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Faction Dawn of the Inferno [DE]




Coruscant was a disaster. Not only had the Empire suffered the loss of their unfinished prototype Star Dreadnought at the hands of the Galactic Alliance, but they had also suffered heavy losses on the battlefield and even worse seeing one of their high-ranking officers, Grand Admiral Sularen captured at the hands of the Jedi. In addition numerous new threats to the Empire had manifested in the form of the Lightsworn and the Imperial Military Protectorate while the Empire's hold in the Deep Core was unsecured as evidenced by the rampant resistance on Empress Teta and the fact that the Alliance could still effectively support it's allies within the Imperial occupied Deep Core as evidenced by their successful evacuation of the Keera Major Orbital Array.

As such in the absence of his superior who had been imprisoned by the Alliance, ISB Colonel Rackham had taken upon himself to take action in order to ensure the continued survival and success of the Empire in the Core Wars. In order to achieve this, he would need to implement one of Sularen's ambitious Projects : the re-establishment of Inferno Squad. First envisioned by the Grand Admiral during his time as High Regent of the Final Dawn during the Second Great Hyperspace War, Sularen's Inferno Squad was intended to serve as a hybrid Starfighter/Commando Unit that would enable him to achieve strategic goals via surgical strikes and high-risk clandestine missions that would enable him to gain the upper hand against his enemies.

While Sularen had never realized such plans due to the collapse of the Brotherhood of the Maw and his failed attempts to establish the Final Dawn as a proper Post-Mawite Remnant, the rise of the Dark Empire and the subsequent Core Wars provided the Grand Admiral with a new opportunities to see such a plan through, and while he was currently imprisoned at the hands of the Galactic Alliance, he still had loyal subordinates that still stayed true to his vision and ideas and thus through Rackham, the Grand Admiral would soon have his desired Inferno Squad.

By making use of various files of the Grand Admiral regarding various ISB, Special Forces and Starfighter Corps personnel, Colonel Rackham would soon begin summoning various potential candidates from the aforementioned branches to his Star Destroyer, the INV Thunderer, in order to finally formalize the creation of Inferno Squad and deliver them their first assignment as a unit. Today, the Empire would finally have it's hidden dagger ready to strike at it's enemies from the shadows and guarantee it's victory in the future campaigns to come. Thus, standing onboard the bridge of the Thunderer, Rackham waited for those he had summoned to join him, ready to realize the Grand Admiral's vision.


Tags | Kazian Blackwood Kazian Blackwood | Torne Derok Torne Derok | Abraxas Colt Abraxas Colt | OPEN [ISB, Special Forces & Starfighter Corps Characters Only]
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Tags: Kazian Blackwood Kazian Blackwood | Rackham Rackham | Torne Derok Torne Derok
Location: Aboard the INV Thunderer


The soothing sound of Imperial boots against the INV Thunderer's floors brought a small amount of comfort to Abraxas as he navigated the decks. Everything seemed to ache and burn as he moved. During his skirmish with Braze Braze over Coruscant, the storm commando had taken a considerable number of blows, and the subsequent crash of Admiral Sularen's ship had only worsened his condition. Battered extremities, a fractured wrist, and bruising in his muscles had all taken a toll on him. Yet the will of the Empire must be seen through, to the bitter end if the Emperor demands it. That's what kept Brax's tender flesh moving forward through the corridors of this ship. That, coupled with his humiliating failure to protect Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen from capture.

He recognized Colonel Rackham Rackham immediately and stood at attention once he entered the Thunderer's bridge. The stiffness of his salute made the bruised muscles beneath his armor ache. He'd only recently returned to Imperial space following his failure aboard the INV Predator and had forgone the time necessary to fully recover from his injuries. "Operative Darkstar reporting, Sir," Brax said. His eyes caught a pair of additional operatives, one he recognized from a mission on Yinchorr and another he had yet to meet. This would prove interesting, he thought, awaiting what he expected would be a briefing from the colonel.

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