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Approved Tech DDSI Applied Sciences - Decentralized Nanotextile Integrated Computer

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Manufacturer: DDSI
Type: Material
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Weight: Average
Size: Average

Image Source - prompted by me and edited in paintshop

DDSI Applied Sciences - Decentralized Nanotextile Integrated Computer

  • Allows a computer to be integrated into clothing.
  • The decentralized nature of the computer allows it to continue processing even if the garment is partially damaged.
  • The nature of nanotextiles feeding off the wearer's bioelectric field means that no additional power source is required.
  • Garment can be equipped with a manual reboot function allowing the computer to be rebooted by the wearer if they feel it has been compromised.
  • Ion weapons will disrupt the computer and force a reboot, leaving the computer non-functional for 1 minute during the reboot.
  • An especially skilled slicer might be able to hack the computer wirelessly.
  • Because the computer is powered by the wearer's bioelectric field, which must be replenished by the wearer's biology, the wearer must consume an additional 200 calories per day.
  • Computer requires an interface to load programs into the garment.
DDSI Applied Sciences has further developed their nanotextile technology to integrate a decentralized computer network into clothing. The computing power is distributed among billions of microscopic nanotech machines that form the garment, with each nanotech component only responsible for a single byte of computing power. Collectively, a garment can have the same computing power as a droid brain. They are capable of parallel processing, and have no central processing hub, so lose minimal computing power when the garment is damaged or perforated. While the DNIC is a capable computer, it requires an interface to load its programs. This can be done wirelessly from another computer, using a neuromachine interface to program the garment, or by attaching an I/O jack accessory port on a button, buckle device, or cufflink.

DDSI uses this technology to embed computing capability into their space suits and environmental suits, but for a nominal fee you can use it however you like.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a nanotextile integrated computer for sophisticated clothing
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: DDSI and Derron Daks
Modular: Yes
Material: Nanotechnology, Nanotextiles
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