Dayjer Haspar
NAME: Dayjer “Gearbox” Haspar
FACTION: Galactic Alliance
RANK: Wing Commander
AGE: 44
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6’2”
WEIGHT: 200 lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Dark Brown
SKIN: White
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Experienced- Being a 20+ year Starfighter Corps veteran, he’s forgotten more about dogfighting and starfighter combat that many pilots ever learn
Dismissive of Rookies-His aforementioned experience leads him to assume his own superiority to any rookie pilots, and his pride, and credit account has been hurt by this numerous times
Mechanic-Before joining the military, Dayjer worked as a mechanic in his dad’s shop, and raced on the side, building his own speeders from scrap for these races
Impulsive- He has a tendency to act on immediately when he sees a chance, not waiting to assess the situation or for support
Relatively tall, athletic build, typically seen wearing a flight suit, he has a neatly trimmed goatee, he wears a gold wedding band on his left hand, usually covered by his glove.
Dayjer grew up on Telos IV as the eldest of three children, his father, Varys Haspar, owned a mechanic shop in a nearby settlement, while is mother, Lylla, stayed home to take care of him and his sister, Myna and Seluna.
From an early age, Dayjer showed a talent for operating, as well as working on, different speeders and ground craft, his dad started taking him to work with him to hone his skills, planning to have him take over one day. Dayjer had other plans, however, and enlisted with the Galactic Alliance as a pilot, this decision drove a rift between father and son, and the two went years without speaking to each other.
During this time, Dayjer would meet and marry fellow pilot, Kira Jinn, and the two would have two children, Wordell and Coleen. It was also during this time he earned the callsign “Gearbox” due to his always being in the hanger, tuning and trying to squeeze every ounce of performance out of his craft.
After years of not speaking to each other, Dayjer hears from his father three words nobody ever wanted to hear: he was dying. Dayjer packed his family up, put in the proper leave requests, and spent the next few weeks making up for lost time with his dad, being by his side in the end.
He then returned to duty and is still flying today, making Wing Commander of the 95th Attack Wing after 20 years of service.
Dayjer flies a T-65AC4 X-Wing, the venerable craft has gone through numerous refits over the centuries, but it still serves well, featuring 4 wingtip mounted laser cannons, dual proton torpedo launchers, four powerful engines, hyperdrive, and a slot for an onboard astromech. Dayjer’s personal craft is painted black and gold, featuring a kill tally marked in hex bolts under the cockpit
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Thread 'Routine Patrol'
Thread 'Gates of Dawn | GA Invasion of BOTM held Shihon and Oyokal'
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