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Approved NPC DDSI Insight Crew

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  • Crew Name: The Insight Crew
  • Crew Type: Corporate Flagship Crew
  • Base of Operations: DDSI Insight
  • Crew Size: 5 (Five Notable Officers among a crew of hundreds)
  • Loyalties: DDSI CEO Derron Daks
  • Description: Starship crew usually seen wearing orange uniforms or orange space suits.
  • Name: Commander Zimm Simmerlin
  • Age: 35
  • Species: Cyborged Yakan-Human Hybrid
  • Role: Ship's Commander
  • Languages: Yakan, Basic, Huttese
  • Description: Loyal, no-nonsense commander of the DDSI Insight, recruited after he exited the Galactic Alliance Navy after three tours.
  • Name: Lieutenant Sora Zorta
  • Age: 24
  • Species: Human
  • Role: Signals Officer
  • Languages: Yakan, Basic, Huttese, Kaminoan, Rodian
  • Description: Bright, happy officer who does best when given validation for her work. She was recruited after spending two years working for Tampson Consolidated as a Communications Technician. She has a degree in Linguistics and Certificates in Sensor Operations and Communications Operation.
  • Name: Lieutenant Garber Xant
  • Age: 40
  • Species: Yakan
  • Role: Senior Engineering Officer
  • Languages: Yakan, Basic, Huttese, Wookie
  • Description: Prematurely graying Engineer is Laconic in his speech patterns. He was recruited from a Corporation called Yakronics where he worked as the lead engineer in a garage that serviced light freighters for the company. He has degrees in power core engineering, general electronics, and starship repair.
  • Name: Lieutenant Crole Janner
  • Age: 31
  • Species: Human Cyborg
  • Role: Tactical Officer
  • Languages: Yakan, Basic, Huttese
  • Description: Intense Tactical Officer who loves combat a little bit more than he should. He was recruited from the Royal Naboo Defense Corps after three tours working aboard an armed Naboo patrol ship. He is an expert gunner and his implants allow him to manipulate several guns personally.
  • Name: Doctor Paricia Stoan
  • Age: 45
  • Species: Yakan
  • Role: Lead Researcher
  • Languages: Has an implant providing 2 million forms of communication.
  • Description: Tall, Muscular, graying Yakan woman with degrees in Physics, Biology, Botany, Archaeology, Chemistry, and Metallurgy. She was recruited from the Yakan University of Sciences where she was a professor teaching all of these subjects simultaneously. She had become tired of teaching, however, and wanted field experience. So she signed on to the Horizon crew to run its scientific endeavors. After a year of service on the Horizon, they transferred to the new corporate flagship, the Insight.
The crew of the Horizon had been together for a year, ever since the DDSI CEO managed to get together the necessary investments to fund a research ship. They were excited about their positions and have good morale. There is a sense of prestige about being the initial officers among a fleet of research vessels in DDSI service. All officers receive non-voting shares in the company in addition to their salaries, which makes them especially dedicated to the success of the organization. After a year of service on the Horizon, they transferred to the new corporate flagship, the Insight, the first proprietary research frigate fielded by DDSI. They share additional pride in pioneering this new chapter of corporate development.
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