Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Seated beneath a large tree in the middle of one of the planets expansive parks Anara had her guitar in her lap, a series of notebooks spread out before her and a pencil stuck between her lips. Her fingers deftly moved across the neck of her guitar as she played a soft melody, stopping every so often to take note of the composition she was creating.

Generally she played without any form of sheet music as the chords simply came to her, but she was working upon composing a bit of music for an interested party. For one reason or another a bit of honest work had found its way to her and she'd deemed it interesting enough to give it her attention.

When was the last time she earned credits by reputable means? It had been years she surmised given her usual behavior.

Smirking softly to herself, Anara kept up her work.

[member="Noah Corek"]

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