be as much of a force for good as I can be. I feel that in order to do this, I must ask the questions that may otherwise be avoided by unscrupulous though talented characters you might employ to do this job should I be inclined to refuse."

She paused, looking again at the case. She had meditated the whole way here from Deneba and felt reasonably sure that this would have the impact on the galaxy that any 5 children might and so finally Arabi nodded. "I am not inclined to refuse however. I feel you have been relatively straight forward with me so I agree to assist you. About how old do you wish them to be and how much education would you prefer?"
Slowly setting the glass down, Amelia shifted slightly in her seat, keeping her golden hues upon the Cathar before her. Recrossing her legs, and once more permitting her hands to rest one on top of the other upon her knees, she smiled softly. The hint of the fangs being once more revealed as she took a slight breath and thought for a moment.

"A Force for good? Perhaps in the long run it would be wiser to be a force of neutrality... I digress though."

Amelia spoke, her words once more holding the same seductive tone as previous, almost as if she were just as easily capable of turning it on as she were to turn it off. Smiling still, she leaned back in her seat, the question of age for the clones. Perhaps they should be permitted a childhood, though memories could always suffice for such a thing.

"Eighteen would be the ideal age, though they would still be considered children in regards to my species, they would be old enough by galactic standards to take on the responsibilities for what is to come. Education wise, they should run the gambit - including combat training - however the daughter that would be honoring my deceased lover... She shall have no combat training."

[member="Arabi Cordelle"]
Arabi took mental notes. Eighteen would certainly be a good age as far as taking over the business Amelia had. However, it was sad that Amelia did not wish to partake in the joy of parenting. Arabi herself, coming from such a family centric species could not really understand it. Still, there were certain things she had to judge.

"Combat, business acumen, current and historical monetary projections for major worlds, project management, organizational skills... Do you want extra curriculars? Music, theater, literature, fun?"

[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]
Taking another sip from her glass, a soft sigh escaped her lips as she thought on the additions that should be permitted and needed to be chosen for her clones... no her daughters. Closing her eyes for a moment, she collected her thoughts, attempting to find the best solution and thus there was only one thought that came to mind. As her attention focused upon the Cathar before her - those golden hues fluttering open and admiring the figure of the woman - another soft sigh escaped her lips as she lightly shook her head.

"No... Literature, Music, Theater... those are all things that they must discover for themselves. To prevent them from that experience of discovery would be horrible. I could not permit such likes and dislikes to be already established in their minds."

Bringing her glass up, she finished the sanguine liquid within before setting it down on the table before her. Bringing her hands together, she clasped them and permitted them to rest upon her knee. Those golden hues remained upon the woman before her, awaiting any additional questions she may have in terms of the cloning process.

[member="Arabi Cordelle"]

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