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Approved Tech DDSI Applied Sciences - High Density Particle Interaction Software Sensor Module

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Manufacturer: DDSI
Type: Electronic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Very Light
Size: Very Small

Image Source:, prompted by me

  • Contains extensive encrypted data from sensor scans of Nebulae and Space Storms conducted by DDSI throughout known space
  • Contains proprietary probability matrix software algorithms created by DDSI researchers and scientists.
  • Makes sensors more accurate in clouds and storms that would otherwise obscure sensors and targeting systems.
  • Uses particle interaction algorithms to predict the likely size and location of objects in a high-particulate environment.
  • Makes sensors more accurate in clouds and storms that would otherwise obscure sensors and targeting systems.
  • Modular software package can be integrated into virtually any sensor system or control computer.
  • Only one software module can be installed into a given sensor array or sensor-control computer at a time. Optimizing for one sort of sensor enhancement will obviate the possibility of engaging any other sensor enhancement.
  • While sensors can be made more accurate and sensitive in the selected environment, they become less accurate and sensitive in other interstellar environments.
  • There is a period when the sensors will show nothing as they reset after inserting or removing a module.
DDSI has made extensive efforts in scanning, mapping, and analyzing high-particulate galactic environments from Ion Storms to Dark Nebulae. This has given them a huge array of data-points about particle interactions within microgravity environments. Often, high-particle microgravity environments obscure sensors, making direct observation of objects or phenomena impossible. However, much like terrestrial sonar, the particles closest to a sensor can convey valuable information about particle movements and interactions from distant objects and phenomena via detectable wave patterns.

What does it all mean? It means the DDSI's Applied Sciences division has created advanced mathematical algorithms that can increase the accuracy of your sensors while your ship is within space storms, clouds, or other obscuring space environments. Our proprietary datasets and algorithms grant your sensors 75% improved object detection within such obscuring areas, making your navigation and targeting much more accurate than they would otherwise be.

Simply purchase our sensor module and plug it directly into your sensor array or sensor control computers. The algorithm will go to work, feeding your sensors corrected data about the environment. Immediately, your systems will become much more capable at penetrating the veil, be it a natural phenomenon or a synthetically generated storm or cloud-like countermeasure.

Be sure to remove the module once you are no longer in the high-density particle environment, as your sensors will be 75% less capable outside of it until the module is removed. It may take your sensor systems 30-60 seconds to reset when inserting or removing a module.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a practical application of DDSI scientific research for improving sensor readings in high density particulate environments
Permissions: NA

Technical Information

Affiliation: DDSI and Derron Daks
Modular: Yes
Material: Probabilities Software Module
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