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Approved Tech Dayr Varad Beskar'gam

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Dayr Varad


  • Intent: To sub Mandalorian armor unique to Dayr Varad
  • Image Source: Here
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: Mandalorian Armor
  • Classification: Multi-purpose
  • Weight: Light
  • Resistances:
- Lightsabers: Very High
- Blasters: Very High
- Kinetic: High
- Sonic: Average
- EMP/Ion:
- Armor: None
- Helmet: Very High
- Electric: Low
- Other: Average

  • Helmet:
- HUD with 360 Degree Display & Verbal/Visual Command Suite
- Rangefinder
- Multi-Frequency Target and Acquisition System & Multi-Spectral Target Assessor
- Sonic Dampener & Annunciator
- Broadband Antenna & Comlink
- Combat Sensor
- Sonar Mapper
- Life Form Scanner & RSMA Bioscan Unit
- Signal Interceptor
- Incorporated De-ionizer Units & Insulated Wiring
  • Torso & Back:
- Arikyrzium-Beskar Segmented Armor Plating
- Armorweave/Maalraas Hide Underlay
- Reflec Coating
  • Left Gauntlet:
- Crushgaunt (Hydraulic/Servo-Based)
- Mandalorian Vambrace
  • Right Gauntlet:
- Crushgaunt (Hydraulic/Servo-Based)
- Knuckle Plate Vibro Blade (Built into Gauntlet; Hydraulic/Servo-Based)
- Particle-Beam Wrist Laser
  • Legs:
- Knee-Mounted Dart Launchers (Poison & Tranquilizer Variants; Propellant-Based)
- Magno-Grip Soles
  • Combat Harness/Utility Belt:
- Flares (2)
- Beskar-Reinforced Grenade Pouches
- Combat de-ionizer & Blast energy sink
- Anti-security blade & EMP disruptor & Field disruptor overloader
- F-187 Fusioncutter & Data Breaker
- Ration Cubes (3 days)
- Several Wookiee hair braids

  • Tough Suit: The combination of armorweave and Maalraas leather make a highly durable layer of protection, specifically against lightsaber, kinetic and blaster damage.
  • Scanners: The reflec coating allows the armor to bypass sensors by warping electromagnetic signals.
  • No Power: Some select systems can function without power using alternative mechanical methods, such as the crushgaunts, knuckle blade and dart launchers.
  • Force Trouble: Due to the infusion of arikyrzium crystal into beskar alloy, there is a Force dampened radius around the beskar'gam of one (1) meter, which makes using the Force in that space - or against Dayr - harder and less effective, respectively.
  • Helmet Protection: Various countermeasures to EMP/Ion effects have been taken to maintain anti-EMP function support of the helmet systems, at the cost of little-to-no resistance for the rest of the armor or its connected powered weapon/systems.
  • Focused Heat: Beskar plate is vulnerable to repeated heat in the same spot, such as blaster-fire.
  • Segments: The beskar plating is segmented, resulting in less overall durability in favor of weight advantage.
  • Delicate Systems: The armor and its in-built attachments (save the helmet) are vulnerable to most forms of EMP and Ion damage, which would disrupt the systems for a few minutes until they could restart.
  • Low Armament: Compared to other beskar'gam, this set of armor has little in the way of incorporated armament or firepower, lacking a lot of the standard 'punch' other Mandalorians use.
For most Mandalorians, their beskar'gam is their life. For Dayr, it's a means to an end. There is little about this armor that is outstanding or master crafted. In fact, where most Mandalorians seek to provide as much protection as possible, Dayr has opted for lightness, agility and freedom of movement over heavy plating and powered ordnance. Were it not for the helmet and select beskar armor plates on his body, one would be forgiven for not thinking he was Mandalorian at all. Still, despite the lack of finesse in the construction, the armor is made from sturdy materials and offers a basic range of Mandalorian-specific - and not so specific - benefits.

Select portions of the armor utilize a hybrid arikyrzium crystal-beskar alloy composite, which is focused on the helmet, shoulders, elbows, knees and gauntlets. The inclusion of the crystal offers a Force dampening field around the wearer, to a radius of one (1) meter. The main protective layers include Maalraas leather hide, renown for its high resistance to lightsabers, heat and blasters. The secondary suit underlay is composed of armorweave, offering blaster fire dissipation and some reinforcement to the exposed areas of the body. Finally, reflec coating was applied to the armor, which allowed it to bypass sensors by warping electromagnetic signals. When the basis for the armor was in place, the blacksmiths suggested seeking out Kaine Australis - or more specifically his workshop, Warmaster's Forge - which would be able to handle the rest of the armament process.

Dayr was familiar with Kaine, having served with the old General several times over the years in various wars and crusades. So, Kaine completely fitted out the beskar'gam, applying the latest sensor suites and scanners in the helmet, advanced gauntlet weapons and gadgets, as well as several contingency and practicality devices on a battle harness and utility belt. Per Dayr's instructions, several typically powered systems were instead converted to function with alternative methods - such as servos and propellants. This would ensure that, should the inevitable EMP or ion grenade be used, he had access to some of his armors functions.

When the job was done, there was a streamlined type of Mandalorian combat armor, able to offer both speed and protection, high versatility and uncompromising battlefield application. And even if it was a little below recommended beskar ratio standards, the beskar'gam suited Dayr just fine...
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening, [member="Dayr Varad"]! First and foremost, I want to take this opportunity to say thank you for taking the time to use the Factory. I will be working with you to review this submission and get it approved as quickly and painlessly as possible. If at all, something I say or point out doesn't make sense to you and you'd like further clarification, or maybe just a simple rewording, please do not hesitate to say so.

Dayr Varad said:
Manufacturer: Dayr Varad, Kaine Australis, Warmaster's Forge
If you would be so kind as to link all manufacturers involved in the creation of this armor, it would be greatly appreciated.

Dayr Varad said:
- EMP/Ion: Average (Armor: None/Helmet: Very High)
I understand what you are trying to do here, but please leave circumstantial occurrences to either "description", "Special Features", "Strengths/Weaknesses" or any combination there of. Try to limit each category to a single rating if at all possible.

Please tag me once you have made any of the edits and we can see about marking this this as approved
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