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DB-B1 Battle Droids

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Image Source: Playground AI



  • Combat Programming: Each of these droids is programmed to be highly skilled when it comes to the use of martial arts, or melee weapons or blasters. This makes them virtually a one man army on their own.
  • Reduced Weight: Unlike the weight of Dral Kaytr metal droids, these are somewhat lighter weight.
  • These droids are well made.
  • Heavier than usual: These are heavier than usual.
  • Not waterproof: These droids aren't water proof.
  • Ion Weaponry: Ion Weaponry would be effective against them.

Droids Brains were required to build a new type of battle droid. As such, Cameron Tyris purchased the rights to use two different models of Droid Brain in the creation of a set of battle droids for his own use. 1 and 2 were purchased from their owner in order to use in the battle droid. Eighth Metal was purchased from Sasori as well to use in the design of the droids, as was Dral Kraytr, a Mandalorian Metal. The two metals were combined to create a droid that was lighter weight, but still highly durable. These droids were inspired by the B1 Battle Droids originally employed by the Trade Federation as their soldiers. However, the design was heavily altered by Cameron to serve his purposes more. The Battle Droid design was then improved upon by him more with technologies purchased from around the universe. Now he has completed it so he can start marketing it.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Cameron Tyris Cameron Tyris

Nice sub!
  • I would like to ask you to link the Midjourney's homepage to the image source.
  • About the Armaments, these are inbuilt weapons or the droid's main weapon(s). They cannot carry as much as you have written here. I would recommend keeping one or two of these only.
  • And I found some permission issue. You don't linked or you don't have permission to these subs:
    • C2 Blaster Pistol
    • Ci426 SlugThrower Scattergun
    • M6C4 Assault Rifle
    • L88 'Lewis' Automatic Slugthrower
    • P9-17 Assault Rifle
    • RT-Char Recoilless Rocket Launcher
    • NZ HCR-SSA.350 LM edition
    • NZ HCR-SSA.350
    • NZ RF-850 Grenade Launcher
    • NZ RF-600 Rotary Blaster Cannon
    • NZ - SV2.45 Anti Material Rifle
    • NZ-BG.400 Tactical Blaster Pistol
    • NZ-PBR.445 Plasma Blaster Rifle
    • Breshig War Forge Consolidated 'Gar'mirshe'ika' Droid Brain
    • Breshig War Forge Consolidated 'Gar'mirshe' Droid Brain
    • Breshig War Forge Consolidated 'Manda' Tactical Battlenet - Ground Variant
  • And I would like to ask you to link the Eigth Metal, I don't know which one is this.
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