Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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David Jackson

Name: David Jackson
Aliases: Warpy, Amarok 1
Loyalties and Faction: Amarok Squadron and by extension The First Order
Rank: TIE Pilot Officer
Species: Human
Birthplace: Coruscant
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 176lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Skin: Caucasian
Sexuality: Bisexual
Force Sensitive: No

Strengths and Weaknesses

[+] Leadership - Jackson has demonstrated to the First Order that he is more than capable of leading his squadron. As such, he is often very comfortable jumping into giving orders and ensuring plans are discussed and followed to the letter.

[+] Piloting - Jackson is a great pilot and has often demonstrated his skills within his TIE Fighter. He doesn’t feel any more alive than he does soaring through the stars.

[=] Brothers Before Orders - Even when given direct orders from those above him, Jackson struggles to follow through if it risks the life of a fellow pilot. Although some see this as noble, it often puts mission objectives at risk and displeases the First Order.

[-] Deteriorating Skills - After to his training within the First Order, Jackson has gained a basic understanding of how to utilise blasters while on the ground. However, he is by no means effective with these weapons. His aim was never as good as the other cadets, partially due to his lack of dedication to the skill, and his transfer to the TIE Pilots only allowed his skill to degrade more.

[-] Migraines - Jackson has been known to suffer from disabilitating migraines when under heavy stress outside of his comforting TIE Fighter. When these migraines occur, he is left helpless and unable to defend himself until they pass, which can range anywhere from five minutes to hours on end.

Combat Skills
Novice - Adept - Expert - Specialist - Master

Melee Combat [|||||||||||||||]
Blasters [|||||||||||||||]
Vehicular Weaponry [|||||||||||||||]

Physical Skills
Novice - Adept - Expert - Specialist - Master

Athletics [|||||||||||||||]
Perception [|||||||||||||||]

Charismatic Skills
Novice - Adept - Expert - Specialist - Master

Persuasion [||||||||||||||||]
Bluff [|||||||||||||||]
Leadership [|||||||||||||||]

Jackson flies a standard First Order TIE Fighter, however he has made it clear to his higher ups in the First Order that he intends to get an upgrade with or without their approval. Until he gains possession of a single-seater, he primarily flies with [member='Lachlan Rumble'] as his gunner.

David Jackson’s birth was a tragic mistake, at least in the eyes of those involved. His parents, who regretted their one night stand about as much as they regretted keeping the child, were never happy with his existence. At the age of seven, they handed Jackson over to the First Order, where he underwent military training. He showed little skill with his F-11D, although when he was given the option to transfer to the TIE Pilots, he knew in his heart that he was destined to fly. For the first time in his life, Jackson was accomplishing something, completing his training as the best in his class.
Jackson was first assigned to Purp Squadron, alongside five of his other classmates. At his first battle, which raged in distance space within the Outer Rim, the wedge formation Purp Squadron had held so tightly was broken, separating Jackson from his squadron. His calls through their comms channel were met with no response. Fleeing from the loss and retreating back to the rendezvous point, Jackson came to learn that he was the last survivor of Purp Squad.
Jackson’s service continued as he eventually landed himself at the position of Squadron Leader of Amarok Squadron. As he looked through the men he was assigned, his head dropped slightly as he met the gaze of [member='John Spectre'], who had a reputation for making stupid decisions.
Regardless of his initial disappointment, Jackson trained, flew and fought with Amarok Squadron and grew to respect Spectre, who had proven himself to be a more than capable pilot and a great friend… at least thirty-five percent of the time.


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