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Dayr Varad

Dayr Varad

"Find them, kill them. It's that simple."

  • Name: Unknown
  • Alias: Dayr Varad
  • Faction: Clan Varad
  • Homeworld: Mandalore; Firrerre (birth)
  • Species: Firrerreo
  • Relatives: Wife, two children

  • Age: 30s
  • Gender: Male
  • Height: 6' (1.83m)
  • Weight: 100kg (220lbs)
  • Eye Color: Black
  • Hair Color: Black/Silver
  • Skin: Pale Yellow
  • Body: Fit, muscular
  • Marks & Scars: Several silver-hued scars across body, one above eyebrow

  • Force Sensitive: No
  • Affiliation: The Mandalorian Empire
  • Rank: Alor of Clan Varad (Leader)
  • Occupation: Raider, hunter, tracker
  • Trainees: N/A

  • [+] Mando'ade Warrior: As one would expect from a Mandalorian, especially an Alor, Dayr is very skilled in combat. His weapons of choice are pistols and blades, getting in close with an opponent, to engage face-to-face. Dayr is known for wearing light partitions of beskar'gam, barely having any armor at all. He also has a reputation as being wild and even bloodthirsty, and with his skills and innate attributes backing him, he is a fierce and deadly opponent.
  • [+] Hunter: Away from the battlefield, Dayr is a very talented hunter/tracker. Using his innate species characteristics, he is able to hunt and track prey for miles using sight, hearing and strength.
  • [+] Firrerreo: Due to his species, Dayr has several impressive attributes.
    Vision: Dayr can see into the ultraviolet range, and has nictitating membranes that protect his eyes bright sources and debris.
  • Healing: Dayr has a tremendous ability to heal quickly, with minor wounds healing in minutes; scars from serious injury heal with a silver colorization.
  • Strength: Dayr is very strong, able to overpower most humans easily; and while not comparable to Wookiees or Trandoshans, all Firrerreo possess deceptive strength.
  • Durable: Dayr is able to take a direct blaster shot without armor.
  • Hearing: Dayr has impressive hearing, able to assist in tracking targets over hundreds of meters.

[*][+/-] Animalistic: Dayr's species is known for being 'wild and feral', and he is no exception. Taught the ways of a warrior from a young age, those traits have only compounded, leaving Dayr a force to be reckoned with in combat; but by the same token, his aggression and wild tendencies are hard to control outside of battle, which makes reasoning or calming him a real effort. He is prone to growling, baring his teeth (and overdeveloped canines), snarling and even keening in grief.
[*][+/-] Distrusting & Suspicious: Dayr is distrusting of most, which can prove both a blessing and curse. In the past it has saved him from betrayal and being fooled by others, but by the same token this trait tends to isolate Dayr and push away potentially loyal friends. Still, as far as Dayr is concerned, you can't trust anyone... not really. The only individual Dayr trusts is his mate, who is also the only one to know his real name.
  • [-] Average Marksman: Dayr is not the best marksman at longer ranges, typically anything beyond pistol range is literally hit-or-miss; and while he 'can' use a sniper rifle, that is under specific circumstances (ie: ambush) and when his target is unsuspecting and has movements considered casual/predictable.
  • [-] Bad Pilot: Dayr is not very skilled in piloting most vehicles, preferring to remain with boots on the ground.
  • [-] Don't Stifle: Dayr cannot stand to be heavily enclosed or weighed down, and therefore his beskar'gam is light weight and doesn't hinder his sense of freedom of movement. This also means he wears less overall armor. Being kept in a cage or binders would be torture to him.
  • [-] Wild Tendencies: Dayr is highly instinctual, and when in combat can often rely more so on said instincts; this can come at a cost to some otherwise rational thought, as he reacts and responds in a more wild and possibly predictable manner.
  • [-] No Patience: Certainly not a virtue for Dayr, his level of patience is significantly less than others. And while he isn't 'mindlessly feral', and is capable of strategic planning, he is definitely more prone to - and supportive of - direct action and rushing into battle. The only time Dayr seems to display any real self-control and patience is while hunting. Or when teaching his children.


Dayr was born to a mating of traders, rare travelers of the Firrerreo, who made a living seeking out and procuring exotic items for their people. When he was but a child, his parent's trade freighter was attacked by pirates, which caused severe damage and a forced landing on a nearby planet. That planet was Mandalore. Sadly, Dayr's father perished in the crash, as did the cargo, and being stranded with no mate or credits to fund a trip home, Dayr's mother sought sanctuary in a nearby city with her child. The prospect of earning enough to hop a freighter seemed daunting, but the pair had little choice.

Yet, while passing through dense forest, the mother and son were set upon by a mysterious group. They were humanoids, dressed in shining silver and blue armor, wielding numerous weapons. The leader tried communicating with the Firrerreo, but Dayr's mother knew little Basic, and instead the pair were taken to a nearby compound. Held under strict watch, all the while learning the local language, Dayr's mother quickly made herself useful by providing provision and storage solutions. Through a tedious method of slow communication, she eventually showed the clan of warriors how to store, preserve and extend the life of various items they relied on for produce. It was seen as a boon for the group, one which caused the leader to adopt the pair of Firrerreo into the clan - though they weren't truly aware of this fact, initially.

Still, from a young age, Dayr - the name appointed to him by the clan - proved himself a capable trainee warrior. He was fast, strong, wild and excellent with blades. His natural abilities allowed for extended hunting ranges, increasing game and provisions for the clan. During this time, Dayr learned his clan was named Varad. That they were also a highly secretive gathering of people, and made use of smaller cells spread across the planet in hidden compounds. And while the Varad appeared primitive compared to some clans, the truth was they hide their power and resources, maintaining the perceptionthe rest of Mandalore tended to have toward them - vicious raiders who sought battle.

In some ways true, in others not so.

After many years, Dayr proved himself a capable warrior. He took part in numerous skirmishes, fought in raids, plundered nearby systems with his clan and grew in reputation. He was in a prominent position within clan Varad, responsible for leading his own men, and tasked with difficult missions against pirates, slavers and raiders. Hunting down the enemy proved to be Dayr's forte and he was exceptional at it. He had rivals, of course, but his aggressiveness and wild tendencies tended to put them back in line.

During a battle against a group of Dark Jedi in a nearby system, the clan Varad Alor was killed. On seeing his leader cut down, Dayr lost his senses and threw himself into the enemy, slicing and cutting and slaughtering. Given over to his feral nature, it was all a red hazed blur, until the battle suddenly ended. Having killed a swath of enemies, Dayr was recognized as a worthy successor to the now-dead Alor, and took up the mantle - and ceremonial beskad - of the position. There was several challengers for the leadership, each of whom was defeated in one-on-one combat. And with Dayr being the clear claimant to the Alor title, he took his place as leader of clan Varad.

Now, some years later, clan Varad had witnessed the attack on Mandalore by the Sith Empire. Working from concealment, the clan ambushed and killed a small share of the invaders within the city outskirts, however the battle was far larger and damaging than could have been thought. And knowing that the Sith, and others who had attacked the Mandalorians, couldn't be allowed to escape vengeance, Dayr approached the other clans to offer Varad for retaliatory efforts...


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  • Purchase Information:
- ... [x]

Dayr Varad


  • Weapons:
- Beskad (x2)
- Mandalorian Ripper (Pistol; right thigh holster)
- KD-30 Slugthrower (Pistol; left thigh holster)
- Sonic Disruptor (Pistol; back belt holster)
- M-415 Particle Beam Ripper Rifle
- Vibroknuckler (x2)
- Shockwhip
  • Armor:
- Dayr's Beskar'gam
- Camouflage Poncho
- Electrical Capacitance Shield
  • Grenades:
- ForceBreaker Gas Grenades (x2)
- EMP Grenades (x1)
- Stun Grenades (x1)
- AP Grenades (x2)
  • Miscellaneous:
- Biofoam (x2)
  • Personal Ships:
- The Tracker; Pursuer-Class Enforcement Ship
  • Personal Droid/s:
- Nuhaatyc (Basilisk War Droid)
- Guardian Recon Droid (Pilot & Sentry)
  • Pets:
- 'Dha'


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