Green Thumb Jedi
Objective: Field Trip
Tag: Valor the Forsaken | Braze
Maybe one day he could look into getting his old home a new landing pad. Since without one, a small hike was required every time. The old one was in disrepair since he was a child, and since has all but crumbled down the mountain side. Renting an airspeeder for himself and his two little tagalongs from the capital’s spaceport and landing it a good way down the mountain. The trio were trugging along together up the path to his old family estate.
Valor was here because Ko needed to spend more time with the teen. Taking them around the galaxy and showing that travel alone made up a good deal of a Jedi’s time. Unless they wanted a job that kept them more rooted to a single place. Like many temple guards, instructors and watchmen.
Braze was with them as well. Since he once promised to take the young boy with him to visit Dorin. Partly to humble the padawan and allow them to experience the sublime here on his homeworld, and her far too common tempestuous wrath. Storms here put the most mighty of sith and elementalists to shame. Even his talented master, Jonyna Si , likely couldn’t outdo the storms here.
“Look you two, we’re here finally!” Ko called out to the two of them. Somewhat needing to shout over the loud winds that brushed against them along the mountainside. This whole hike he’d been keeping a close eye on the two. They were both stubborn and proud and likely wouldn’t show any weakness, especially in front of one another. So he kept a gentle pace for them. They were used to needing to breathe through masks and seeing through goggles all day like he was. So he wanted to be extra cautious with them.
Also this would be the first time the two of them would get to see what lay beneath his mask. The rather large vertical, gaping maw he hid, yet his eyes still remained covered by a separate pair of goggles, since his eyes weren’t present.
Not far beyond the trio was his old estate, a rather large and old structure constructed on the side of the mountain. Where old, long strands of prayer flags stretched from its walls into the landscape around it. Almost like a colorful web of silk left behind by some giant caterpillar. All while being pushed and pulled from the strong winds. Along with the rustling dry and browned vegetation. Showing that they were currently in the middle of the dry season here. By now the sun was starting to get a decent way over the mountainous horizon. “Just a little bit more to go!… Next time we should bring some swoop bikes with us instead.”
Valor was here because Ko needed to spend more time with the teen. Taking them around the galaxy and showing that travel alone made up a good deal of a Jedi’s time. Unless they wanted a job that kept them more rooted to a single place. Like many temple guards, instructors and watchmen.
Braze was with them as well. Since he once promised to take the young boy with him to visit Dorin. Partly to humble the padawan and allow them to experience the sublime here on his homeworld, and her far too common tempestuous wrath. Storms here put the most mighty of sith and elementalists to shame. Even his talented master, Jonyna Si , likely couldn’t outdo the storms here.
“Look you two, we’re here finally!” Ko called out to the two of them. Somewhat needing to shout over the loud winds that brushed against them along the mountainside. This whole hike he’d been keeping a close eye on the two. They were both stubborn and proud and likely wouldn’t show any weakness, especially in front of one another. So he kept a gentle pace for them. They were used to needing to breathe through masks and seeing through goggles all day like he was. So he wanted to be extra cautious with them.
Also this would be the first time the two of them would get to see what lay beneath his mask. The rather large vertical, gaping maw he hid, yet his eyes still remained covered by a separate pair of goggles, since his eyes weren’t present.
Not far beyond the trio was his old estate, a rather large and old structure constructed on the side of the mountain. Where old, long strands of prayer flags stretched from its walls into the landscape around it. Almost like a colorful web of silk left behind by some giant caterpillar. All while being pushed and pulled from the strong winds. Along with the rustling dry and browned vegetation. Showing that they were currently in the middle of the dry season here. By now the sun was starting to get a decent way over the mountainous horizon. “Just a little bit more to go!… Next time we should bring some swoop bikes with us instead.”