Davessi Linden
Feisty Flygirl
Captain Davi Linden
- Lightning Reflexes: Davi has remarkable coordination, making her an excellent shot and an extremely gifted pilot. She reacts quickly in combat, and is skilled at evasion.
- Razor-Sharp Senses: Davi has a nose for trouble, making it very difficult to surprise her. She has an exceptional memory for detail, and is often the first to notice if something is out of place.
- Peak Fitness: Davi is in excellent physical shape, making her much stronger and tougher than might be expected of a woman of her size and build.
- Spice Addict: Davi is hooked on the Spice variant Neutron Pixie. She has developed a tolerance to its effects and no longer benefits from them, but suffers from severe withdrawals.
- Cybernetic Arm: Years ago, Davi lost her right arm at the shoulder. The cybernetic replacement is vulnerable to dust, grit, ion weapons, electromagnetic pulses, and poor maintenance.
- Nerve Damage: Due to physical injuries and spice abuse, Davi's nervous system is a wreck. She sometimes suffers from hypersensitivity; at other times, she can't feel her extremities.
- Iron Will: Davi is not easily intimidated, manipulated, or fooled. She never backs down unless it really is in her best interest, and is resistant to interrogation and force persuasion.
- Gearhead: Davi is an experienced field mechanic, and is skilled at keeping droids, computers, starships, and equipment running smoothly. Even without proper tools she is an excellent jury-rigger.
- Silver Tongue: Davi is a natural liar with a great sabaac face, skilled at deception and misdirection. She can talk her way out of just about anything, and always gets the best possible deal.
- Greedy: Davi craves credits and luxuries, and will undertake jobs and make decisions she knows to be poor choices if swayed by the promise of a big enough payout.
- Distant: Davi is slow to trust, and never lets her guard down completely. She's so determined to avoid becoming a mark that she struggles to develop close or lasting relationships.
- Hedonist: Davi likes the good things in life: gambling, spice, booze, and pleasurable company. Her tendency to overdo it with all four keeps her poor and frequently gets her into trouble.
Likes: Getting drunk, flying fast, piles of credits, attractive people, taking chances
Dislikes: Lawmen, hospitals, being told what to do, tight spaces, slow days
Personality: Davi enjoys living in the fast lane; a boring day, meaning one lacking a gunfight, starship chase, sabaac game, heavy drinking session, cute bedmate, or (preferably) all of the above, is a wasted one in her mind. She has no intention of getting old, planning to burn up before she burns out and to have a blast while doing it. She despises people who think they're superior, mocks the uptight and moralistic, and enjoys breaking rules for the sheer illicit thrill of it. Though she typically lives in the moment, she's always looking for some big achievement that people will still talk about when she's gone.
As much as she likes living on the edge, Davi does her best to be at least a little smart about it, which is why she's still alive. She thinks well on her feet, but she can also be a surprisingly cautious and meticulous planner when the situation calls for it. She's not remotely afraid to fry someone who gets in her way, but she weighs the consequences of violence carefully and tries not to go overboard. She's not vindictive, and would never kill someone who's no longer a threat, but she's not above rubbing failure in the face of whoever comes after her. She's snarky in the extreme, and seldom shows what she's really feeling.
Personality: Davi enjoys living in the fast lane; a boring day, meaning one lacking a gunfight, starship chase, sabaac game, heavy drinking session, cute bedmate, or (preferably) all of the above, is a wasted one in her mind. She has no intention of getting old, planning to burn up before she burns out and to have a blast while doing it. She despises people who think they're superior, mocks the uptight and moralistic, and enjoys breaking rules for the sheer illicit thrill of it. Though she typically lives in the moment, she's always looking for some big achievement that people will still talk about when she's gone.
As much as she likes living on the edge, Davi does her best to be at least a little smart about it, which is why she's still alive. She thinks well on her feet, but she can also be a surprisingly cautious and meticulous planner when the situation calls for it. She's not remotely afraid to fry someone who gets in her way, but she weighs the consequences of violence carefully and tries not to go overboard. She's not vindictive, and would never kill someone who's no longer a threat, but she's not above rubbing failure in the face of whoever comes after her. She's snarky in the extreme, and seldom shows what she's really feeling.
Konn and Kaya Linden never knew quite what to do with their wild-child daughter.
Little Davessi was a precocious toddler, easily bored and always curious. She gave her parents no small number of grey hairs by wandering off to explore, and she never seemed to listen to their warnings and admonitions. That didn't change at all as she got older. She fought all efforts to restrict her tooth and nail, repeatedly frustrating her parents with her first scar, first piercing, first tattoo, first boyfriend. She never seemed to stick with anything for long. Not even the truancy officers could keep her in school any more when she and her latest boyfriend ran away at sixteen, and she stayed away when she dumped him a week later.
Davi's homeworld of Corulag was a major trade hub, so when she got bored with the planet after a few years of running with local pickpocket gangs it was easy to find a freighter to take her away. She drifted, planet to planet, crew to crew, picking up skills valuable on a tramp freighter and a wide knowledge of the galaxy. She took to piloting like a mynock to power cables, but her love of breaking rules and pushing authority's buttons saw her rack up a substantial criminal record by the time she hit twenty. As more and more legitimate businessmen refused to be seen with her, she drifted into the underworld.
She'd been actively developing contacts among the criminal syndicates for only a few months when a sting by the Republic sector rangers scooped her up, along with a talkative fence and a substantial amount of stolen goods. She might've gotten off easy for that, if not for the fact that she wounded four of them when they tried to take her in and nearly escaped their custody twice. All together, it was enough to land her in a maximum security prison. Ironically, prison provided her with exactly the kind of criminal networking she needed to set up a successful, well-connected smuggling business.
Still, the years she spent there were far from sunshine and roses. She'd developed tramp freighter skills before, but prison was where she became strong, tough, and quick. Everyone wanted a piece of her, and she learned to fight hard and fight dirty to keep them at bay. She became something of a local legend when, after an enraged Houk ripped her arm out of its socket, she managed to cut his throat with a sharpened piece of her bedframe before passing out. And anyone who thought she'd be easy prey one-armed soon discovered that they were deeply mistaken. After the first year, no one bothered her.
In light of the arm-ripping incident and some sweet-talking with the parole board, Davi got herself released after serving only two years of her sentence. She promptly jumped parole, got herself a cybernetic arm and an old junker of a ship, and set herself up as a smuggler. It hasn't been a smooth road since then; she pissed off more than a few crime lords, saw the inside of a few more prisons, and had to shoot a lot of kriffing idiots in the face. But druk if she isn't having the time of her life drifting free, never knowing what the next day will bring and loving every moment of it.
Davi's homeworld of Corulag was a major trade hub, so when she got bored with the planet after a few years of running with local pickpocket gangs it was easy to find a freighter to take her away. She drifted, planet to planet, crew to crew, picking up skills valuable on a tramp freighter and a wide knowledge of the galaxy. She took to piloting like a mynock to power cables, but her love of breaking rules and pushing authority's buttons saw her rack up a substantial criminal record by the time she hit twenty. As more and more legitimate businessmen refused to be seen with her, she drifted into the underworld.
She'd been actively developing contacts among the criminal syndicates for only a few months when a sting by the Republic sector rangers scooped her up, along with a talkative fence and a substantial amount of stolen goods. She might've gotten off easy for that, if not for the fact that she wounded four of them when they tried to take her in and nearly escaped their custody twice. All together, it was enough to land her in a maximum security prison. Ironically, prison provided her with exactly the kind of criminal networking she needed to set up a successful, well-connected smuggling business.
Still, the years she spent there were far from sunshine and roses. She'd developed tramp freighter skills before, but prison was where she became strong, tough, and quick. Everyone wanted a piece of her, and she learned to fight hard and fight dirty to keep them at bay. She became something of a local legend when, after an enraged Houk ripped her arm out of its socket, she managed to cut his throat with a sharpened piece of her bedframe before passing out. And anyone who thought she'd be easy prey one-armed soon discovered that they were deeply mistaken. After the first year, no one bothered her.
In light of the arm-ripping incident and some sweet-talking with the parole board, Davi got herself released after serving only two years of her sentence. She promptly jumped parole, got herself a cybernetic arm and an old junker of a ship, and set herself up as a smuggler. It hasn't been a smooth road since then; she pissed off more than a few crime lords, saw the inside of a few more prisons, and had to shoot a lot of kriffing idiots in the face. But druk if she isn't having the time of her life drifting free, never knowing what the next day will bring and loving every moment of it.
Equipment: Davi doesn't wear armor, feeling that it restricts her mobility too much. She favors lightweight but loose clothing with lots of pockets, making it easy for her to conceal what she's carrying. She enjoys being the center of attention, and her taste in clothes shows it, striking a careful balance between revealing and practical. She openly carries an Iridonian Revolver, letting the intimidation value of the big, messy gun keep troublemakers away. A Nightbrother Knife is tucked in her sleeve, waistband, or boot as a backup weapon.
Starship: Davi pilots the Irreverent, a battered old Tachyon-class Light Freighter. The ship is perpetually half-disassembled as Davi scrambles to keep its aging systems functional, its corridors strewn with tangled wires, loose deck plating, and discarded tools. The dorsal and ventral turrets have been inelegantly stripped off to reduce the energy strain on the reactor, which still struggles to provide sufficient power to the huge replacement sublight engines and network of maneuvering thrusters. The ship is deeply quirky, sometimes to Davi's advantage and sometimes to her utter frustration, but she loves it anyway.