Davin Starrunner
NAME: Davin Starrunner
FACTION: Mando'ade
AGE: 20
HEIGHT: 6' 1"
EYES: Bright Green
HAIR: Brown (Shoulder length)
SKIN: Tanned
+ Fiercely loyal to his mentor and his Aliit
+ Honorable Warrior (i.e. will not kill defensless people though certain collateral damage is acceptable)
+ Dependable (if he takes a job, he sees it through to the end. If given a task by his mentor, Aliit or Mand'alor, there was no stopping him in completing the task, nor was there any cost too high.
- Berserker - Injure or kill someone he loves, he flies into a rage and kills everything around him. Even the rigorous Mandalorian Ba'jur has not made him capable of controlling this rage.
- Claustrophobic - Can't stand confined spaces smaller than an escape pod though being in his armor gives him a sense of security against his fear.
APPEARANCE: See above with his helmet off and see the picture above when he is in his Beskar'gam.
BIOGRAPHY: Orphaned at age 5 when his parents were killed by pirates raiding their freighter, Davin was rescued by a Mandalorian Bounty Hunter that hunted and eliminated the pirates before they could kill the child. Seeing his parents executed (via spacing) right in front of him, caused him to become berserk for the first time in his life. Becoming stronger and more violent than any of the pirates thought possible, Davin managed to grab a vibroblade and kill two of the pirates before being shot and nearly killed. Seeing the child's fighting spirit impressed the Mandalorian Bounty Hunter and he decided to adpot the child and teach him the ways of the Mando'ade. A quick study, Davin managed to successfully adapt to the life of the Mando'ade and at age 13 became an adult Mando'ade though his berserker rage still boils just underneath his control. After becoming an adult, he continued his apprenticeship with his mentor (and adoptive father) for another seven years before finally earning the right to strike out on his own and start taking the galaxy by storm as all of the Mando'ade were doing during this chaotic time in the galaxy.
YT-2000 light frieghter (modified)
Name: Tracyn Verd (Soldier of Flame or Flame's Soldier)
Length: 29.4 meters
Width: 21.6 meters
Depth: 9.6 meters
Maximum speed in atmosphere: 1000 km/h
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 1.0 / Backup Class 10
Hull: Reinforced Titanium (100 RU)
Shielding: Enhanced Shiled Package (225 SBD)
Armament: Dual laser cannon turrets (2), Forward laser cannon (1), Forward ion cannon (1), Concussion missile launcher (1), Minelayer (1) Loadout: Void-7 seismic charges (6)
Countermeasures: Electronic Jamming Suite, Decoy System
Vibroblade expert (Vibroknife, Vibrosword)
Beam weapon expert (Blaster pistols, rifles,T-28 sniper rifle)
Heavy weapons expert (PLX-1 portable missile launcher)
Piloting expert (Smallcraft YT-2000, light ground vehicles 74-Z speederbike, swoopbikes)
None...yet (Previous bounties captured while apprenticing under his mentor are not counted here.)