Davik Tren
The Friendly Fiend
Name: Davik Tren
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Hair: Jet Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6''1'
Weight: 190 lbs.
Build: Athletic
Complexion: Lightly Tanned
Force Sensitive: No
+Expert Flyer: Years of various journeys and smuggling runs have made Davik a very able flyer.
+Gunslinger: The power of uncivilized blasters has aided Davik on more than one occasion, and thus he honed the skill rather quickly since his youth.
+Martial Artist: Growing up in the lower city teaches beings to learn to defend themselves, even without a blaster. And more often than not results in a varying array of dirty tactics as well.
-Immature: Davik will often times find serious situations and try and make jokes out of them even when it may not be the most appropriate of things.
-Mercenary: Davik can usually be bought out for a price. (This weakness may alter if it involves his close friends.)
-Arrogance: Davik has enjoyed many successes in his short career, and so naturally he thinks very highly of himself, and this leads him to underestimate his foes on occasion.
Appearance: Davik maintains a sleek athletic trim to his body, mainly from his line of work which often involves avoiding multiple parties, or chasing a potential paycheck. The spacer has also opted for a simple crewcut which he finds to compliment his black hair very nicely. The final object of any real interest would be a scar running across the smuggler's right shoulder, which was in fact left from a vibroblade.
Davik was raised on the core world of Coruscant. He spent most of his childhood in the lower levels, and often found himself stealing small trinkets or items of value to feed himself. His parents were unknown to him and he was raised by a poor family of Rutian Twi'leks who later abandoned him due to his small crimes and thefts. Ever since he was left he spent his time watching the spacers from the outer rim and various smugglers that entered the cantinas. In his teen years he found himself taking odd jobs for these men and he finally scrounged enough money to buy his own ship, which was later replaced by his current vessel, Rouge Star.
Davik soon found himself flourishing in his line of work even more as he got involved with larger organizations, including multiple hutt operations that helped him to buy his current home on his home planet of Coruscant. The Mid-Level apartment is quaint and small, but it is by no means dirty or reflective of the poverty of which the spacer originated. With standard living quarters with some fine furnishings, Davik remains satisfied from his time away from the dangers out the galaxy.
Apartment Image:
Ship: YTA-1300
The Rouge Star is nothing more than the standard model, produced by CEC. The ship has only minor improvements to it's engines and shields as well as multiple things that a smuggler may find useful, such as a medium range signal jammer and radar scramblers, though the jammer will not have a very large effect on larger, superior vessels.
Kills: N/A
Bounties Collected: N/A
Roleplays: To be added in the near future.