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Faction [DE] Echoes of a Fading Empire


Glory to the Empire





Once a powerful force that shook the galaxy with impressive displays of force and power through it’s early victories against the GALACTIC ALLIANCE, the DARK EMPIRE is a mere shadow of its former self having grown increasingly stagnant and unable to turn the wheels back into motion, allowing unrest to grow and putting the Empire at risk of collapse.

Despite his appointment as LORD-REGENT, MARLON SULAREN’s efforts to revitalize the Empire have come far too late, at a period where the Empire becomes increasingly unable to sustain its hold over its territories. Thus seeing the writing on the wall, the Lord-Regent has begun to prepare a contingency so that portions of the Empire’s strength can be preserved and revitalized through a prolonged secretive operation across the NEW TERRITORIES and beyond.

In order to begin the preliminary steps in constructing this contingency for an IMPERIAL REDOUBT, the Lord-Regent has summoned a few select members of the IMPERIAL RULING COUNCIL that he has deemed as trustworthy in order to share his plans for the future of the Empire and how they can move to continue and finish the GREAT WORK started by Emperor Solipsis and Despot Korvan at Carlac.

While the Empire may be on it’s final breaths, the dream of the Reconquest of the Imperial New Territories and the Imperial Core remain in the hearts of many loyal Imperials and it will be those Imperials that Sularen will steer towards the path of reorganization, reconstruction and resurgence in a new era that will see the Empire finally stand victorious over it’s enemies.






What Sularen had long predicted during the early days of the Dark Empire had come to pass. The Dark Empire was now in a period of extreme vulnerability, stagnant and not even able to put down rebellions within its own borders as was with the case of Shu-Torun with the rebel Ord-Dukes still resisting against the Empire despite its efforts. Despite his being appointed as Lord-Regent even Sularen was wise enough to see the writing on the wall - The Dark Empire in decline and on the verge of collapse and it seemed that there was nothing he could do to prevent it.

However, despite this Sularen was not going to go silently into the dark as he had done when the Maw had collapsed. Even if this Empire’s days were numbered there were still assets within it that could be salvaged, resources that could be stockpiled in order to prepare for the rise of the next Empire to succeed it. All that needed to be done was to ensure that these assets and resources could be safely allocated before the Alliance, the Diarchy and the Neo-Crusader would arrive to pick at the corpse of the Empire should the worst come to pass.

Thus, the Lord-Regent would assemble a collection of members of the Imperial Ruling Council whom he trusted the most for a secret summit of the Imperial Ruling Council where he would share with them his plans for an Imperial contingency that would see the Legacy of both Solipsis and Korvan endure the potential collapse of the Empire and the great work started by both of them at Carlac continued in spite of it’s fragmentation.

Seated at the head of a circular table, within a conference room and inside the headquarters of the Imperial Ruling Council, the Lord-Regent patiently waited as his trusted confidants entered the room and took their seats before addressing them formally. “Thank you all for arriving.” he said, greeting the other members of the Council before soon beginning the discussion at hand.

Now that we’re all here, I will simply get to the point. This Empire is failing. It has grown too stagnant, the wheel has been corroded and even now our forces struggle to put down local resistance on worlds such as Shu-Torun. We are at risk of facing a total collapse and should the worst come to pass, it won’t be long before our neighbours rush in to pick at the corpse of this Empire to secure what resources they can to fuel their own interests.” the Lord-Regent proclaimed.

This is why I've assembled you all here. To prepare a contingency plan should the worst come to pass so that we can gather what’s left of our Empire, reconsolidate our remaining assets and begin preparations for an Imperial resurgence and a proper subsequent reconquest of the New Territories and later the Core Worlds. This Empire may die but the Imperial dream started by Korvan and Solipsis at Carlac will never die, and it’s up to us to ensure their great work is completed.



Carlacc - OuterRim

Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen / Antipater Antipater / Domaric Mordane Domaric Mordane / Dyans Keto Dyans Keto


The sands contained inside the proverbial hourglass began its slow, yet persistent downward spiral, a semblance that drawing of the end was nigh; that the winds of change were gathering strength. Soon, if left unchecked, the winds would turn to violent gales, crushing all that it could touch before it's airy presence.

This object, this defiant giant that stood staunch against the foreboding storm is The Dark Empire, ready to stand tall, to weather the ebbing changes and stop the final sand particle from touching, ending the Empire's glorious era.

Thus, the convening of the Imperial Council was called by the Lord Regent himself, an emergency call to state to address and make preparations, to ensure the philosophies, idealologies, and cultural properties would survive a rebirth.

octor McAuliffe sat patiently, hands folded and resting next to a piled collection of data cards, while his eyes and facial expression betrayed nothing of the thoughts coursing through his brilliant mind. He had read the partially gathered information contained within the initial report from the Lord Regent regarding the state of affairs of the Empire, but the called meeting meant there was more, much more that was purposely omitted from that report, and now came the time of revelation.

ord Regent Sularen entered, wasting no time and quickly jumped into his speech. Doctor McAuliffe listened, hanging on every letter, every syllable, and every word that fell from the Lord's mouth. There was indeed evidence that the Empire was on the verge of collapse.

"If I may, Lord Regent, you spoke of assets. I am not familiar with all the Empire's assets outside the Science Division," Doctor McAuliffe began as he slide one of the data cards toward Sularen, "There contained within the card are the plans of a hidden scientific base. Well, forgive me, sir, but the facility is mere weeks from completion. It was constructed in secrecy, to prevent spies from discovering it."

Tapping his left index finger on the remaining data cards, he continued, "And these, well, are just some of the projects my science teams have been working on. Some are beneficial to our citizens, and others are, if you forgive me, are unethical in practice, meant to deter our enemies. Biological warfare, Lord Regent."

Machines Making Machines


Antipater's hologram flickered as if with irritation. He had a difficult time conceiving the dream "started" by Korvan and Solipsis as anything more than a stumbling fluke. Korvan had pinned his hopes for a restored Empire on Solipsis. Solipsis killed and betrayed him. And now Solipsis was gone entirely. His chief lieutenants vanished or incompetent. The Dark Empire was a wheel that had lost its axis. Fragile and unsupported... This was no dream. It was a nightmare.

It went without saying that the droid found the idea of engaging in biological warfare at this stage to be exceedingly foolish. As if a cloud of noxious gas would win the war... Or any war, for that matter. "I will continue to consolidate power on Jaemus. My projections indicate the Diarchs will negotiate the planet's incorporation into their sphere of influence rather than attempt an outright conquest. My regime will remain in place and will be prepared to influence neighboring worlds from within."

I, my, I, my. Every councilor for themselves. Fortunately Antipater also had more positive news to relay.

"I possess some contacts among the Mandalorians," he continued, "They have not entirely ruled out collaboration. Should they sweep up the Braxant towards Carlac, we as Imperials may be able to negotiate acceptable terms. There is a high probability any Sith who yet remain will be killed outright. I find such losses to be... Acceptable."

A rather dispassionate assessment. Fortunately no Sith were present to take offense.



Location: Undisclosed
Theme: Dark Ages
Tags: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Allister McAuliffe Allister McAuliffe | Domaric Mordane Domaric Mordane | Antipater Antipater

The Empresses Hologram appeared in the room as she had been listening in from an undisclosed location. She stood her arms pressed against her back as weighed the words of those who had spoken so far. Like Antipater she too had been making moves behind the scenes for the inevitable collapse of the Dark Empire. She was ensuring the Krath stayed alive no matter the cost. Ever since the Dark Empires conflict with the Diarchy started, she had sent agents into their territory. Before Krath's return to the dark empire she had agents sent to the Lost Empire as well. Though no firm deals had been made or negotiated yet with either she had people in place.

As for the deep core she felt had been lost some time ago even with the victory at Tython. The Alliance was too big of threat to easily overcome with so many enemies at the gate. Though she had started rebuilding the iron citadel on Empress Teta most of her resources were being secretly moved to locations across the Galaxy some even to their old Maw territories to be squirreled away until needed.

"First clinging to Solipsis is what brought about the demise of the Empire. You failed to listen when I said you need to find a new stronger identity rather than clinging to the past. Solipsis is dead and his ways have failed and doomed you." She did not flinch, she did not hold back she remained steadfast and stoic in her belief that Solipsis was the rot at the core of this empire. Yes she hated Solipsis and saw him as a backstabber who turned on even those who would have supported him, he was weak and made an enemy of everyone as his Empire did.

"We have enemies at all sides, and no army in which to fight back with. Now all we can do is retreat and hide because of that weakness and rot that still hangs in this empire. Stagnation brought on by unwillingness to change Lord Regent." Part of Dyans was truly sad for the state the Empire had come to, but part of her was also relieved that the last of Solipsis's image might die. She did not hate or despise Marlon Sularen, in fact she hoped he would find who he was without the reverence for a dead emperor, maybe he would come back stronger.

"As for my assets they are all being moved to secure locations in the unknown territories and elsewhere. The Krath knows how to lay low and when to rise again our business with ending the Galactic alliance is not done just stalled for the moment. I have agents in the Sith Order, Diarchy, and Lost Empire. Empress Teta and the Tetan Empire will rise again in time." She continued to stand firm, her jade eyes looking at Sularen as she spoke not to the others in the room. The two had known each other for a long time, served in the Maw together and even argued over territorial rights within it. "I will reestablish the silver crusade as I was doing before Solipsis approached my agents to help build this empire before betraying us. Through them I will lead acts of terrorism upon the Galactic alliance." The only difference this time she would not be trying to rip them apart from the inside as well because she wasn't going to dirty her hands in think they could be changed from the inside.

"Those are our plans for the future, and we will help rebuild or lift up an Empire that is devoid of the rot that taints this current one." She was almost finished addressing Sularen and about to go silent to let others talk but she had one more message for Sularen specifically. "One last thing you should know, though not pertinent to Dark Empire but maybe to the future and what comes next. My people in the Sith Order say the Destroyer of Byss lives again." It wasn't a threat towards him just a nod to let him him know that one of their former allies in Maw thought dead on Exegol was perhaps alive and it was another avenue to explore for the future. Even if Dyans herself hated making deals with the mad witch of Rhand.



Tags: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Antipater Antipater | Dyans Keto Dyans Keto | Allister McAuliffe Allister McAuliffe

The air in the room carried the weight of resignation, ambition, and quiet desperation as Allegiant General Domaric Mordane strode into the Council chambers. He had arrived in his usual fashion—unannounced but impossible to ignore. His black officer's coat was pristine, its edges sharp as a blade, and the silver insignia on his chest reflected the dim light with austere brilliance. A symbol of uncompromising order amidst the chaos.

Mordane's sharp, steel-gray eyes swept the room like an analytical machine, cataloging the scene. The holograms of Antipater and Empress Keto flickered faintly, casting ghostly shadows over the circular table. McAuliffe sat with his data cards meticulously arrayed, his expression neutral but his intentions clear to any practiced observer: scientific ambition mixed with practical cunning. Sularen sat at the head, a brooding figure burdened by the weight of decay and a legacy on the brink of extinction. These were no longer leaders of a mighty empire; they were scavengers picking over a carcass, fighting over what might still have use.

Mordane's expression betrayed nothing of his thoughts, but internally, a single word came to mind: inevitable. The Dark Empire, like every other bloated regime built on tyranny and fear, was succumbing to the inevitable truth of stagnation. Without discipline, without unity, even the most grandiose machine would falter. His voice, low and measured, broke the silence as he came to a halt behind his chair, his gloved hands resting on its back.

"Lord Regent. Councilors." He inclined his head slightly, not as a show of respect but as a mere formality. His presence was more akin to a stone being dropped into a still pool—disruptive but precise.

"Before I address what has been spoken," he began, his tone sharp and deliberate, "I must state the obvious: the rot we lament did not begin with Solipsis, nor does it end with his death. It has metastasized across every rank, every planet, and every decree issued in the name of this Empire. The wheel does not simply turn; it crumbles under its own weight."

Mordane let his words hang in the air for a moment, the cold detachment of his analysis underscoring the gravity of the situation. He finally moved to sit, the chair creaking faintly under his rigid posture.

"I have reviewed the reports on Shu-Torun. I have analyzed the state of our fleet, our armies, and the fractured chains of command that mock the very concept of an empire. What we have here is not merely the 'collapse of an empire'—it is the implosion of purpose. And without purpose, all the resources in the galaxy will not buy us survival, much less resurgence."

His gaze shifted momentarily to McAuliffe. "Your scientific facility, Doctor, and your projects may hold promise, but biological warfare? I would caution against creating weapons we cannot control. A hammer may be used to build or destroy. A plague knows no loyalty."

Turning to the hologram of Antipater, Mordane spoke with measured approval. "You, at least, speak to pragmatism. Jaemus may indeed serve as a foothold should this empire fracture beyond repair. Consolidation of regional power is a necessity, but I would advise you to remember that the Mandalorians, like us, respect only strength. Collaborate if you must, but do not misplace trust in their honor."

Finally, his gaze fell upon the flickering visage of Empress Keto. Her disdain for Solipsis was clear, and her plans to resuscitate the Krath with a Silver Crusade sounded bold, if not reckless. But what truly caught Mordane's attention was her cryptic warning. The Destroyer of Byss lives again.

"So," he said, his tone colder now, "the shadow of Byss rises. A specter among ruins. Perhaps it is fitting that the past continues to haunt us. Whether this figure is ally or enemy remains to be seen, but if they are tied to the rot you so despise, Empress, I suggest we tread carefully. The last thing we need is another mad zealot steering this sinking ship into oblivion."

Mordane folded his hands on the table, his posture rigid, his tone flat and almost dispassionate. "As for me, I will do what I have always done. Prepare the military for cohesion, efficiency, and readiness. This council may plan for contingencies, but understand this: we will not survive by hiding in the shadows or retreating to scattered outposts. We must fight not for Solipsis or Korvan or any 'dream.' We must fight for order itself—unrelenting and uncompromising."

He paused, leaning forward slightly, his voice now carrying an edge of finality. "If this Empire is to die, so be it. But I will see to it that it dies with discipline and on its own terms—not as a feast for vultures."




It was interesting to say the least, to hear what the other Councilors had regarding the potential collapse of the Empire and the establishment of a contingency. Director McAuliffe spoke about the imminent completion of a secret scientific base that would enable him to carry out various projects that were already being worked on by his scientific teams. Moff Antipater spoke about how the Diarchy would inevitable seize control over Jaemus, most likely in a peaceful transition while also mentioning that he had established contact with the Mandalorian and that they were open to the idea of some collaboration with the Empire. Empress Dyans Keto spoke about planning an insurgency within the Galactic Alliance and her spies embedded within galactic governments. Finally, the Allegiant General Domaric Mordane would speak up, suggesting that the Empire would consolidate power and prepare it's military to wage an insurgency and continue fighting.

These were all good news to hear, as these developments would only serve the Imperial Redoubt the Lord-Regent had planned. This time around, Sularen was willing to take control over what might be left of the old Empire and ensure that the proper steps would be taken to bring forth a proper Imperial resurgence and further reconquest of the New Territories. However first Sularen sought to address the Allegiant General's statements, while his mind was in the right place, unwilling to concede or compromise with the enemy, the Lord-Regent first understood that the Empire needed to approach this situation with great caution although to a degree that would ensure it's survival and revitalization.

"As always, the Allegiant-General is perceptive as always." Sularen began. "It seems that we already have a solid blueprint on how to operate should the Empire collapse, although what is important is direction." the Lord-Regent proclaimed. "We can make all these plans, to build secret bases and undertake projects, to consolidate our regimes and embed ourselves within hostile governments, to wage insurgencies against the enemy and continue the good fight. But all of that is useless without a clear direction, without clearly defined objectives for an plan that will see our Empire restored to it's former glory."

"To that end, the first major step that we must take to rebuild our strength, influence and power must be to organize ourselves by gather resources and assets, establish holdouts and consolidate our positions by gathering support. In order to accomplish this, i intend to decentralize this Council by assigning every one of you to expand our clout within a single sphere of influence. Each person here will be responsible for building new power bases within each sphere from which we can draw support without drawing the attention from hostile factions, and when the time is right we will merge all these smaller powerbases and reorganize them into a revitalized Empire ready to begin our resurgence on the galactic scale."

"Director McAuliffe will cover the sphere of Science through the Imperial Science Bureau, Moff Antipater the sphere of Politics through the Jaemus Directory and Domaric Mordane will cover the sphere of Military Affairs through IMPERA. The Krath already existing as it's own separate entity will not be apart of this system of spheres but will still play an integral role towards our inevitable restoration especially given their strategic position within the Deep Core."

"What do you all say about this?" Sularen said. It was a solid plan although he was still open to hearing the input of his fellow councilors to adjust this plan as necessary, as there could be flaws to the Lord-Regent's plans and other beneficial ideas that could be explored, ideas that may prove to be even more effective then what he had proposed. After all this was a brainstorming session to discuss plans for an Imperial contingency and how to operate post-collapse to bring forth a successful resurgence.

Machines Making Machines


It seemed the Krath would return to the shadows and continue on, business-as-usual. Unsurprising. They had the abject ferocity unique to zealots. Antipater had never been much concerned for their odds. He believed they would remain a vital imperial fixture for some time.

Domaric Mordane entered shortly after Dyans had finished speaking. Antipater had never cared for the Allegiant-General. The manner in which he entered, strutting like some crested avian, coupled with his long and bleating pontification…

…And yet Antipater could still admit - however begrudgingly - that his assessments were correct. There was little need to respond to him directly.

The Lord-Regent set about describing their new agenda and the contingencies through which the Empire - such as it was - would persevere. It seemed the sphere of politics would be left to him.

Perhaps the business of running the civic administration would fall to him while Sularen and Mordane traipsed about the galaxy, pushing along their model fleets and toy soldiers. One could only hope they would remain so preoccupied as to not notice the birth of something new.

A palatable eventuality. Dare he project it was even... Optimal.

I am honored to accept this responsibility,” Antipater replied, “And look forward to rendering faithful service to a revitalized Empire.


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Carlacc - OuterRim

Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen / Antipater Antipater / Domaric Mordane Domaric Mordane / Dyans Keto Dyans Keto

Each and everyone summoned to the meeting had aired their concerns or brought with them ideas or hope for the Empire's future. The doctor knew that not everyone would understand the idealologies supporting the use of biological weapons, even the mention of the word plague only solidified the misunderstandings. This was, however, not the time to debate morals and semantics.

"Perhaps there are outside sources we could potentially align with," he said when a break in the conversations presented itself. He thought of his short, but brief meeting with
Liin Terallo Liin Terallo , and wondered if she and NewCov could look past the Empire's reputation. She was smart, cautious, but importantly trustworthy. "We are to prideful to grovel for assistance, but it is a line of thought worth pursuing. If there are no objections, I am willing to act on such a pursuit."

He looked around the room at the others, trying to read their poker faces. He wondered if they were aware how the rest of the galaxy perceived the Empire? Or if they cared for such callous judgements?

"We need to reshape, not just the Empire, but how we look on the inside to those looking at us on the outside. A show of faith, perhaps?"

His next words he knew could draw ire or grumbles from the other council members, however, sometimes the sharpest blades are not constructed by metals and alloys, but forged from words.

"As I mentioned earlier, we are in possession, and can double efforts to further studies, of beneficial vaccines and medicinal properties concocted solely on stabilizing the future of the Empire's citizens. Perhaps we can trade, not share or freely give away, certain formulas to our nearest enemies so they may tend to the needs of their citizens. What we ask in return, we can debate those terms. Gentlemen, we need to show we can, well, play well with others, and stop being that kid who takes his ball and goes home because he can't have is way."

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Location: Undisclosed
Theme: Dark Ages
Tags: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Allister McAuliffe Allister McAuliffe | Domaric Mordane Domaric Mordane | Antipater Antipater

Dyans just gave a firm nod in agreement to the roll in which Sularen asked her and the cult of the Krath to play. From the shadows they did their best work after all, they would help set the stage for the Empire and hope that it came back from this dark time stronger than before devoid of the rot that ate away at it. If not, they would see to helping build a different empire up, one that didn't cling to a dead Emperor.

Though she did not exactly agree with Mordane on where the rot had come from, she placed the blame squarely on the former Emperor. His hand alone had driven this empire to oblivion from the very beginning it was of his making. She did see value in his words despite her opinion of the man who spoke it.

Though she was not against using biological weapons or looking into there possible uses in totality the pragmatic path said to try and avoid them. It seemed a bit desperate and reminded her of the maw in its waning days before Exegol's ultimate fall. Unleashing a plague could just as easily backfire catastrophically as it could turn the tide of war. Plus from a historical perspective they always left lasting scars on the Galaxy that people never forgot. Which would negate any chance of revival.

It was also true there was no way of telling if the mad witch would be on there side or stand against them, they were wildly unpredictable. Yet Dyans thought more of the Destroyer of Byss as a weapon they could aim, then something they should trust whole heartedly. They were unpredictable yes but could be nudged in a direction beneficial to the Empire if needed. "If the rumor is true, I would never suggest we put our trust in the destroyer of Byss, but we could use her as a targeted weapon on our enemies." She said to clarify to Mordane, so he didn't get the wrong impression she had no intension to hand the mad witch the keys to the empire just use her if she was indeed alive.

Then her attention turned Allister McAuliffe Allister McAuliffe and what he said did not draw her ire. In fact she it drew her interest. The idea of selling certain assets particularly in the drug market to other nations was something of brilliance. Unlike the bioweapons this used a friendly hand to subdue and pacify the enemies at the gate. She saw it as a game of subterfuge lolling your enemies into a sense of security through a faux change of heart. "That is a great idea change the minds of the populace about our intentions through trade diplomacy. Corporatize some of the Empires assets and use humanitarian aid to shape the Galactic perception. I think we should start a formal corporation, not one any of us in this room currently heads a new one led by a new face on the surface. While the council can act as its board of directors in the shadows. That way we can also build up funds and keep our Shadow Empire economically stable. We sell the illusion of an Empire reborn while funding our shadow operations." She nodded to McAuliffe in agreement with his plan of action.

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Sularen raised his eyebrow as Director McAuliffe spoke about reshaping the Empire's image on the galactic stage, talking about how it would be more beneficial if the Empire lessened it's hardcore and belligerent stance in favor of a friendlier and cooperative one that would improve the outside perception of the Empire. Normally, Sularen would outright reject such an idea having long despised the idea of being forced to act according to how the public perceived him and not as he saw fit, but with the current state of the Empire it could not afford to isolate further and maybe perhaps maybe that policy of isolation may have contributed to it's stagnation.

Soon Empress Keto chimed in, adding that the Empire should further corporatize some of it's assets for use of Humanitarian Aid, something that reminded the Lord-Regent of the Imperial Mission and the Victory without War program initiated by the Fel Empire centuries ago and briefly revived during the Sith Empire that was toppled by the New Imperials. A more diplomatic approach towards gathering support would be more beneficial for the Empire, showing organizations and entities that had long distrusted the Empire that it could be trusted once more.

Thus, Sularen decided to weigh in on the matter. "Improving our public image by adopting a more cooperative and open-minded stance could work in our favor." the Lord-Regent said. "If i recall correctly the Sith Empire that was toppled by the Talvar and his New Imperials once adopted this approach to expand their influence through a non-militaristic and humanitarian based orginization known as the Imperial Mission, itself a concept taken from the Second Galactic Empire under the Fel Dynasty centuries ago. Perhaps by establishing our own version of the Imperial Mission and adopting the measures proposed by Director McAuliffe and Empress Keto can we slowly expand our influence throughout the New Territories without the need for war." Sularen proclaimed.

Then the Lord-Regent sought to quickly address the issue of the Destroyer of Byss, Tegan Starfall. While he did have some reservations about Starfall considering her moniker had been earned back when Sularen governed Byss as Lord-Imperator, her unique skillset and abilities could be utilized to the benefit of the Empire, and it shouldn't be that hard to convince her to work with them given her past affiliation with the Brotherhood of the Maw, which the Krath and the Lord-Regent himself shared, not to mention the fact that the Empire itself traced it's lineage to the Maw.

"As for the Destroyer of Byss, while i might have our reservations about her i am not opposed as to bringing her onboard. Although if we are to make use of her destructive potential against our enemies we might have to make sure such destruction cannot be traced back to us, as open affiliation with such an individual could compromise the previous proposals brought forth by Director McAuliffe." the Lord-Regent added. Sularen then turned to face Moff Antipater and Allegiant General Mordane who had remained silent throughout most of this segment of this conversation and proceeded to address them hoping to get their insight on the matter. "Moff Antipater, Alleigant-General Mordane, what do you think about the proposals brought forth by the Director and Empress?"

Machines Making Machines


The "destroyer" of Byss? Byss was still intact the last time Antipater had heard. Collaborating with rank witches and warlocks had already brought them exactly nowhere and now they were going to conjure forth another one. Tiresome.

Fortunately that was not what the Lord-Regent asked him to weigh in on. Antipater droned out his input on command, "Corporatization and humanitarian outreach will be futile if we do not initiate a clean break from Emperor Solipsis and his cultists. Our enemies are not in any disposition to accept Imperial aid, vaccines or otherwise, from what they perceive as a rogue nation. That is a ridiculous sentiment."

The droid paused to stare at McAuliffe, perhaps to emphasize who exactly he was speaking to. After a moment, he looked away and continued.

"Any disbursement of aid should be directed to neutral worlds that do not presently benefit from a wider network of support. That is where the seeds of a reconstituted Empire will take root."






Once more Moff Antipater brought up good points regarding Director McAuliffe's and Empress Keto's proposal, although the idea of pursuing a clean break from Solipsis and his "cultists" was somewhat of a hot topic for the Lord-Regent. While he has largely been propped up to his position of Lord-Regent by the more secular elements of the Dark Empire, Sularen had been careful enough to keep the more mystical aspects of the Empire such as the Church of the Dark Side around unwilling to alienate them, especially given their value when dealing with the New Jedi Order. Already elements of the Dark Side Elite had expressed their displeasure with the Lord-Regent and further antagonizing them would only make the Empire more vulnerable to Jedi actions.

"Providing aid to neutral worlds would indeed be beneficial, especially given the current war-torn and chaotic climate of the galaxy that has left many planets either in ruins or isolated. If neutral worlds will be the target of our humanitarian outreach, then we should focus on worlds in proximity to the Diarchy as to further deny them a stable foothold over the New Territories. By showing these people that the Empire still cares about providing for their worlds and bringing prosperity and security to them, then they will reject the idealistic promises offered by the Diarchy, and if their rhetoric proves true, they will only crack down on these pro-Imperial planets, further increasing support for the Imperial cause." the Lord-Regent proclaimed.

"However, Moff Antipater. I do find the idea of fully separating ourselves from Solipsis's followers quite difficult to implement. The Dark Side Elite has already proven to be quite non-receptive to my ascension and the Church of the Dark Side will most likely not view the idea of total separation favorably. If we are to follow through with such idea, it must be done in a way to preserves the stability of the Empire and avoids any negative reaction that may further undermine us. Although i presume you might have ideas on how best to pursue a policy of total separation between the state and religion without compromising our Empire, yes?"

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Antipater Antipater Dyans Keto Dyans Keto Domaric Mordane Domaric Mordane Allister McAuliffe Allister McAuliffe

"Negativity matters, not, my dear regent."

The shade of Onrai manifested - her presence having finally visualized itself despite its prior lurking within the confines of the council chambers. "The solution to Imperial longevity is to undermine the basic tenets of the Galactic Alliance. Remember when Ord Mantell was transmogrified into a paradise world, and the Alliance tried desperately to come up with some excuse to fight against 'propaganda' that was objectively correct? Aiding neutral worlds is an excellent first step towards that." Certain that it wasn't clear what she was suggesting, she proceeded. "In essence, what we need is to indisputably claim the moral high ground. The lie of the Alliance, and of the Jedi as well, is predicated on the insincere belief that they are 'good.' That they represent all that is right in the galaxy. To defeat them, we must pursue the same path the Architects once followed in order to undermine the Celestials: we must destroy the false perception that the Alliance are 'good,' and replace it with an understanding that the only power in the galaxy to possess proper morals, care for the well-being of sentient life, and who desires to give them a better lot in life than they have now, is the Empire."

She looked at Antipater and his clear contempt for the remaining supporters of Solipsis. "There is little to worry about there, Antipater. The Church of the Dark Side will be undergoing a case of, shall we say, radical restructuring. As for what the former Hand decides to pursue, that is up to him - but it will be no continuation of his former master's work."

Another white eye peered over at the Krath liege. "Why sell an illusion? Why not seize the truth: that we care about the citizenry of the Empire - nay, the galaxy - and the Alliance does not? The Alliance does not develop its worlds to improve the quality of life for citizens. They don't deal with pollution or the restoration of climates. When a world is bombarded, they do nothing to aid it. We can claim objective morality in these matters. And no matter how they seek to spin it, objective truth cannot be denied. Not even by the Alliance propaganda network."

She looked back at the Regent. "And what sphera do you intend to provide?"
Machines Making Machines


"I presume you might have ideas on how best to pursue a policy of total separation between the state and religion without compromising our Empire, yes?"

A body is most vulnerable when fighting off infection,” Antipater drearily opined, “And yet when it is finished, the body is stronger for it. We should not tolerate an indefinite illness for the sake of avoiding momentary weakness.

He detested using these medical analogies, but it was frequently the only thing meat-creatures could understand. Before he could elaborate on his plan to dissolve the Church of the Dark Side through the liberal application of nerve gas, Onrai materialized from nowhere.

Marvelous. The wraith had joined them.

She looked at Antipater and his clear contempt for the remaining supporters of Solipsis. "There is little to worry about there, Antipater. The Church of the Dark Side will be undergoing a case of, shall we say, radical restructuring. As for what the former Hand decides to pursue, that is up to him - but it will be no continuation of his former master's work."

If you wish to restructure the Church, then I welcome you to it. A new object of worship will serve the whole of the Empire far better.

It was conceivable that the Church and even the Dark Side Elite could be shaped into something useful. If either of those organizations were capable of meaningfully resisting such reforms, then they would not have been absent from this meeting.

But now came a critical disagreement.

"Why not seize the truth: that we care about the citizenry of the Empire - nay, the galaxy - and the Alliance does not? The Alliance does not develop its worlds to improve the quality of life for citizens. They don't deal with pollution or the restoration of climates. When a world is bombarded, they do nothing to aid it. We can claim objective morality in these matters. And no matter how they seek to spin it, objective truth cannot be denied. Not even by the Alliance propaganda network."

Outrage burned his circuits. Cooling systems strained against it. Wrong, wrong, wrong. How much time had to be taken up by these people being wrong?

That is not the truth. Your spectral existence has blinded you to material reality,” The droid-moff stamped out each word with impatience, “The Alliance and the Jedi are constantly engaged in relief work. We are not. We rather are openly tied to the Sith, whose primary contribution has been to lock themselves in a room and murder one another on the eve of a pivotal battle... Which they then lost."

Antipater’s hologram warped and the sound distorted briefly. Perhaps Diarchy warships were passing overhead on Jaemus, causing interference... Or maybe he was that incensed.

Your personal project on Ord Mantell is a welcome novelty, but it is not representative of Imperial policy, nor is it comparable to the Alliance’s undertakings. Our enemy will not be defeated by initiating a battle of optics on ground which favors them.






That is not the truth. Your spectral existence has blinded you to material reality, The Alliance and the Jedi are constantly engaged in relief work. We are not. We rather are openly tied to the Sith, whose primary contribution has been to lock themselves in a room and murder one another on the eve of a pivotal battle... Which they then lost. Your personal project on Ord Mantell is a welcome novelty, but it is not representative of Imperial policy, nor is it comparable to the Alliance’s undertakings. Our enemy will not be defeated by initiating a battle of optics on ground which favors them.

"I must agree with Moff Antipater." Sularen chimed in, as the Droid-Moff rebuked Onrai's idea of trying to dismantle the good reputation of the Galactic Alliance's humanitarian work and relief aid. "Ever since the conclusion of the Second Great Hyperspace War, the Alliance and New Jedi have engaged in extensive relief work and humanitarian aid projects, the most recent ones being on Coruscant, Taris and Iridonia. Trying to tell a narrative that the Alliance and the Jedi don't care about their own people when dozens of worlds inhabited by billions if not trillions can prove the opposite will only hurt us and further discredit us among the very neutral worlds that we seek to influence." the Lord-Regent began.

"Instead we should sell a different and more realistic truth not concerning the Alliance but rather the Diarchy, which since it's emergence poses the true threat to the future of our Empire. They speak so highly about how only they can end all wars and bring true peace to the galaxy, yet wish to start new wars by threatening all the powers in the galaxy who refuse to bend the knee to them. They claim to love and tolerate their citizens but in order to achieve their very vision they would have to violently suppress thousands of worlds who will openly reject them, such as the democratic worlds of the Core Worlds, the Sith Worlds of the Outer Rim and the Imperial worlds of the New Territories."

"The Diarchy is a relatively new power with no track record of relief work or humanitarian aid, all while propagating a hyperaggressive expansionist agenda that has made them into a galactic pariah on par with the Maw. If anything we should target them in a battle of optics that given the current circumstances can be easily won" the Lord-Regent proclaimed.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Antipater Antipater Dyans Keto Dyans Keto Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Allister McAuliffe Allister McAuliffe Domaric Mordane Domaric Mordane

At the droid moff's comment on how the Sith had slaughtered one another before losing a battle on Vortex, Onrai audibly and visibly laughed. "What fools. And here we are, fortunate that they only followed the way of the modern Sith. If they acted as the red-skins did during their nascent ascension, the danger to the Empire would be even greater." The laughter died down in her voice. "A reason why the chosen species of the Six is practically extinct." When Antipater continued insofar as referencing how Onrai's revivification of Ord Mantell's crepuscular was not the general policy of the Empire, she sighed. "Given the benefits and our need to provide for ourselves, perhaps it should be. A new Imperial Mission, perhaps."

The nascent Lord-Regent responded, laying out his intended target: the Diarchy. Onrai was certain she would yet clash with one of such entities in the future. "They are also pale imitations of greater men." She spoke. "The sooner they can be removed from the face of the galaxy, the better."

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