Arieth zh'Vranthi
Galactic Alliance Ambassador
Following the Events of Kaeshana...
Sullust Base - Galactic Alliance Territory
They were well aware what Kaeshana meant.
The question being if those who were situated around the holoarray table would say it. Advisors of the Galactic Alliance Triumvirate from the New Jedi Order, the Galactic Alliance Defense Force, and close allies were there. While it was closed to the general populace, it was every bit as important what would be discussed here today.
The Tygarian Ambassador would soon arrive as would other delegates. The loss of life on Kaeshana and what could be learned on what exactly had occurred would be pivotal to their next move. Arieth stood at the sidelines, quiet and contemplating.
They would have to address the entirety of the Alliance soon enough.
Elsewhere, accounts were being made. Life carried on. But what did the general populace believe?
The meeting will be for select individuals in the high command and those the GA Faction Staff have invited. However, we invite all GA members and their allies to roleplay a reaction or roleplay the aftermath of Kaeshana and what this means for them on a personal level or as a whole.
Delegates may request an audience and tag [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] and [member="Liliane[/I][/SIZE][SIZE=12px][I] Lancaster"] for requests to join the meeting.
Happy rping!