Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Day Two (Uther Weiss & Maya Whitelight)

After an introduction to the healing arts yesterday, Uther had determined that it was a good skillet to learn. Not only would he be better able to support his comrades in the field, but also exercise greater self sufficiency as he could apply some of the healing techniques to himself. When he returned to the temple, he saw none of the Jedi from his group from yesterday. He wasn't too surprised; the role of a healer wasn't as glamorous as that of a fighter. However, that all went out the window when you had your guts spilling out, or had gotten an arm or a leg neatly lopped off by a lightsaber, then a healer would become the most precious thing in your new world of hurt.

As he waited for Master Whitelight to appear, he shadowed some of the other healers present in the temple, watching them work, asking questions about their technique. He learned that not everyone was a dedicated healer. Some were like him, soldiers curious about learning healing to increase their utility on the battlefield. Some were more keen on relying almost exclusively on their Force abilities, while others took a mixed approached, using both conventional treatments and their powers to reduce their strain when treating multiple patients.

[member="Maya Whitelight"]
It wasn't like she didn't want to speak with Padawn Weiss that seem out of the full class had chosen. This in it self brought a skip of happiness upon her heart. It only after all her own lesson was taught. It was more of the advance skills that ones with a level of more of high knight would be taught.

Catching up with the group that he seem to be watch with every curious eye. As she was in her silver robes from head to toe. As now days it was all she could wear for the time. Any days now the babies could be here. "Greeting again Padawn Weiss, I'm glad you came back for some more hands on training."

Folding her hands with in each other of her arms. As waiting for the the knight to finish up her lesson with the younglings. After which she spoke up again "It makes me happy to see such passion as you teach Knight Tu but remember that there is more to passion their must be control and balance." , after which the Knight bow then was gone.

"Master Whitelight, I will remember this wise words."

Turning her own eyes upon Weiss, "What do you think of what you have seen the past few days is this a path that you wish to take for while on the force journey."

[member="Uther Weiss"]
Master Whitelight looked every bit of the expectant mother, sporting a hefty baby bump of twins, and comfortable loose fitting robes. She was rocking the whole maternal look for sure, but it did nothing to detract from her Zeltronic beauty. Already in a good mood from conversing with the junior healers, he found his spirits lifted even higher by her presence. He imagined that pheromones were at play here, but she also had a comforting aura about her that made him feel at ease. It almost made him forget about the dormant Sith spirit within him. Almost.

"Master Whitelight," he greeted her with a small bow. "Thank you again for agreeing to another lesson, but I'm no Padawan. At this point I'm just a simple man curious about the Force."

While he found the Silver Jedi mostly agreeable, he was apprehensive committing himself to their cause until he knew what they were all about. Even then though, he never quite saw himself becoming a Jedi. After being an unwillingly member of the Sith, he was keen on forging his own path in his study of the Force.

"Honestly, I found it amazing to see the Force used in such a positive manner. When I was originally trained to use the Force, I was taught to view it as simply a means to an end. Another weapon. However, I now see that such a viewpoint is too narrow to hold. While I'm not sure if I want to go the healer route, I think I can at least pick up some things to make me more useful to others."

[member="Maya Whitelight"]
Listing to him giving a way a few times spread a smile across her lips. Coming to the end she let herself place her hand upon his shoulder. "There is many ways to use the force strange how other deside how one should use the force by the way they use it. No I think this is how the force is used as we all flow with it." , as she let herself walk some more okay more like waddle. To the point that she let herself find a small bench that she could use to rest her own aching feet. Then came the closing her eyes for a few moment.

How much do you know of the ways of the force how to use it to your well or in the way I use them to concet to nature and heal all around."

[member="Uther Weiss"]
[member="Maya Whitelight"]

Seeing Master Whitelight take the bench reminded him of his soreness from constant training and hiking, so he wanted to take a seat too, but he didn't want to invade personal space while they were still strangers to each other. He remained standing, rolling back and forth on the balls of his feet with his hands behind his back.

"I'm competent in the ways I learned to use the Force. It wouldn't take much effort on my part to ruin the landscape around us. However, I wouldn't have the faintest clue on how to put it all back together. Likewise with people. Easy to break, but impossible to mend."
This gave her the insight that she needed more. "Yes you are right its much easier to destory then to put something back together.", as she looked at his body language. As she let her force flow out into him giving her a good idea of his soreness. "Come sit for a while, we can talk some more." , sliding over to where there was room for two.

"Just think of it this way everything even us start as a seed.", as she looked over at him before speaking again. "With that just think of a way that it takes to start a seed to grow into something beautiful. It takes sun, water and soil. In the force you can help it but giving this through the force with companion[member="Uther Weiss"] but also but fulling it around what could be used."
[member="Maya Whitelight"]

Usually, he was uncomfortable with other people actively probing him through the force. The feeling was again to cold hands on the back of of his neck. But her aura was pleasant and warm, almost like rays of sunlight. He wondered if the sensation was natural, or a result of her experience as a master healer.

"After witnessing the way you handled those victims from the rock slide yesterday, I can see what you mean. I guess we can think of their cells like seeds too, getting nourished by the infusion of our energy?"
With all that she has been feeding him he was very sharp but in some ways. There was something about him that as if he wanted something more from her. Maybe it ran deeper. Knowing more then anything he need to be shown something different in the force then what he had be force upon by the jedi. To show him that not all jedi wasn't like those that try to kill him.

Knowing by coming here then going to the sith for answer was his first step. "I want you to close your eyes. Now reach out in the force to all the living life forms around us, what do you feel not only that smell, hear then reach down deep with in the very cord of nature itself to its very heart beats."

[member="Uther Weiss"]
Complying with Whitelight's requests, he took a seat next to her, then folded his hands in preparation of mediating. To any passerby, the sight could be found a little comical. An extremely pregnant Zeltron, and a hulking, augmented Echani that took up half the bench on his own.

He closed his eyes and emptied his thoughts of present thoughts, then expanded his aura to feel out the area within the immediate vicinity. While he couldn't exactly "see" the Force, he could perceive it in a a series of alternating waves and rough shapes. Each organism around him generated their own aura within the Force, but he could also feel the binds that tied everything together. The best way he could describe it was something akin to fish in stream. All were separate entities, yet they were all carried along the currents.

Focusing, he was now capable of distinguishing the aura of Whitelight from her children Never having been around a pregnant Force-sensitive before, he considered that he found her aura so potent was how well it blended together with her children to give the appearance of one large presence in the Force. So he could seperate people apart, but that still wasn't nearly enough. This time he zeroed in his focus on a single blade of grass, trying to parse it on a cellular level. It took some great effort on his part, which may have taken the better part of an hour, but eventually, he felt himself able to perceive the grass as a collection of cells bound together by physical and ethereal forces.

[member="Maya Whitelight"]
Finding for the time being her own eyes closed. Letting the flow of her own force come out of her. By doing so it cause all around to fade from her own mind. Leaving only what the rare look of what the very fabric of nature bonded together to make such a place like this. It wasn't by any ones hand that this place took shape but over thousands of years. Time itself could be made to stand still if only for a moment. Deepening the peace that was always flow in and out of her. Even with what could only be called her own sense of what made this place bonded together. She could still feel what Uther working on. This making her very self cause a very emotion of happiness. It was the whisper in the wind or was it into Uther own mind. very good now look at what makes it grow then make it double its size, careful to keep everything in balance.

Form around her own blade of grass a bubble of sorts as she work on getting the blade of grass grow but at a very deliete rate. Knowing that she could do this at a much faster rate if she would wanted to but that wasn't the proper of this lesson at hand. Teaching that what she would do by this slow as if at a slow pace dance with the bonds of cells that made up this precious blade.

Tell me what your feeling and seeing through the force before opening up your eyes to see physically.

[member="Uther Weiss"]
He felt Whitelight's aura expand and criss-cross through his as she meditated with him, like they were holding hands. When she focused on a blade of grass of her own, he turned his focus to it, now able to see the cells expand much more rapidly thanks to the infusion of energy from Whitelight. Now it was a lot more clear how she was guiding along the cellular process than it had been yesterday.

"When I focus on the grass, it feels like I'm in fast forward as its growth is accelerated."

His meditations had granted him a deep connection to the Force, so the tatoos all over his skin began to glow brightly as they resonated with energy. Uther opened his eyes to see the blade of grass under Whitelight's influence shoot up in height in over a matter of seconds. He imagined manipulating the grass required almost no effort from Whitelight, but he found the feat impressive as he could actually see a clear visual result of her poowers.

[member="Maya Whitelight"]
After she had done the growth she open her own eyes. Not that she need to close them now to grow something like a blade of grass it was mainly for [member="Uther Weiss"] sake. After all one had to start some where to model is what she need to do. After all she if one hadn't figured out from their time with Maya. A teacher of hands on then to speak about it then make the student or in this her own personal student do with out some kind of visual aid. After which she let herself flow over the little patch as it all seem to spring to life.

Placing a hand upon his own shoulder not with out noting the tattoos of his own glowing something she hadn't seen before. Keeping in her own mind something back of her own tattoo more of how they came to be on her own skin knowing now what kind of dark magic when into putting them on her pinkish skin. "You are doing good, in time it will come easier.", as she just let herself smile at him being pleased with how much welling this one was to do what asked.

In a way it was a joy to see such ones like him. Now thinking on the matter after which she spotting a little furry creature come into view. Petting Hunter to the fact that he was not to go after it for a snack after all there was a lesson. "How much do you know about creature or for that matter how a mind works?"

[member="Uther Weiss"]
He didn't mind her touching his shoulder as they were already connected, but he could feel the tattoos on his shoulder flare up with energy. The were reacting to her own markings, but Uther wasn't aware of that. It made her hand feel a little toasty.

"I'm not familiar with the wildlife here, but I am knowledgible about the mind. It is a collection of thoughts and impulses creacted as a result of synaptic reactions in our brain, considered the housing of our mind, reacting from various external and interanal stimuli from our body."

Through his extensive training in lightning based techniques, he was knowledgible when it came to the nervous system. It was a vector that could be physcially exploited to elicit certain reactions (like intense pain) or modify behavior.

[member="Maya Whitelight"]
The answer drew her back a bit to the fact that he had went deeper then she thought he would or have the knowledge. It was still a good change of pace from some to know their are those others that understood on a level.

"The wildlife here is a bit different now sense the Silver Jedi Order coming here.", more so with her being her and bring in some of the creature she keep on board her ship. It had been long time since she had used her ship but that would have to wait for some other time.

Opening her mouth only to cause it to close again. To the face that some of the tattoo's was coming a live with its only darkish black glow that only made her skin look that much more pink. Feelings that was coming from them only shocked her. Taking her own hand away from his to let those marking under her robe so while hidden from those onlookers.

"Yes, more so each creature has its own way of thinking, its on commutation. Understand how that ones brain is wire be able to control that one better. Keep in mind that not even in the some breed of creature are their minds a like. One could be more submissive while another is more aggressive. Its the males that are uselessly the more dominate one the reason why I can tame them easier then I can the female not saying its not impossible its just more work and figure how the female brain is working. ", as she went more into details then one need to do in a simple lesson like this one.

[member="Uther Weiss"]
He was initially as he felt her surprise in response to his answer. While the body wasn't his area of expertise, he knew a few things when it came to the mind. However, delight turned to unease as he experienced her markings continue to interact with his. In contrast to the way that they had connected with other in the Force before, it was unpleasant to say the least. He was relieved when she stopped touching him, but their connection started to waver as he felt himself close back up.

Trying not to focus on what had happened, he poured his focus into her words about controlling animals. He smirked a little when she made a remark about how much harder she found it to control females over males, finding humor in what she said even if she hadn't meant it to be funny.

"Well, if you start from the basis that every action of a non-sentient is to propagate their genes, then their behavior in general becomes much easier to understand. The male wants to spread its seed, while the female conducts some biological quality control to make sure she has some good 'stock' so to speak."

When he said that, he glanced down at her belly.

"So then I take that you'll teach me beast mastery as well?" With Sithspawn becoming more and more common these days, that would be a useful skill to have. Maybe turn some of those bastards against their own.

[member="Maya Whitelight"]
Looking the way he looked down at her belly couldn't help but to rubbing. As if to sooth her own ones that was living inside of her. "Yes seeds, its in everything nature and creatures to want to mate with the best genetics.", with a bit of a laughter.

Yes I will tech you what is called animal friendship, but I must tell you this will not work on every creature that you came across this skill will take years to master at a level to even have the chance to handle the dangerous of creature.", as she let herself look over to him.

Knowing that there was more to this one then met the eye. Finding at over the time she had to break through his wall if anything to help him any way she could. In a way she was very curious about reason why her own tattoos being of sith magic in nature would have reacted the way they had to his own that seem to take on a mysterious glow about them.

[member="Uther Weiss"]
"Fortunately, my genetics are pretty good." It was a bit of a dirty joke, but he was telling the truth. It had been hell having his body shredded and remolded by his former Sith master, but he had come out of it with every bit of his body augmented to superhuman levels, including his DNA.

"I know it'll take time, but I'm willing to learn." He would be content learning to manipulate simple creatures like a roach or a bird. Having something like rancor in your stable was nice, but there was great potential in gathering intelligence using common, inconspicuous species to sneak around do the leg work.

[member="Maya Whitelight"]
"Lets tried a bird, maybe one that don't want to have us for lunch to start out with.", as she looked to the sky knowing on this planet that not all seem as friendly in the air or on the ground. Finding herself looking at him with more then just her eyes but a raised in her brow.

Finding herself looking at him and then at her own belly. "Oh really now,", as she let a slip of laughter escape from her own lips. After which she happen to look up in the sky when she heard what seem to be screech.

[member="Uther Weiss"]

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