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Daxton Bane

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NAME: Daxton Bane
FACTION: Sith Empire
RANK: Sith Apprentice
AGE: 30
HEIGHT: 6' 8"
EYES: Orange
HAIR: None
SKIN: Red with Tribal black tattoos



Strengths: Years of training in the ways of the Sith has made him a master of most weapons, Daxton prefers to use melee weapons in preference to any others, preferring to look into his opponents eyes and see despair and hopelessness as he on delivers their defeat. As a skill Sith Alchemist, he also draws upon an arsenal of potent toxins and viral agents as the need arises. Having been exposed to such toxic elements, he tends to be resistant to most of thier more noxious effects.

Weakness: In the course of his training, he lost his right eye which has since then been replaced with a cybernetic orb. Although the replacement functions normally most of the time, it tends to act up in the presence of high electrical discharge.

Touch of the damned. Prolonged exposure to dark side energies has left him with the touch as cold as death. Anyone coming into contact with his bare skin would experience uncomfortable chill as if being held by death.

Doesn't trust humanoids. Believes that because a creature thinks for itself, it will betray its friends for its own benefits. Prefers the company of droids who serve unquestioning and without hesitation.

Sith Infiltrator named Baktol Raal or Grey Ghost based on the design of the Republic Seinar Star Courier. Armed with 6 fire-linked light laser cannons and cloaking field.

Born as a slave on Florrum, the pirate haven, he was originally assigned to work in the salvage gangs who stripped the looted ships of usable part. He and his family were later sold to a mysterious stranger who shipped them off to work on one of the moons of Tund.

Life was harsh, food was hard to find and large predatory creatures would always try to raid the camp and make off with helpless slaves for their meals. Daxton hated this life and blamed his parents, particularly his father for being weak willed in accepting this lot in life.

One day as he was carry a large load of supplies, a rampaging lizard entered the camp. Tired and frustrated with life, Daxton seized the opportunity and grabbed a weapon, a vibro axe, that had fallen in the confusion and fought with the creature.

When the beast was defeated, they found Daxton laughing contently as he continued to strike at the already cooling corpse. It took four guards to disarm him, but before he could be punished word came that he was to be brought to his master. His master sensed the darkness brewing in his precocious young lad and decided to that he had potential.

Since that day, Daxton was exposed to daily weapons practice as well as instruction through various sith holocrons, honing him into a weapon for the dark side.

As a final test, he took his parents to Tund and released them. Promising that if they could evade his pursuit, he would personally set them free. For six nights, he harried them. Subjecting them to various poisons and traps before finally cornering them and keeping his promise, set them free by killing them with a single stroke of his blades.




Lightsaber Fighting Style - Daxton's fighting style revolved around item/environment manipulation and unorthodox weapons. His primary weapon is an orange battle staff, which can be separated into two individual light sabers. He also has a third light blue light saber which he can manipulate and attack with allowing him to strike from two opposing sides at the same time. Normally, the third light saber is floating in the air as if wielded by an unseen swordsman. He can on occasion switch between blades in mid attack, confusing his enemy as to which of his strikes is the real one.

Aside from his lightsabers, he also armed with a pair of wrist needlers. Each needler can hold up to 100 needles, soaked in various toxins. These toxins are usually cause incapacitation, weakness and difficulty in breathing. These toxins tend to be derivatives of natural poisons he had gathered for study. He is fond of using these at close range, preventing his opponents from dodging and blocking the needles.

Hidden in his boots are small shaped smoke charges, when triggered can fill a 30 foot corridor with enough vile smelling purple smoke thick enough to obfuscate his presence. He sometimes uses flash as well as stun grenades to disorient his opponents as well as gain a tactical advantage.

His fighting style is more hit and run, striking from ambush and laying his enemies in the confusion. He would avoid direct conflict unless absolutely necessary, then he would use his ability to juggle lightsabers to his advantage. As he becomes stronger in the Dark Side, he would be able to incorporate another lightsaber (for each rank gained) to his fighting arsenal.

Known Companions - U1O1, a highly modified scout droid with a protocol chip attachment. Shaped in the form of severed male Zabrak head (rumored to be likeness of his birth father) it is usually seen floating around Daxton's ship. It is fully capable of flying remotely the Grey Ghost if that is the desire of its master. Aside from an array of sensors, it also has an external cyberjack to remotely access other networks and high intensity cutting laser situated in its mouth.
Updated Biography:
Although he had developed several cover identities as a mercenary, assassin, diplomat and merchant, he has spent most of the time lurking in the shadows. He came to the fore during the battle of Morje, when single handedly he stopped the Republic Armada and forced them into a stalemate over the planet. At least that is what the official holos are saying.

He was last spotted on the Naval Station Validusia, engaged in a duel with Jedi Master Ben Watts in the bowels of the abandoned space station as the forces of the Sith, Mandalor and Republic battled it out in a three way duel to destruction.

After an attempted assassination of the Sith Empire Pillar of Stength, Daxton was promoted to Sith Knight. Chosen to lead the vanguard on the assault on the Mandalorian world of Junction, he is leaving a bloody swathe of dead bodies and broken dreams behind him.
Updated List of Apprentices:
Kaine Zambrano
Darth Talos
Zalen Zennoch Ziad
Val'Ryss Zankarr

Updated weapons load out:
To reflect weapons captured during the invasion of the Mandalorian space, he has added carrying a few Forcebreaker and Anti Force Grenades along with his usual tricks and traps in his combat bandolier.

In combat situation he has begun carrying around a Chimera Grenade Launcher or a shoulder mounted flamethrower, depending on the expected opposition, giving Daxton a wide variety of options to fight with.
Due to breakthroughs in tech, Daxton now adds a pair of BOS-1 Combat Kits with him at all times. EAch Kit contains two dozen BOS-1 units in suspended animation, ready for priming on a given notice.

Also, he may replace the shoulder mounted flame thrower with a shoulder mounted carbonite thrower especially if is goal is to capture not kill.

Nearly forgot to mention Member of the Month - May 2013. :D
Daxton's Light Sabers

Malice - The reddish iron hilt of this crimson blade is comprised of hundreds of microhooks, which attach to the flesh of the user as soon as it is gripped, each is tipped with a special blood toxin of Daxton's own design. The hooks are powerful enough to pierce anything less than standard combat armor. Once the toxin enters the blood stream of the victim, they will feel a growing numbness in the limb until entire limb is paralyzed. The effects can last from 2 hours to a whole day depending on the victims relative constitution and state of health. Each time Daxton grips the weapon, the hooks imbed in his flesh and renew the coating of the toxin.

Pride - The blade which took him the longest to make, this weapon is extremely well balanced and densely constructed. A special power cell of his own construction fuels the blue blade generated by a special Krayt Dragon Pearl he has entoned with special rituals. This blade burns hottest and brightest when used against Light Side using opponents.

Envy - Precious gems and metals were used in the construction of this curved, green blade. Dozens of slaves were put to the death so that their blood could quench its thirst for blood. The bottom part of the hilt is actually a well disguised grappling gun, capable of firing a high tension coil at 900 psi and supporting over 400 pounds of weigh. Daxton uses this both as a tool and as a weapon as well, should the opportunity present itself.

Each of his blade is designed to be interconnected into a lightsaber staff or used individually. Each has standard anti-light saber traps to counter attempts to strike at them directly using said tactics.
Pact of the Doashim: Forging a bond with the Doashim is to become a Predator:
Mark appears as a brand.
Strength: Each chosen now possesses a natural affinity for Force Body.
Weakness: Utilizing Force Body may cause the chosen to go into a frenzy, where friend and foe are indistinguishable.

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